Thursday, March 26, 2009




Self-Confidence is the inner feeling of certainty. It is a feeling of certainty about who you are and what you have to offer to the world. It is also the feeling that you are worthwhile and valuable. Everyone craves to possess Self-Confidence because it makes life so much easier and so much more fun. Self-Confidence gives us the energy to create our dreams. Self-Confidence is an essential element to being able to create powerfully.

There are so many aspects to feeling the power that comes through certainty.

Self-Confidence is experimenting with our innate ability to create by changing our belief systems and knowing we have incredible power within us. These experiments result in numerous creations.

Self-Confidence and certainty are absolutely necessary to be able to create our dreams in fast, powerful and fulfilling ways.

We share in this report is how you can begin to have outrageous Self-Confidence in your own life.


Self-Confidence is not acting like you are better than others.

Self-Confidence is not feeling like you are better than others.

Self-Confidence never feels false. It is not something that you should feel guilty for wanting.

Self-Confidence is not the ability to step on others or promote your self by tearing someone else down.

Many people are afraid to desire great gifts for themselves. They feel if they desire great things for themselves it will mean that they are filled with pride and may mean they are not worthy, loving people. But, nothing could be further from the truth. It takes a level of Self- Confidence to desire great things for yourself and you never achieve great things without first having the desire for them.

Having Self-Confidence does not mean you are unworthy. It does not mean you should feel guilty for wanting to possess it. Self-Confidence is not boastful or mean or taking advantage of others.


Having Self-Confidence is the same as having a magic wand in your pocket. Self-Confidence opens doors for you almost like magic. When you are confident people are attracted to you. You find that people want to be around you – for all kinds of reasons – to date you, to learn from you, to play with you, to experience life with you and for many, many other reasons.

Self-Confidence is attractive. It is powerful.

You will find that by taking the time to learn to be Self-Confident, life will begin to change for you in almost every way possible.

What would you like to have more than anything?
Take a minute and list ten things you would love to have in your life.


Now, take each one of these desires, and list two ways that you could achieve them if you possessed incredible Self-Confidence.











Does that make you want to have more Self-Confidence in your life?
Before you can powerfully create anything in your life, it is imperative that you have a strong and consuming desire for it.

Hopefully, the above exercise helped you begin to feel this way. It is also necessary that you have a belief system that gives you Self-Confidence. Your beliefs create the world around you. They affect how people respond to you and how you respond to people. Changing your beliefs can deeply affect your Self-Confidence.

You will have to perform simple exercises each day. And you will be immediately amazed at how different you feel and how your Self-Confidence will change.


Our Confidence is cut off at the knees when we are feeling fearful. It is also completely stopped when we feel guilty or discouraged.

These are the main issues addressed here.

Do not ever feel discouraged, but when you do, learn to decide that you will allow your self to feel it – and enjoy the feeling.

Now, this may sound a bit strange to you, but the power in this is that it releases the pent-up feelings that are causing the discouragement. When you decide to enjoy the feeling while it is there, you must also decide to take it easy on your self and stop criticizing your self. Just say to your self, “Okay, if I am going to feel depressed today – at least I am going to enjoy it because I don’t get to feel it very often.” Then you will laugh and think about how you can enjoy feeling like a victim for the day. The simple statement and behavior takes the pain out of the moment and pretty soon your discouragement lifts. Though it sounds a little crazy but try it and see if it works for you.

Try a little experiment, ask yourself, then write down the answer to this question.

What would it feel like to allow myself the complete freedom to enjoy my misery for a day or two?

Too many of us beat up on ourselves way too much. This process literally kills our spirit and our drive. One of the things further discussed here is how to learn to honor and love yourself on a completely different level.

A very simple and effective trick you have heard a million times (but it always works) is to just put a smile on your face. It is amazing how this can make you feel different. Smile and don’t let the smile leave your face for twenty minutes! Know that it is a temporary feeling and that many times it is the darkest before the dawn.

As soon as you wake up every morning, before you get out of bed - put a huge smile on your face and name 10 things you are grateful for in your life. In fact, do it right now!


Simple actions like this on a daily basis WILL change how you feel.


When we feel fearful, we are not Self-Confident. Fear is a killer. When we feel fear, we feel like we are not good enough. There needs to be a distinction here. If you are feeling fearful because you haven’t done your homework and are lacking critical preparation for whatever it is you are fearful of, then you need to stop and do your preparatory work. Being Self-Confident also means we have prepared ourselves as best we can. But, if your fear is because you live in fearing most of your life, there needs to be a drastic change.

Self-Confidence comes from walking through our fears. Every time we walk through a fear, no matter, how small – we build our Self-Confidence.

What is something you are afraid to do right now?

Decide that you will do it, no matter what. It doesn’t even matter if you do it well. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work out for you. The only thing that matters is that you step through your fear and do it. So many times we criticize ourselves for our perceived failures.

We took a step and “failed.” A secret to Self-Confidence is to not judge
your self this way. Instead, look at the action you took and honor your self for being brave enough to take it! That is what really counts! A lot of the things we do don’t work out. So what? Better to die trying than to not try at all. But again, the important point is, if you walk through your fear and take the action, your Self-Confidence will improve, especially if you honor and praise yourself for taking the action.
Try it!

Remember: Honor yourself for stepping past your fear and taking action. It doesn’t matter if the action works out! What matters is you conquered your fear! And now your comfort zone has expanded. Once you continue to do this, you will find your comfort zone will get larger
and larger until there is nothing that you are afraid to do. Your Self-Confidence will be explosive.


The next thing that holds us back is feeling guilt.

Actually there are not many things in life to feel guilty about. If you are honestly trying to do your best, why feel guilty?

Guilt saps our strength and our power. Allowing others to make us feel guilty is not productive. It is usually their own insecurities that cause others to try and make us feel guilty. Choose right now, not to allow anyone to make you feel guilty.

List the things that you are feeling guilty for in your life right now:

1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________
9. _______________________________________________
10. _______________________________________________

Hope you didn’t have enough things to fill out all ten lines, but if you did, you will find yourself feeling amazing Self-Confidence once you have eliminated each of these things from your life.

Now, you take each of those things that you are feeling guilty about and write what it would feel like (what you would feel like), if there was no reason to feel guilty about them anymore.
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________
9. _______________________________________________
10. _______________________________________________

How would it feel, if you weren’t carrying around all this guilt-baggage?

Now, let us get real creative – and list the reasons why you shouldn’t feel guilty for each of these things.
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________
9. _______________________________________________
10. _______________________________________________

Now, you must refuse to feel guilt from this point on. And notice how you life and feelings begin to change, especially your Self- Confidence.


Here we are going to learn an action that you have probably never done before and possibly never heard of before. What you have to do every morning and every night is to take a few minutes – alone – and honor yourself. The way you do this is simple. You just say to yourself, “I am going to honor myself for . . . “Instead of stopping at one thing, think of as many things as you can. And feel the honor when you acknowledge yourself!

These are examples of things you can honor yourself for:

“I am going to honor myself for getting up early today, not staying
up late and watching TV when I needed my rest, making a healthy choice for lunch, not yelling at someone, washing the dishes, exercising, making a phone call, doing an action that I was afraid to do, sending love to someone . . . “

It doesn’t matter how small it is, what matters is that you feel honored, acknowledged and special. Why wait for someone else to do it when you can do it yourself (and probably do it better than anyone else)?

Getting into the habit of doing this will boost your Self-Confidence
tremendously. And it will give you a greater sense of peace and joy.

You are special and you deserve to be acknowledged – constantly. You can give yourself this gift – every morning and every night. It is so important to feel special, to feel worthy, and to feel valued. This is a gift you can give to yourself. Undoubtedly your Self-Confidence will increase.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Unlock Your Intuition

Your intuition is the gateway to your vast and unlimited self, and all the wisdom, love and guidance you need to craft your life optimally. It serves as your inner compass aligning you to your highest path and potential, and opens you to realms of awareness beyond five-sensory perception. What’s so exciting is that your intuition can be consciously accessed and leveraged in myriad ways for a multitude of purposes, bringing a treasure trove of gifts, opportunities, solutions and successes into your world.

No doubt you have experienced the workings of your intuition to some degree or other, however subtle or distinct the experience has been. More often than not, when intuition is encountered, it is done so at barely conscious levels, and only at a sliver of its capacity. When you learn to consciously access and apply it, however, you can harness this phenomenal resource to produce remarkable transformations in your life and reality.

In unleashing your intuitive self, you awaken to an entirely new way of living, creating and experiencing your life, and a whole new dimension of success; success that reflects and expresses your inherent gifts, talents and potential and your soul’s calling.

You move beyond conscious creation to engage the grace of co-creation and the magical dance of divinely guided living.

In the zone of intuition, you will discover your world anew; rich in meaning and significance, overflowing with blessings, trust, opportunity and the sparkle of clarity and truth. The blindfolds of separation dissolve as you begin to experience the love and support that is there for you in every moment.

New vistas of awareness can dawn that will transform and transcend the limiting perspectives of your conditioned self and the shackles of ego. By connecting more to the magnificent being that you are and your innate greatness, you will access a cornucopia of gifts and reams of untapped information.

It is your intuition that separates the wheat from the chaff, illuminating that which is most serving. It offers spiritual solutions to seeming problems, garners the pearls from challenges and crises, and aligns you to your authentic self and a life that reflects that more real you on all levels.

You can walk from the dimly lit world of five sensory living, and the barren sands of the soul starved ego, to a world glistening and alive with possibility, vision and wonder, and a world in which you are never, as you have never been, alone. As the veils between conscious and higher conscious realms are lifted, you will experience more of the true nature of reality, and the extraordinary truth of who you are.

Guidance sourced in unconditional love and exalted wisdom will transform your life in unprecedented ways beyond the vistas of your current imaginings. Your intuition is the bridge. It is your ultimate ally.

Natural and Innate

The good news is, this phenomenal untapped tool waiting to be unleashed within, is natural and innate.

Your intuition can communicate with you in pictures, words, feelings and gestalts of awareness. It may come in hunches, visions, inspirations, urges, voices, flashes of insight, light-bulb moments, epiphanies and so on.

Everyday intuitive experiences can include sensing who is calling you before you answer the phone, feelings or ‘knowings’ about people, places or circumstances that steer your decisions beyond rational explanation, telepathy, premonitions, inspiration, empathy, hearing a voice within, timing, synchronicity and flow, an irrefutable sense of certainty and truth, awareness of subtle energy, and so on and so forth.

In today’s consensus reality with its five-sensory predominance, awareness and use of this exceptional gift has been lost and forgotten by many.

A lack of openness and understanding, cynicism, spiritual disconnection, conditioning, narrow mindedness, and a preoccupation solely with solutions and answers from the physical world (which quantum physics now proves is comprised of wavelengths of energy that respond directly to thought), has left this resource denied, doubted, suppressed or discarded. The channels of this invaluable tool have, for many, dried up and sealed over, and its communications go unheard, unfelt, unseen or unknown.

However, not only is your intuition an inherent gift, you can pro-actively re-awaken this priceless ally and proactively engage it for an oasis of reward, revelation and resolution.

When you learn to leverage this gift in an accomplished way, there is literally no end to the transformations, solutions, successes and miracles that can occur. You are literally plugged into the divine and the highest resources and guidance available.

Intuition versus Imagination

Intuition can sometimes be confused with imagination, instinct also, and below we include some distinctions and differentiations.

Your instincts are your genetic survival drives. They are not sourced in inspired guidance from your Higher Self but from your inbuilt physiological programming.

Your imagination on the other hand, is a creative tool that responds to your desires and intentions and sculpts visions towards the manifestation of your reality.

Your imagination utilizes the same inner senses as your intuition (such as inner sight, sound, feeling, and so on) to birth new worlds and possibilities into being. Directed by your will, it is a powerful ingredient in the conscious creation process. Through the portal of your imagination, inspiration can also enter and flow and creativity be born.

Your imagination is a bridge to your intuition. In using your imagination to visualise a place within your mind (such as a place in nature, for example), you create an internal setting from where to access and interact with your intuitive resources, and receive insights from your subconscious mind and Higher Self.

In this way your imagination is a valuable steppingstone and aid in your intuitive development, and serves to lay a backdrop and foundation. With guided visualization, for example, your imagination can set the scene and create the setting from where you can open to and receive insights and impressions through your inner intuitive senses.

Your Higher Self

Being aware that you have a Higher Self, a ‘you’ that exists beyond 3rd dimensional reality and your personality and identity, will in itself open you to its guidance.

A spiritual perspective, or an understanding that there is information available beyond your conscious rational processing, such as from your subconscious or unconscious mind, is a first step on the ladder of intuitive development.

The acknowledgment of something beyond your conscious self can build a bridge to that greater awareness.

If you do not believe in, or have no reference point for, a source from which to receive insight, even if that were the sense of an expanded self, you will be far less open or primed to receive it.

If the concept of a Higher Self, as explored below, does not ring true for you, you can use another frame of reference that you resonate with, be that your unconscious mind, the universe, a higher power, Creator, your guardian angel, higher mind, God, Buddha, or what-ever is in accordance with your beliefs, perspectives and path.

Your Higher Self is the aspect of your consciousness closest to source. It is your divine essence; the fully realized eternal being that you are.

Your Higher Self exists beyond space and time and the confines of third dimensional reality, and is the overseer of your multi selves - past, present and future, conscious and subconscious. It is the all-seeing, all-knowing you at the deepest level.

It knows you inside out and loves you unconditionally. It wishes the very best for you in every moment, and its vast all-encompassing perspectives will serve you in ways far beyond the bounds of your personal beliefs, programs and identity.

Your Higher Self knows all you have been, all you are now, and all you are becoming, and is aware of the countless possibilities available for your growth and success, and that which will serve your highest path.

Your Higher Self’s guidance is sourced in absolute love for you and is one hundred percent trustworthy. It is the you that never lies and never dies, and the antidote to the ’ego virus’ and its exhausting, self-defeating games.

Your Higher Self wishes for you to experience that which is most in alignment with your heart’s desires (including desires that you may not even be consciously aware of presently), and to assist you in unveiling and expressing your inherent gifts, talents and strengths, in whatever way is most appropriate for you.

Your Higher Self is also there to facilitate your conscious co-creation of reality and the manifestation of your dreams.

By connecting to this infinite loving source, you are accessing the highest level of your being, which will raise your vibration dramatically, and by virtue of this alone, enhance your manifesting potential.

Decoding Inner and Outer Reality

Your Higher Self and the universe seek to communicate with you not only through your
intuitive senses and internal reality, but also via your outer world.

Your reality is a reflection and extension of the entirety of your consciousness, as well as a platform and gateway through which the universe can communicate and co-create with you, offering you signs, synchronicities, nudges and pointers to guide and assist you on your path.

The insights you receive from your inner world (via intuitive practices and meditation for example), and your outer world (via signs and messages that present themselves in your physical reality), are often metaphoric in nature with meanings beyond obvious linear interpretation.

Messages from your external reality can come through any number of means, be it the radio, media and advertising, vehicle registration plates, animals that cross you path, conversations partaken in or overheard, and so on and so forth.

Learning to decode the messages present in both your inner and outer reality is an integral part of gleaning the most from your intuitive resources.

The Power of Asking

One of the most powerful ways to initiate guidance and get the intuitive ball rolling is to ask questions. Asking questions to your Higher Self/the universe/Creator/All That Is/your unconscious mind/deities/spirit guides, or whatever or whomever you desire will sharpen and hone your intentions and open the doors to receive.

To ask is to assert your desire and willingness for help and insight, as well as specify the area of enquiry that interests you, or that to which you desire healing and support perhaps. From here your Higher Self and spiritual allies can respond via your intuition as well as through signs and whispers in your outer world.

Asking questions provides a starting point and serves as both catalyst and framework. You are likely already asking questions internally in your day-to-day life, though perhaps not wholly consciously or in a directed fashion, such as “I wish I knew just what to do here”, or “Is this job really right for me?”, “I really want some help with this!”, and so on. Your Higher Self hears these inner calls and requests and responds, yet so often you are
numb and blind to those responses.

The Intuition Zone program provides the practices and settings with which to apply your questions to receive responses in a direct and profound way. What is important, of course, is the nature and form your questions and queries take, and refining such will optimise your intuitive potential. When you are more conscious of your questions, you invite greater focus and clarity, both to your current standing and perspectives, and to the guidance you invoke through them.

You can ask your Higher Self for assistance with anything, be it decision making, inspiration, resources (to attract and be aware of those that are suitable for you), insight and illumination in general, prioritizing (i.e. guidance on what is a valuable next step), healing, love and support, as well as the manifesting of your desires.

With any requests, always offer your thanks. This affirms that you have already received that which is requested before it has arrived, which in itself opens the channels of receptivity and accelerates its realization. Gratitude is a powerful generating energy.

Creating the Space

Your intuition is about being open and receptive, being in a sensitive mode where you can receive impressions and insights, however subtle or vivid. It is a place of humility, ‘listening’ and non-judgment. Your intuition functions best when you are outside of your conscious analytical mind, and is the other side of the coin to logic and reason.

The alpha and theta states induced in the Intuition Zone guided meditations part the ‘veils between worlds’ and allow higher states of consciousness to dawn. It is in these twilight arenas that your intuition can be encountered in a more pronounced and tangible way.

The ‘Earth-Light’ meditation recording is specifically designed to clear and align your energy system and connect you to source, so that you are more open and able to receive higher awareness. The purifying, centering and consciousness raising effects of this meditation make it an ideal primer to any intuitive practice, and becoming a clear and receptive conduit.

Your intuition is most accessible when you are in an altered zone of awareness. In everyday life this can often be experienced when doing automatic, ‘mindless’ or repetitive tasks, such as having a shower, knitting, washing the dishes or doing chores, plastering or painting, and so on. It is in these states that your mind switches off and higher inspiration and intuitive gestalts can slip into your consciousness without the convoluted trappings of your analytical mind.

The most beautiful and powerful state for receiving higher guidance in is that of unconditional love. Love is the highest vibration in the universe, and the most potent and elegant consciousness raiser and transformer. It is in love that truth dawns and ego ceases. Love conjures a shower of positive states, including clarity, joy, compassion, knowing, giving and receiving, trust, and so on, all of which benefit your intuitive unfolding.

The divine union serves to dissolve the limiters and encumbrances that keep you from the truth of who you are, and the illusion of separation on which the ego thrives.

Experiencing the divine love that is there for you in every moment, will heal and blossom your heart so that you can experience more of the ultimate truth of reality – that only love is real.

The Four Primary Intuitive Channels

Your intuition can be accessed via numerous platforms and mediums.

The four primary intuitive channels for receiving six-sensory information are also known as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance, and we refer to them as the ‘four clairs’.

You can learn to develop and flex these six-sensory modalities consciously to experience higher awareness and expanded perspectives. Clairvoyance is your inner sight, and the means by which you receive pictures, images and visions within your minds-eye. Clairaudience is your inner hearing for audible responses, clairsentience is your ‘felt sense’, such as empathy and sensing through your feelings, and claircognizance is the inner knowing and epiphanies of awareness at higher levels. All reveal insights and information beyond five-sensory sources.

You may naturally resonate with, or be more dominant in one or more of these inner senses, though you can work to awaken and strengthen each one of them.

These intuitive senses can gift you with the whys behind the what – the bigger picture as seen through the eyes of your expanded self, and insights from realms of existence beyond this third dimensional plane.

Where practical external quantitative methods such as muscle testing and pendulum dowsing can provide the setting for ‘Yes-No’ responses, which can be useful for honing and consolidating your intuition, there is a wealth of greater scope and substance available through your four clairs that brings far deeper, richer revelations, understandings and meanings.

The Heart’s Wisdom

We explore here one of the greatest in your intuitive development. It is, of course, your heart.

Your heart is a gateway to your soul. It is not only a portal for love, but also for divine guidance and intuitive knowing, and a wisdom that reaches far beyond the intellectual capacities and rationalisations of the mind.

To follow your heart is to discover your bliss, yet following your heart is clearly not necessarily the same as following your feelings.

Emotions and certain desires can arise from thoughts, beliefs, fears and agendas at a personality level. They can be the products of your identity or ego self, and sourced in unconscious patterns, programs and compulsions rather than higher truths or knowing.

As an example, you may have a strong craving for sweet things due to a sugar addiction that is the result of an unconscious attempt to numb yourself from suppressed painful or distressing emotions. To follow your desire to eat sugar clearly doesn’t serve your health.

You may also have a strong emotional pull to stay in a dysfunctional or destructive relationship, for example. Obviously, before any relationship will change, you yourself need to first, for your reality is a reflection and extension of the entirety of your consciousness. As such, whatever exists in your worlds always houses gems of potential revelation. Conversely, you may experience aversive desires, or your fear may urge you against certain courses of action even though these may be ideal for your evolvement and offer opportunities and stepping stones for the manifestations of your dreams. Public speaking, for example, may be terrifying initially, yet once conquered, could lead you to greater success and the sharing of your gifts and talents with a wider audience.

We mention these rather obvious examples to demonstrate that your gut feelings are not necessarily the voice of your intuitive nudging. The heart’s voice may not speak loudly or urgently. It does not attempt to force, control or dominate you (unlike the ego). It is the voice of love, and when heard, its truth is undeniable, and its words expansive and transformational. Your heart’s wisdom will always lead you to a more rewarding path.

Opening your heart allows the truths of your soul to be gleaned, and along with illumination, brings the love, acceptance and compassion that facilitates healing and change most elegantly.

An open heart allows a connection to who you truly are, and the peace, love, clarity and faith that arise from such, all of which greatly serve your intuitive journey. Love melts away the pain of separation and awakens light-filled spaces free from fear, judgment, blame, pity, shame and misperceptions. Becoming conscious of the internal dynamics of any situation is the first step on the path to transformation, and it is your heart that can reveal those in the most loving, profound and adept way.

The Intuition Zone journey is about connecting to the light within and the divine essence that you are. It is a journey to love’s wisdom, and a journey that will open your heart to that love.

Your Inner Realm

One of the most powerful ways to access your intuitive resources is in meditation, and more specifically through what we call your ‘inner realm’; a landscape within (such as a place in nature visualized within your mind) that can be both created and engaged via your imagination. Your inner realm can serve as a portal to higher truth and awareness beyond that which is otherwise consciously available to you, as well as a doorway through which to receive the incredible love and gifts of your Higher Self and their transcendent perspectives and solutions, which surpass the confines of your conditioned self and consensus viewpoints. You can literally ‘step outside of the box’ onto a plateau from where to encounter your intuitive self.

In your inner realm you experience the energy and essence behind form, which includes the thoughts, feelings and internal processes that give rise to your outer world manifestation. This energy will often be experienced metaphorically.

What is exciting is that you can transmute and transform your internal landscape by your will, desire and imagination, with resultant transformation in your outer life.

Your inner realm does not bide by the same rules as your physical reality. It exists at a more subtle level and is malleable, reflecting and responding to your thoughts, feelings and intentions.

When you change, so does your world. The most powerful places to make those changes in the most elegant and effective way are within you, in your inner realm.

Taking action

Guidance received via your intuition can only impact your life at the level you allow and the extent to which you awaken and engage your intuition, and then act upon the insights, inspiration and information you receive.

First comes the accessing and developing of your intuition and the forging of two-way pathways for receiving guidance. Without acting upon such guidance, however, your greatest resource is essentially redundant.

Your life is in your hands. The choice lies with you. It is just meditation that you harness the untapped power of your intuition and receive the bountiful blessings and invaluable guidance your Higher Self wishes to bestow.

Six-sensory wonderland awaits!

Collected from Anie Belton

Monday, March 16, 2009


ARTHRITIS continued………

Vitamin and Nutrition Therapy for Arthritis:

* A low-fat, low-cholesterol diet filled with the complex carbohydrates found in vegetables and grains has been shown to be very helpful in dealing with many cases of arthritis. This type of diet reduces the fat in the tiny arteries that supply blood to the joints, allowing more oxygen and in addition to a good low-fat diet, a number of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are useful for arthritis.

* Vitamin therapy may relieve certain arthritic symptoms. Beta carotene (vitamin A) has an antioxidant effect on cells, neutralizing destructive molecules called free radicals. Vitamins C, B6, and E, as well as zinc, are thought to enhance collagen production and the repair of connective tissue. Vitamin C may also be advised for people taking aspirin, which depletes the body's vitamin C balance. Niacin (vitamin B3) may also be helpful, although excessive use may aggravate liver problems.

* Boron plays a major role in bone health. It helps the body regulate calcium, keeping it from leaving the body and weakening the bones. Epidemiological studies from several countries have shown that in areas where the soil contains more boron and people are presumably eating boron-rich foods grown in that soil, there is less osteoarthritis. When boron supplements were given to hospitalized arthritis patients, some 90 percent reported "complete remission" of symptoms. Apples, nuts and green leafy vegetables are good sources of boron.

* Bromelain, an enzyme derived from pineapple, has a notable anti-inflammatory action. Take 200 to 400 milligrams three times daily, between meals.

* Black currant seed oil, borage oil, evening primrose oil, fish oil, and flaxseed oil contain essential fatty acids that increase the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. Take 500 to 1,000 milligrams of any of these oils twice daily. It may take several weeks to notice an improvement in symptoms.

* DLPA (dl-phenylalanine) is a simple nutritional amino acid. Studies have shown that DLPA effectively blocks arthritis pain and joint inflammation in many patients. It is much safer than the standard arthritis medications. It takes longer to show an effect compared to standard anti-pain and anti-arthritis drugs..

* Glucosamine, a compound of the simple sugar glucose and the amino acid glutamine, has been shown to be an effective natural means of slowing cartilage breakdown and encouraging cartilage repair. With continued use, it helps to relieve joint pain and stiffness. Several studies have shown that glucosamine can be a more effective pain reliever than ibuprofen for arthritis. Take 500 milligrams of glucosamine three times daily. It may take as long as six to eight weeks to attain maximum relief.

* Many people with arthritis are deficient in manganese, a trace element that activates important enzymes and is necessary for normal skeletal development. Take 5 milligrams twice daily for one month.

* Methylsulphonylmethane (MSM), a natural source of sulfur, can help relieve arthritis pain and maintain joint health. Sulfur is an essential component of make up connective tissue. Take 500 milligrams three or four times daily, with meals. Sulfur is naturally found in meat, milk, poultry and fish.

* Omega-3 fatty acids, found in many fish, have shown promise in fighting arthritis. Some 26 osteoarthritis patients ranging in age from 52 to 85 were given either an omega-3 fatty acid called EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) or a placebo. Six months later, those who had received the EPA had less pain and were better able to perform normal activities, as compared to the placebo group.

* Pantothenic acid, part of the vitamin B complex, has been shown to help prevent and alleviate arthritis. The connection between this nutrient and arthritis was made nearly forty years ago. But there is definitive study that shows precisely how it works. Many people do find relief from their symptoms with pantothenic acid. Take 3 grams daily. It will take one to two weeks before you see any results. If no results are seen in three weeks, discontinue the supplement. Some physicians recommend up to 12 grams of pantothenic acid a day, but this should be taken only under your doctor's supervision.

* S-adenosylmethionine (SAM or SAM-e) is an amino acid derivative that has been shown in clinical trials to be comparable in effect to the combination of glucosamine and chondroitin. Like glucosamine, SAM plays a role in the formation of cartilage. It also exerts a mild analgesic effect. In one study, it was shown to be even more effective than Motrin in treating the pain of arthritis. Try taking it as follows:

Week 1 - Take 400 milligrams three times a day.

Week 2 - Take 400 milligrams twice a day.

Week 3 - Reduce to a maintenance dosage or 200 milligrams twice a day.

* Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that fights free-radical damage. Take 200 micrograms of selenium daily. You'll find selenium in almonds, barley and oranges.

* Shark cartilage may be useful. Each day, take one 750-milligram capsule per 11 pounds of body weight (or 1 gram of powder per 15 pounds of body weight), divided into three equal doses. Once you have achieved relief of pain, reduce the dose to one 750-milligram capsule per 30 pounds of body weight (or 1 gram of powder per 40 pounds of body weight). See more details in our shark cartilage page.

* Superoxide dismutase, also known as SOD, has also shown promise as an arthritis fighter. When 253 people with noninfectious joint inflammation were given a supplement containing SOD, 228 of them reported decreased pain and swelling, along with increased mobility of the afflicted joints.

* Vitamin E protects against muscle-wasting and is essential in cellular respiration, thus helping remove toxins. Vitamin E, like the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used for arthritis, inhibits the prostaglandins that play a role in pain. When 50 patients were given either 400 IU of vitamin E or a placebo, the vitamin E group reported greater pain relief and had to use less pain medication. In another study, 29 patients were given either vitamin E or a placebo for 10 days. Then the groups were switched without their knowledge, so that the vitamin E group was getting a placebo and the placebo group the vitamin E for an additional 10 days. The vitamin E produced "good" pain relief in 52 percent of the patients, compared to 1 percent for the placebo. Wheat germ, nuts and tomatoes are natural sources of Vitamin E.

Choose a product containing mixed tocopherols and start by taking 200 international units daily, then gradually increase the dosage until you are taking 400 international units twice daily, once in the morning and again at bedtime.

Caution: If you have high blood pressure, limit your intake of supplemental vitamin E to a total of 400 international units daily. If you are taking an anticoagulant (blood thinner), consult your healthcare practitioner before taking supplemental vitamin E.

* Vitamin C is important for the synthesis of collagen and the repair of connective tissue.

* Vitamin B6: Many older people are found to be deficient in B6. The first symptoms of a deficiency include tingling, pain, and stiffness in the hands. Arthritis patients are recommended to take a supplement of B6 in addition to the B6 that's in your recommended daily antioxidant vitamin/mineral supplement.

* Vitamin B1 and B12: One study found an important relationship between doses of NSAIDs and vitamins B1 and B12. When administered to persons with arthritis, these two B vitamins enhanced the effectiveness of the pain killing drugs, allowing for a lower dosage of the drugs. The effect was seen in as little as seven days. If you take drugs for pain relief, it would be worth taking vitamins B1 and B12 to see if they help you reduce your dosage.

* Vitamin A and the minerals zinc and copper are crucial to the formation of collagen and connective tissues. Be sure that your daily multivitamin contains at least the minimum RDA of these.

Home Remedies For Arthritis

Arthritis is a prehistoric disease; archeologists have found skeletons of the first humans, with evident cases of arthritis. But modern medicine, has not yet found the reason why, this condition affects more then 100 million people around the world. However, there is evidence that humans have been using Home Remedies for arthritis pain for thousands of years.

Arthritis affects the joints of the body, they become swollen, painful, deformed, and stiff, eventually the join loses range of motion and the pain becomes unbearable. There are many types of arthritis, the most common one is Osteoarthritis, which causes a slow deterioration of the cartilage on the tip of each bone, then they start rubbing against each other injuring the articulation, scar tissue grows to deform the area.

Ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve), and even other more powerful prescription drugs, cause severe gastrointestinal problems, such as, bleeding ulcers, acidosis, stomach pain, and they interfere with the synthesis of collagen, which is fundamental for the formation of cartilage, if cartilage is not rebuilding itself, more damage is going to be inflicted on the joints. For those reasons Home remedies for arthritis are a better idea.

Recommended Home Remedies for Arthritis

Home remedies for arthritis #1: Eat Alfalfa or take alfalfa capsules. It's very rich in minerals needed for the formation of bones.

Home remedies for arthritis #2: Take chondroitin sulfate 700 mg. a day to strengthening of joints and ligaments. Take it in tablet form.

Home remedies for arthritis #3: Take Vitamin E to protect and improve joint mobility.

Home remedies for arthritis #4: Bogbean is an aquatic herb, very powerful herb special for rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis, anti-inflammatory. Since this herb cleans the urinary tract, drink lots of water.

Home remedies for arthritis #5: Boswellia has anti-inflammatory effects similar to Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) (Advil, Aleve, Tylenol etc.) but this herb does not have side effects and does not causes gastrointestinal bleeding. It improves circulation to the joints, relieves pain, inflammation and stiffness.

Home remedies for arthritis #6: Ginger is the Killer of Arthritis pain, superior to any Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NASID), it can be applied directly on the affected area or taken orally ether way it relieves pain, inflammation, stiffness, bursitis, tendinitis.

Home remedies for arthritis #7: Methylsulphonylmethane (MSM) is rapidly establishing a reputation as a safe, natural effective solution for many types of pain and inflammatory conditions including: degenerative (wear-and-tear) arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic back pain, chronic headaches, muscle pain, fibromyalgia, tendonitis, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, TMJ, post-traumatic pain, inflammation and heartburn. MSM may be the natural solution for pain.

Saturday, March 14, 2009



Arthritis is a disease that causes pain and loss of movement of the joints. The word arthritis literally means joint inflammation (arth=joint, ritis=inflammation), and refers to more than 100 different diseases.

One Highly Effective Arthritis Remedy:

A good friend of the author's successfully used the following regimen with 100% success to rid not only himself, but also friends and two other family members of various forms of arthritis:

1) Plant Minerals - minerals are the building blocks of the enzymes necessary for the utilization of all other vitamins, etc. (rock minerals are a waste of money since only 5-15% can be broken down by the body before being eliminated. Minerals already digested by plants are potentially 100% absorbable).

2) Colloidal Gold - gold has even been used by mainstream medicine to treat severe Arthritis.

3) MSM, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Collagen

4) Calcium with Ostivone

5) Colloidal Silver - some arthritis is believed to be viral related and colloidal silver is an extremely good anti-viral agent.

Since arthritis comes in so many different forms and since no two people are alike, what works for one person or one kind of arthritis may not work for another. Following are other remedies, treatments and information which have reported to have been effective with at least some people and some forms of arthritis:

Juices for arthritis:

Black cherry juice is good for arthritis. Take two glasses of this juice twice a day (each glass contains four ounces of juice diluted with four ounces of water). You can discontinue this treatment once the pain clears up.

People with rheumatoid arthritis should include in their daily diets juices high in the anti-inflammatory nutrients. These nutrients include beta-carotene (found in parsley, broccoli and spinach) and copper (found in carrots, apples and ginger).

Rheumatoid arthritis improves with a glass or two a day of pineapple juice. Pineapple is a rich source of the enzyme bromelain, which has strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Other Useful Juices:

* Carrot, celery, and cabbage juice. Add a little parsley.

* Potato juice (If you are not allergic to this).

* Cherry juice.

* Take juice of half a lemon before every meal and before going to bed.

* Carrot, beet, and cucumber.

* During acute stage, one pint to one quart celery juice daily.

* Radish, garlic

Caution: Certain juices may cause adverse reactions in people with osteoarthritis. Avoid citrus fruits, and be careful with vegetables from the nightshade family, including potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. Citrus seems to promote swelling, and nightshades contain psyllium alkaloids, which cause problems for some people.


* Dilute five drops of essential oil of ginger in 20 drops of a carrier oil such as wheat germ or almond oil (available from health shops), and massage into painful areas. Remember that essential oils should never be taken internally.

* Glucosamine sulphate. This is a glucose-based chemical produced naturally in healthy joints, where it is used to repair and maintain cartilage, and seems to be effective in reducing arthritic pain, at least in mild to moderate cases. So far, no adverse side effects have been reported, but it is the subject of major clinical trials in the U.S., so we should soon know a great deal more.

* Bathua. Drink one tablespoon of the juice of fresh leaves of bathua every day on an empty stomach for two-three months. Do not add anything to the juice and do not eat anything for two hours before and after.

* Warm mustard oil, spread it over Madar leaf (Indian) and foment the joint by spreading the leaf over the joint and keeping it there for a few hours for arthritis relief.

* On an empty stomach take three to four walnuts or one fresh coconut.

* Gin and raisins. (I know this sounds crazy – but I have personally spoken with several people who swear by it!)

Put three shot glasses or small containers on your counter. In each shot glass, put 9 (not 8 or 10) golden raisins, not regular raisins. Pour just enough gin over them to just barely cover them (any kind of gin should do). By the 3rd day, the gin should be absorbed by the raisins. Eat the raisins from one shot glass, and set the glass up again with 9 more golden raisins, just barely covered with any kind of gin, and put the fresh glass at the end of the line. Each day, eat the 9 oldest raisins, and then set it up again. Repeat until pain-free, usually 72 hours. It is truly amazing. And cheap!

* Mix equal parts of the following herbs: black cohosh, genitian root, angelica, colombo, scull cap, valerian, rue and buckthorn bark, and take one heaping teaspoon in a cup of boiling water. Let steep, and drink three 1/2 cups per day.

* Alfalfa (Medicago saliva): Alfalfa is a folk remedy for arthritis in southern Appalachia. Alfalfa tea is rich with nutritive minerals. We recommend that you do not take the alfalfa powder; take the tea instead. Alfalfa contains 1-canavanine, an amino acid that can cause symptoms that are similar to those of systemic lupus, an autoimmune disease that can also cause joint pain. Some scientific studies show that these symptoms can occur in both animals and humans as a result of eating alfalfa. The amino acid is not present to any significant amount in alfalfa tea. Place 1 ounce of alfalfa in a pot. Cover with 1 quart of water and boil for thirty minutes. Strain and drink the quart throughout the day. Do this for two to three weeks, and then take a break for seven to ten days before starting again.

* Angelica (Angelica arch-angelica): Angelica is an herb that has been used in European folk medicine since antiquity. It can be used to treat arthritis. The Western variety of angelica has 12 anti-inflammatory constituents, ten antispasmodic (muscle relaxant) constituents, and five anodyne (pain-relieving) ones. The Chinese sometimes use their native variety of the plant (Angelica sinensis) for the same purpose. The Chinese species is sold in North America under the names dang gui or dong quai.

Place 1 tablespoon of the cut roots of either species of angelica in 1 pint of water and bring to a boil. Cover and boil for two minutes. Remove from heat and let stand, covered, until the water cools to room temperature. Strain and drink the tea in 3 doses during the day for two to three weeks at a time. Then, take a break for seven to ten days and start the treatment again if desired.

* Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa): An American Indian treatment for arthritis involved using the root of black cohosh. There are five species in the Cimicifuga genus worldwide that have been used to treat rheumatism. Black cohosh contains aspirin-like substances as well as other anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic constituents. Simmer 1 teaspoon of black cohosh root in 1 cup of boiling water for twenty minutes. Strain and drink the tea in 2 divided doses during the day. Do this for two to three weeks, and then take a break for seven to ten days before starting the treatment again.

* Boswellia has unique anti-inflammatory action, much like the conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used by many for inflammatory conditions. Unlike NSAIDs, however, long-term use of boswellia does not lead to irritation or ulceration of the stomach.

* Celery (Apium graveolens): The remedy of eating raw or cooked celery seeds or large amounts of the celery plant to treat rheumatism arrived in North America with the European immigrants. Using celery to treat rheumatism persists today in North American professional herbalism. Various parts of the celery plant contain more than 25 different anti-inflammatory compounds. And, taken as a food, celery is rich in minerals: A cup of celery contains more than 340 milligrams of potassium. (A potassium deficiency may contribute to some symptoms of arthritis.) Dosage: Place 1 teaspoon of celery seeds in a cup. Fill the cup with boiling water. Cover and let stand for fifteen minutes. Strain and drink. Drink 3 cups a day during an acute arthritis attack.

* Devil's claw is a good anti-inflammatory agent. Take 1,000 milligrams (1 gram) twice daily.

* Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate): Magnesium has both anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties and it can be absorbed through the skin. Magnesium is one of the most important of the essential minerals in the body, and it is commonly deficient in the American diet. A New England remedy for arthritis is a hot bath of Epsom salts. The heat of the bath can increase circulation and reduce the swelling of arthritis. Fill a bathtub with water as hot as you can stand. Add 2 cups of Epsom salts. Bathe for thirty minutes, adding hot water as necessary to keep the temperature warm. Do this daily as often as you like. (If you are pregnant or have cardiovascular disease consult your doctor before taking very hot baths).

* Feverfew has been used for centuries for arthritis. Some studies have found that the anti-inflammatory effects of this herb are greater than those achieved by NSAIDs. Take 250 milligrams once or twice daily.

* Ginger (Zingiber officinale) In one study, Indian researchers gave three to seven grams of ginger a day to 18 people with osteoarthritis and 28 with rheumatoid arthritis. More than 75 percent of those participating in the study reported at least some relief from pain and swelling. Even after more than two years of taking these high doses of ginger, none of the people reported side effects. Many people drink ginger tea for osteoarthritis. A ginger compress is also beneficial for arthritis.

* Ginseng Liquor (Panax quinquefolius): Ginseng contains constituents called ginsenosides, which have a variety of pharmacological actions. It is an adaptogen - it increases the body's ability to handle a wide variety of stresses. Chop 3.5 ounces of ginseng and place in 1 quart of liquor like vodka. Let the mixture stand for five to six weeks in a cool dark place, turning the container frequently. Strain and take 1 ounce of the liquid after dinner or before bedtime every night for up to three months. Then, take a break for two weeks before starting the treatment again.

Notes: Be sure to use American ginseng, not Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) for this remedy. Asian ginseng can actually aggravate the pain of arthritis. If you are prone to gout, the alcohol may aggravate your condition. In that case take ginseng tea without alcohol.

* Hop Tea (Humulus lupulus): The hop plant contains at least 22 constituents that have anti- inflammatory activities, including several that act through the same cellular mechanisms as steroid drugs. Four constituents have antispasmodic properties, and ten may act as sedatives. The fresher the plant, the better it is. Today, hop tea is a popular remedy for rheumatism. Place 2 or 3 teaspoons of hop leaves in a cup and fill with boiling water. Cover the cup and let stand for fifteen minutes. Drink the tea while it's warm. Drink 1 to 3 cups between dinner and bedtime as needed.

* Licorice acts in the body like cortisone, without the harmful side-effects. Licorice is believed to enhance the action of bupleuri. Licorice also has significant anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy activity. Licorice components are able to bind to glucocorticoid receptors on cells and exert glucocorticoid-like effects. It has been used historically in the treatment of inflammation, allergy, asthma and other conditions that put added stress on the adrenals. Long-term use of licorice can cause an elevation of blood pressure. Take 2 capsules daily.

* Mustard Plaster (Brassica alba, Brassica juncea): Mustard plaster is a popular counter-irritant treatment for arthritis. The irritating substance in mustard is allyl-isothiocyanate. This constituent is not activated, however, until the seeds are crushed and mixed with some liquid. Only then does the mustard produce the irritation necessary for the counter-irritant effect. Crush the seeds of white or brown mustard or grind them in a seed grinder. Moisten the mixture with vinegar, and then sprinkle with flour. Spread the mixture on a cloth. Place the cloth, poultice side down, on the skin. Leave on for no more than twenty minutes. Remove if the poultice becomes uncomfortable. After removing the poultice, wash the affected area.

* Oregano (Origanum vulgare): Oregano, is a powerful antioxidant. The antioxidant activity of oregano and other medicinal mints is due in large part to rosmarinic acid, a compound with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties. The antioxidants in oregano may help prevent the cell damage caused by free radicals. Free radical reactions are probably involved in inflammation, degenerative arthritis and the aging process in general. And evidence is accumulating that antioxidants may help relieve osteoarthritis and Pineapple (Ananas comosus). Bromelain, a chemical in pineapple, helps prevent inflammation. Athletic trainers have been reportedly recommending pineapple to athletes to prevent and treat sports injuries. It is believed to have beneficial effects on arthritis also. Bromelain can help the body get rid of immune antigen complex, compounds that are implicated in some arthritic conditions. It also helps digest fibrin, another compound suspected of being involved in some types of arthritis.

* Red pepper, Cayenne pepper (Capsicum spp.): Red pepper interferes with pain perception. The pain-relieving chemical in red pepper, capsaicin, triggers the body to release endorphins, nature's own opiates. Red pepper also contains aspirin-like compounds known as salicylates. Compounds in red pepper can also help relieve arthritis when you apply the herb to the skin. Researchers have discovered that you'll get significant pain relief if you apply capsaicin cream directly to painful arthritic joints four times daily. In one study of this treatment, the capsaicin cream reduced RA pain by more than half. Osteoarthritis pain was reduced by about one-third. Place 1 ounce of cayenne pepper in 1 quart of rubbing alcohol (a poison not for internal use). Let stand for three weeks, shaking the bottle each day. Then, using a cloth, apply to the affected area during acute attacks of pain. Leave the solution in place for ten to twenty minutes, then wipe clean. You can also use an OTC (over-the-counter) cream that contains capsicum like Zostrix or Capzasin-P.

* Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis): Drinking rosemary tea to treat arthritis is an American folk medicine practice. The plant's leaves contain four anti-inflammatory substances-earnosol, oleanolic acid, rosmarinic acid, and ursolic acid. Carnosol acts on the same anti-inflammatory pathways as both steroids and aspirin, oleanolic acid has been marketed as an antioxidant in China, rosmarinic acid acts as an anti-inflammatory, and ursolic acid, which makes up about four percent of the plant by weight, has been shown to have anti-arthritic effects in animal trials. Put 1/2 ounce of rosemary leaves in a 1-quart canning jar and fill the jar with boiling water. Cover tightly and let stand for thirty minutes. Drink a cup of the hot tea before going to bed and have another cupful in the morning before breakfast. Do this for two to three weeks, and then take a break for seven to ten days before starting the treatment again.

* Sesame Seeds (Sesame indicum): A remedy for arthritis from Chinese folk medicine is to eat sesame seeds. One-half ounce of the seeds contains about 4 grams of essential fatty acids, 175 milligrams of calcium, 64 milligrams of magnesium, and 0.73 milligrams of copper. Increased copper intake may be important during arthritis attacks because the body's requirements go up during inflammation. Grind up 1/2 ounce of sesame seeds in a coffee grinder and sprinkle on your food at meal-time. You can use this treatment for as long as you like.

* Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica): Stinging nettle is an official remedy for rheumatism in Germany. It is the most important herb to consider for treating early onset arthritis. Nettle juice contains an anti-inflammatory component similar to that of steroid drugs. It also contains 47 parts per million of the mineral boron, figured on a dry-weight basis. Boron is an important mineral for arthritis. (The Rheumatoid Disease Foundation suggests that three milligrams of boron, taken daily, may be helpful in treating osteoarthritis and RA.) Directions: Take 1 tablespoon of nettle juice three times a day. You can freeze the juice for later.

* Turmeric (Curcumin, Curcuma longa): Curcumin, the yellow pigment of turmeric, has significant anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin has been shown to be as effective as cortisone or phenylbutazone in certain models of inflammation. Curcumin also exhibits many beneficial effects on liver functions. The typical dosage of curcumin is 400 to 600 mg 3 times daily. Curcumin is sometimes given in combination with an equal dose of an extract of the pineapple plant called bromelain, which appears to possess anti-inflammatory properties of its own. Curcumin is thought to be quite safe. Side effects are rare and are generally limited to occasional allergic reactions and mild stomach upset. However, safety in very young children, pregnant or nursing women, and those with severe liver or kidney disease has not been established.

* Wild Cucumber Bark: Described as "the best plant for treating rheumatism and arthritis" according to herbalists. It can be put in drinking alcohol or made as a tea. Dosage: Take a teaspoon of it three times a day and one tablespoon at night. Note: Wild cucumber is a laxative. When taking wild cucumber bark, the dose should be kept below that which loosens the bowels.

* Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa): Wild yam contains diosgenin, a steroid constituent with anti-inflammatory properties. Wild yam tea is a popular folk remedy for muscular rheumatism. (Some eat the root of the wild yam instead.) Place 1 ounce of wild yam root in a 1-quart canning jar. Add a few slices of fresh ginger root. Fill the jar with boiling water, put the lid on tightly, and let the mixture stand until it reaches room temperature. Drink 2 to 3 cups of the tea each day for three to six weeks, and then take a break for seven to ten days.

* Willow (Salix, various species): Willow bark was the original herbal aspirin. It contains a chemical called salicin, which the Bayer Company eventually transformed into aspirin that so many people with arthritis take daily. Willow bark tea has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects similar to those of aspirin. But because the irritation-causing ingredient in aspirin tablets is diluted in tea, you'll have less risk of stomach upset, ulcer and overdose if you take the tea instead of the pills.

* Wintergreen (Gaulteria procumbens): Wintergreen was used to treat arthritis by the American Indian tribes. The plant was accepted in the United States as an official medicine for arthritis in 1820. The chief active pain-relieving constituent in wintergreen is methyl-salicylate. This compound can be toxic when consumed in concentrated wintergreen oil, even when applied to the skin, so stick with using the dried herb. Place 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried wintergreen leaves in a cup and cover with boiling water. Cover the cup and let steep for fifteen minutes. Strain and drink 3 cups a day. Do this for two to three weeks, and then take a break for seven to ten days before starting again.

* Yucca - Yucca has long been used to reduce arthritic pain. A double-blind clinical trial indicated a saponin extract of yucca demonstrated a positive therapeutic effect. It was suggested that effects were due to indirect effects on the gastrointestinal flora. It is possible that yucca decreases bacterial endotoxin absorption thus reducing this inhibition of cartilage synthesis.

* Sarsparilla tea, alfalfa tea, cucumber juice and gelatin have all been reported as successful remedies for arthritis. Remember, what works for one person may or may not work for another. This seems to be especially true as regards to arthritis remedies. Keep trying until you find what works the best for you.

Caution: Chaparral (Larrea tridentata) is widely promoted in health food stores as a treatment for arthritis. In the early 1990s, reports of liver toxicity for chaparral appeared in scientific documents, and 18 cases of adverse effects to chaparral have since been reported to the USFDA. Two of those patients required liver transplants. The individuals who were poisoned took powdered chaparral in the form of capsules, ingesting toxic constituents. You can avoid this by taking a tea instead. All folk applications for chaparrel use it in the form of either an external wash or internally as a tea and not powdered herb. We recommend that you do not use this herb due to its toxicity.

Friday, March 13, 2009


As told in our topic “What is Reality” we now understand in continuation of that “What is Astral Projection”.

Astral Projection

No longer is it adequate, necessary or indeed desirable to rely solely on physics or channeled information for evidence of Spiritual realities. Over the last few decades in particular Astral Projection and “Out of Body Experiences”, often known simply as “OBE” have become increasingly more important at all levels in pointing the way forward and thereby reconnecting mankind with inner realities and destiny and purpose in life. Astral Projection is also the best possible preparation for the next physical death, which of course everyone will experience sooner or later. “Death” is an event in the personal evolution of every person, and event experienced a multitude of time, that should never be feared, being the next stage of a joyous Spiritual journey on the return to Our Creator, The Source, to God.

Those who can Astral Project from their physical body in order to explore the inner realms of reality, their next home, never fear “Death”, knowing beyond any doubts whatsoever from first hand experience that in reality the finality of so called “death” really does not exist, and is in fact no more than a completely natural transition from the dense, low vibration of Energy of the dense physical world of matter, to a much higher energy vibration and correspondingly finer density of existence in the inner worlds, the Astral and Spirit Worlds. Again it should be mentioned at this stage that the Astral and Spiritual worlds are not actually “higher” relative to the physical world, but are in fact “inner” dimensions with The Source, Our Creator, God, at the very centre of all creation at the very highest vibration of Energy.

“Death” not only no longer holds any sort of fear for people who learn and engage in Astral Projection but indeed the situation known as death usually becomes something to be embraced with excitement and anticipation when the time arrives, and with it a knowing beyond all doubt the true reality of the life of peace, tranquility and harmony awaiting beyond the confines of the physical worlds.

In addition to spiritual exploration, meetings with deceased relatives and friends and for general information gathering, Astral Projection is also extremely useful for many other valuable purposes including for example healing and manifestation. Indeed an entire book could be written on the profound benefits of Astral Projection but by far the best way of discovering these profound realities is by direct experience. Those who experience Astral Projection and out of body experiences see and know the physical world for what it really is, temporal experience, and have a much more profound understanding of the true meaning of life, usually resulting in a complete re-evaluation and appraisal of individual priorities and direction.

There is actually nothing at all new about Astral Projection, even the most ancient cultures for example the ancient Egyptians and many others were totally familiar with, and made maximum use of these completely natural abilities. Many cultures, for example the Native American Shaman, still use Astral Projection extensively today for many purposes benefiting their people.

There are many references, albeit in symbolic form of Astral Projection in the books of the popular world religions. Highly advanced, no longer visible ancient civilizations of thousands of years ago used Astral Projection extensively to manifest things required on Earth. Even very earliest humans of hundreds of thousands years ago at the very dawn of civilization were capable of Astral Projection, very often practiced by the tribe Shaman or “Medicine-Man”. Indeed, the entire tribe would often participate in the Astral Projection process by drumming and other methods and rituals designed to invoke the required alerted state for Astral Projection. It is now thought that the paintings found on the walls of caves around the world, many of which are very similar indeed despite the vast distances separating them across entire continents, are actually pictures depicting experiences of Astral Travel, and more importantly such depictions relate important information bought back from the Astral worlds (we will be discussing them in our future write ups) by the Shaman for the benefit of the tribe. However, as with so many inner abilities such as clairvoyance, mankind has largely lost the instinctive ability to Astral Project due largely to the millennia of ongoing creed, dogma and materialism.

So what exactly is Astral Projection? First of all it is most important to keep in mind that Astral Projection is an extremely normal and natural ability of all human beings. Every time we achieve a certain stage of sleep the Energy and Astral Bodies are automatically projected out of phase with the physical body, often associated with rapid eye movement (REM), signifying the onset of a type of low level Astral Projection. Most people who are untrained in remembering dreams and sleep activities will have no recollection of this process.

Astral Projection is a completely natural human process, as natural in fact as sleep itself. The main difference between Astral Projection during sleep and Astral Projection in the usual meaning of the term is in the latter case the process is carried out with full conscious awareness and control. Rather than both Mind and Body being in the sleep state, with Astral Projection the Body is in the sleep state but Mind is fully awake, aware and in conscious control over the entire process; this then is the fundamental basis of all Astral Projection and Out of Body experiences.

Humans fundamentally comprise three distinct bodies; the physical Body, the Astral Body and the Mental or Spirit Body. There is also an intermediate body effectively acting as an “Interface” or “Transformer” between the physical and Astral Bodies, usually known as the Energy Body. Under normal circumstances most people are only aware of the existence of their physical body, being entirely focused on the five physical senses of sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch, through which the three dimensional world of matter is experienced. The inner much more subtle bodies are always very much present however, albeit existing beyond the range of the perception of the five physical senses.

We are all multi-dimensional beings, concurrently occupying physical, Astral and Mental Bodies, even though the most people are only aware of the physical body. Astral Projection is the projection of Consciousness beyond the limitations of the five physical senses in order to assume awareness and control of the Astral Body with its own Astral senses, within the Astral planes. Astral Projection is not actually projecting to the Astral plane as such, because as humans we are already multi-dimensional beings, continually and concurrently existing in the Astral and Spiritual Worlds at an infinite number of level of Energy. Where we perceive ourselves to “be” at any time is determined by at what level of vibration of Energy our conscious awareness is focussed. Astral Projection is therefore a Projection of Consciousness beyond the confines of the physical body, thus becoming consciously aware of the Astral worlds thereby assuming control over the Astral Body already residing there.

The Astral worlds are very real indeed, seeming much more solid and real than the physical world, the physical world merely being a very pale projection of these inner or more specifically inner realities; an illusion that might seem very real, but is really only “real” in accordance with and as perpetuated by the restricted perception of the five mundane physical senses existing exclusively to enable interaction with the physical world of the matter. Eastern traditions often refer to the physical world of matter as “maya”, illusion. It should also be noted that although the Astral worlds appear to be much more solid, “{real” and vibrant than the physical world, the Astral worlds have been and are still being created by the Minds of Human Beings in accordance with recent experiences within the physical world, and the Astral worlds are therefore in and of themselves not true reality, true reality being our true home as Immortal Spiritual Beings in the inner, inner world of Spirit. By comparison with the physical world, the Astral worlds are, at the mid to inner levels a much more pleasant place to be, with anything desired being instantly created by the Mind without the need for money, work or any of the other trappings of a physical existence.

Astral Projectors, like those who have passed on after the experience known as “Death” do not find themselves in some sort intangible “dream world” but rather experience a very solid, vibrant, intense environment where all senses seem greatly magnified. The senses involved of course are the inner Astral senses and not the five mundane physical senses so much taken for granted in the physical world of matter. Thoughts can actually be seen to take shape instantly and anything desired can be instantly manifested by means of the powers of imagination in the very process of creation. This is also why the Astral worlds are known as the “desire worlds” and the Astral body known as the “desire body”.

Everyone dwelling at any particular level of the Astral planes exists at exactly the same level of Spiritual evolution, vibration and density, and accordingly absolute peace and harmony prevails at the mid-Astral worlds and inner. Of course in the lower Astral worlds although everyone is also on the same level and of a like Mind, character and personality, those worlds reflecting the people living there can be anything but peaceful and harmonious, being a direct reflection of the dark lives of those people while living on Earth.

In the peace and harmony of the mid to inner Astral worlds there is no money, no factories or offices, no formal work, no bosses and no formal leaders, everyone of their own freewill working together harmoniously as Spirit for common causes. People living within the Astral worlds still nevertheless retain their materialistic perspective and earthly desires, the main reason they are still living there, and it is not until these desires have been completely recognized, satiated and purged, with material things seen for the illusions and barriers to progress they really are, can further progress be made to the inner vibrations and even more blissful conditions of the upper Astral and Mental worlds.

It is these human characteristics of the mid-Astral residents that causes the mid-Astral worlds where many Astral projectors find themselves to be very similar indeed in appearance to Earth, so similar in fact that after the transition known as “Death” many people do not immediately become aware of the fact they have “passed on”. Similar houses, cars, trains, gardens, leisure, entertainment and many other typical Earthly characteristics all created by the desires Human Mind over a eons of time, often as an extension of their previous material lives on Earth, all being represented within the Astral worlds. The Astral worlds were not therefore created for humans, but rather than humans as a reflection of what they believe life at that level should represent. This applies to all levels and realms of the Astral worlds, and indeed the Astral worlds of the beings of other planets are similarly created according to their own particular worlds, environments and perceptions.

Everyone upon passing over to the Astral worlds after physical death will be attracted to the precise degree of vibration and density of their Astral body, character, beliefs, perceptions and level of spiritual development. It is very important to remember that all of these worlds, past, present and future, still exist concurrently within the universal continuum of the Ether, the All, God. Unlike Earth however the Astral worlds contain everything from the past, present or even the future as relates to Earth time. This is one reason why the Astral worlds often seem so much like the physical world that some people who have passed on from Earth and why they often do not realize they have actually “died”, often taking quite some time before they can accept it. In addition to a familiar Earth-like environment and people, the Astral worlds are inhabited by numerous entities and beings who have never physically existed on Earth, including from the past and future of the Earth, and some who will even originate from other planets in the physical Universe.

Within the Astral worlds a cause in the form of a thought will immediately result in a corresponding effect whether it is positive, neutral or negative. New residents and visitors very quickly learn this important principle. The Astral projectors should always know and understand these laws before projecting otherwise it is very easy indeed to become caught up in undesirable situations that are in reality no more than the manifestation of their own Mind. If an Astral projector is afraid of meeting an “Evil Being” then he or she will upon projecting probably come into contact with that very same “Evil Being”. The Evil Being will however be merely a projection of the imagination and accordingly not at all real but nevertheless seeming very real and terrifying for those unprepared for such situations.

It is most important therefore within the Astral worlds for the projector to maintain a passive state of Mind at all times but with an air of mild curiosity. In this way everything will seem normal, and opportunities to explore and learn will rapidly present themselves quite naturally, very often by meeting other Astral residents or quite likely a guide. The guide might be a personal “Spirit Guide” or one of numerous willing Astral Guides who are only too willing and able to help all Astral projectors. At the final analysis however the best way to learn about the Astral planes and the Universal Laws prevailing there is to actually go and gain experience at first hand; this is exactly what the advanced intelligences of the inner realms are endeavouring to bring about in this new era of mankind.

There are many aspects of Astral Projection and the Astral worlds in general the projector will need to get used to very quickly indeed. Travel is instantaneous; it is simply a matter of thinking where you wish to go or who you wish to be with, and you will instantly find yourself there simply by focusing on the destination. Of course a projector needs to know where they wish to go in the first place and this is where an Astral guide can be most useful. Meeting deceased relatives, friends and others is very straightforward assuming they are still dwelling at the same or lower level of the Astral worlds. A person in a lower Astral world cannot however project to a person in an inner Astral world due to the higher vibrations that cannot be tolerated by an Astral body of lower vibrations. By simply thinking about the person, by visualizing them and by desiring and creating the intent to be with them as if you are already there, you will instantly find yourself in the presence of that person.

All communication in the Astral worlds take place by thought transfer, and is therefore instantaneous. Such thought transfer can be basic telepathic communication to the exchange of entire packages of information in symbolic form including imagery. There is no problem talking as on Earth with the “Mouth” of your Astral body if that is what you wish to do, and indeed new arrivals within the Astral might instinctively do, but nevertheless actual communication is still carried out telepathically by words, images or symbols over any distance, and therefore speaking as with a physical mouth is superfluous.

Many people newly arriving in the Astral worlds will quite understandably speak their mouth as a matter of habit, but this still results in telepathic communication nevertheless, and the quite soon realize that communication is by pure thought transference and will learn to use that mode of communication. Although telepathic communication can be performed a word or symbol at a time, it is much more efficient, as the people of the Astral worlds soon discover, to send entire “packages” of thoughts which the recipient can absorb at will.

Is Astral Projection Safe?

Yes, absolutely. No actual harm can come to an Astral projector. A question often asked is whether another being can enter and take over the physical body of a projector while the projector is still away from the physical body in the Astral worlds. The answer to this is quite simply this situation cannot occur anymore than it can happen while experiencing normal nightly sleep projections.

Another question often asked is whether it is possible to get “stuck” in the Astral planes and not be able to return to the physical body. Again there is no danger to this situation occurring whatsoever. While still possessing a physical body a fine silver cord, the Astral matrix, maintains a permanent connection between the physical and Astral bodies, and this connection is only finally severed at the point of physical death. In order to return to the physical body it is only necessary to think about being actually there at that moment and it will happen instantly regardless of your Astral situation at the time.

There have been numerous methods for achieving Astral Projection used over the course of many thousands of years. Many methods taught in modern books and elsewhere require very considerable practice, discipline, willpower, patience, concentration, and very often even a high degree of natural ability; many of these methods are often for all practical purposes beyond the scope of most people as many have discovered.

Many, if not most methods often described today are designed to initially result in what is commonly as “Out of Body Experience” or “OBE”. The term Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences (OBE) are often confused or used interchangeably. In fact, Astral Projection and OBE properly describe distinctly different situations. Astral Projection can be defined as a projection of Consciousness beyond the confines of the five physical senses to assume control of the Astral Body, the Soul, which then becomes the principle center of conscious awareness and the vehicle of travel while interacting with the Astral worlds. OBE can be best defined as an “Etheric Projection”, where the centre of Consciousness is projected away from the physical body to the Etheric Body, also known as Energy Body. The Etheric or Energy Body is denser than the Astral Body with correspondingly lower vibrations. An OBE therefore takes place closer to the physical world. The Etheric plane is often referred to as the “Real-Time-Zone”, taking place close to the physical world of space and time rather than within the Astral realms beyond space and time. Although an OBE, an Etheric projection appears to be taking place in the physical world itself, the environment experienced during an OBE is actually a dense reflection of the physical world with the Etheric plane and accordingly has many characteristics of the Astral plane of which it is a lower vibration, higher density aspect, including, as most people quickly realize, sensitivity to thoughts.

Thoughts can quickly cause what are often known as “Reality Fluctuations” where similar surroundings and objects can suddenly appear, alter in appearance or even disappear completely. It is quite possible and indeed common to convert an initial OBE to a full Astral Projection simply by consciously raising the vibrations of the Etheric Body. This can be accomplished by using the power of the Mind to form the definite intent to transition to the Astral, achieved for example by focussing on a particular Astral locale or a particular person residing within the Astral worlds. An intent is then formed to be at that locale or with the person, or by issuing a definite statement in the form of a command in the present tense, for example, “I am now in the presence of my Grandfather”, or assuming you have an Astral locale you are already familiar with; “I am now at….and then the name of the locale”.

Astral Projection and OBE methods like all inner abilities require long-term commitment and practice. It is no good approaching these things in a less than committed way or as some sort of novelty. Everyone can succeed with Astral Projection or OBE, but the Mindset for success must be absolute, regardless of how long it takes. Likewise, the desire for Spiritual Exploration must be absolute and most importantly for all the right reasons. Your Mind, and in particular Subconscious Mind should be so programmed to succeed with Astral Projection and OBE that it becomes an integral part of your psyche. The more you desire to experience these abilities the more likely you are to succeed, and the sooner you are likely to succeed.

As with most abilities, regular and dedicated practice makes perfect; it is not good enough to simply practice for just a few minutes for a few nights and give up if there is no success; like most things, success will come to those who persevere. Therefore before embarking on these important objectives, take time to make a full intellectual and emotional commitment, together with the resolve to succeed. The profound benefits for those who do so will more than justify such commitment and resolve, and the experiences will become increasingly more frequent and profound as time progresses.

Monday, March 9, 2009


We have earlier discussed about gays. We now further discuss Gayism in context to Holy Bible.

What does the Bible say about same sex marriage?

God's plan for sexuality

"So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."

"And the LORD God said, 'It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.' Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name. So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him. And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: 'This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.' Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."

The image of God is both male and female and is reflected in a godly union between male and female where the creative power of God, His life-giving, His self-giving and His moral nature are perfectly expressed. This is only possible in a heterosexual union.

When God created a partner for Adam He created Eve - not another Adam. This means that perfect partnership requires some level of difference as well as a level of similarity so great that Adam could cry out loudly, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh". Sexual intimacy between a man and a woman is the normal method of male/female bonding (emotionally and physically) because it corresponds to the design of our bodies and because it is the normal means by which offspring are created.

If God had intended the human race to be fulfilled through both heterosexual and homosexual marriage, He would have designed our bodies to allow reproduction through both means and made both means of sexual intercourse healthy and natural. Homosexual anal intercourse carries a high risk of disease, this is recognized in Scripture where gay men are said to receive in their bodies the due penalty for their error.

What Jesus taught

"And He answered and said to them, 'Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female,'"

"But from the beginning of the creation, God 'made them male and female.'"

When Jesus was asked questions about marriage he went straight back to the defining passages in Genesis that say that marriage is between male and female and is meant to be life long. He saw the creation accounts in Genesis as authoritative in His day. And what is authoritative for Jesus is authoritative for Christians also. While Jesus did not specifically teach on homosexuality, His establishment of the Genesis passages as the fundamental passages on marriage (even more fundamental than the Law) leaves no doubt as to the outcome.

What else does the Bible say?

"For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due."

"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionists will inherit the kingdom of God."

"Knowing this: that the law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine,"

These three references indicate that homosexual passions and acts are unnatural, shameful, contrary to sound doctrine and deny entrance to the Kingdom of God. This being so they cannot be the basis of a Christian marriage sanctioned by God's Church. The Church exists to save people, not to bless the means of their damnation. No marriage can be sanctioned by the Church if the very basis of the marriage involves acts that put the couple outside of eternal salvation. No matter what our society may legislate, the law of God is clear - that a marriage is not a godly marriage if it is a same sex union.

Are emotions a sufficient basis for marriage?

Hollywood has propagated the myth that when it comes to marriage "all you need is love." This is simply not true. Marriage is not based on emotion any more than any other partnership in life is. Marriage, like many human activities, involves emotion but it is not constituted by the presence of any particular set of emotions. I do not deny that many homosexuals feel deeply for their partners; however I do assert that no matter how deep the feelings, what they have is not a marriage in God's sight. It is a beautiful deception.

Just because an emotion is deep or powerful does not justify acting upon it. Like drugs, like adultery, like the abuse of alcohol or the love of money, or the power rush of human ego trips, there are emotions which are powerful and addictive and ultimately terribly destructive. Same sex marriages must satisfy criteria other than emotion. A marriage is more than a sexual pleasure center. A marriage is a social unit that is interwoven with dozens of other lives.

Same sex marriages do not last. Less than 5% of gays have ever had a relationship that lasted 3 years or more. Sex is not enough. Passion cannot sustain an inherently unstable social unit.

Society, the Church and same sex marriages

Marriage is a fundamental social institution that does not exist just for the emotional satisfaction of two individuals but for the greater good of the community which stands under the blessing or curse of God. Societies that put emotional fulfillment before right actions and principles will soon give way to a multitude of addictions and deep corruptions and collapse. God will judge any society that institutes same sex marriages.

We also believe that God will judge a society that permits adoption of children or the use of sperm banks by same sex couples. His Word stands over society and when it is deliberately flaunted in the name of progress and enlightenment, then it is not light but deep darkness that results. We cannot bend the principles of God's Word to suit vocal minority groups. While some nations may enact laws permitting these evils, the true church of God must stand resolutely firm and never allow the sanctioning of same sex marriages by Christian clergy. No church that takes the Bible seriously can sanction a union between homosexuals and lesbians.

Can a gay or lesbian person go to heaven?

The Bible says it's a sin, but it also says that the only unforgivable sin is not accepting Jesus. If a gay person accepts Jesus but does not change his lifestyle, can he go to heaven?

Of course a very important question—and a very hard one.

And you are exactly right: there is only one sin that is unforgivable. That is the sin of not believing and not receiving Jesus Christ into your life.

A gay or homosexual person can accept Christ, just as an alcoholic, a drug addict, or a mass-murderer can accept Christ. Jesus' offer of salvation is open to everyone.

Your question is whether someone can accept Christ, not change his lifestyle, and still go to heaven. The Bible teaches that if someone has truly accepted Christ into his life, nothing can keep him out of heaven. Christ says of Christians,

“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand.”

So,the real question is whether a person had a life-changing experience with Christ. Jesus said in Luke,

“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord’ and do not do what I say?”

Someone once put it this way:

“No Jesus, no change. Know Jesus, know change.”

Is your cousin trying to overcome his homosexuality? If he is, that's a good sign that Christ is working in his life.

God is the only one who truly knows our hearts. He's the only one who truly knows your cousin's heart. But if Christ has become the Lord of your cousin's life, then the Holy Spirit will begin to deal with the sin of homosexuality in his life.

What should be the attitude of the church toward homosexuals and homosexuality?

For the bible-believing Christian, there can be no doubt that homosexuality is a grievous sin in the sight of God. The awful catalogue in the first chapter of Romans of the sins practiced by the ancient pagan world began with this sin:

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another: men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

The term "sodomy," named after the inhabitants of Sodom, whose homosexual perversions caused God to rain fire and brimstone on their city in the days of Abraham, has for thousands of years been synonymous with this unique form of ungodliness. That it is basically a sin of rebellion against God is evident from the above passage in Romans.

The “cause” for which God "gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves" was that they had decided to "worship and serve creation more than the Creator".

Because such behavior is essentially animalistic, rather than human, sodomites are actually called “dogs” in the Bible. Note the strong prohibition in the Old Testament theocracy established under Moses.

"There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. Thou shall not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the Lord thy God for any vow: for even both these are an abomination unto the Lord thy God."
We can be sure that, if these practices were abominations to God then, He has not changed His opinion about them today.

The same terminology appears in the description of the holy city in the last chapter of the Bible.

Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

Thus, sodomites--like sorcerers, whoremongers (same word as "fornicators"), murderers, idolaters and lovers of lies--should undoubtedly also be excluded from church fellowship. If such a person, professing to be a Christian, persists in his sin, he should be put out of the church, like the one who had committed fornication with his stepmother.

Now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such an one no not to eat… Therefore, put away from yourselves that wicked person.

Homosexuality, like all other types of fornication, has no place in the family of God. Regardless of what modern promoters of “gay liberation” might wish to believe, sexual perversions are not inherited genetically but rather are learned behaviors and willful sins. Like alcoholism and other such sins of the flesh, they may become very difficult to give up for those who have been enslaved by them, but God is able to give deliverance to any who sincerely desire true freedom and salvation.

To “straight” Christians in the church, however, the familiar old admonition to "hate the sin, but love the sinner" surely applies in such cases. Homosexuals, long accustomed to being looked upon with disgust by most people, are understandably anxious for acceptance by society. Nevertheless, they must not be encouraged to continue in their wickedness, for it may well cost them their eternal souls. Instead, they need to be "loved into the kingdom," being delivered first of all from their rebellion against God, then to Christ for salvation and cleansing.

Notice Paul's testimony concerning the very real possibility of such deliverance:

Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, …shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

When there is true repentance and the sin is forsaken, then such a person should be lovingly received into the fellowship of believers (or back into that fellowship, if previously excommunicated), like any other repentant and believing sinner. This is the example given in the case of the incestuous Corinthian:

Sufficient to such a man is this punishment, which was inflicted of many. So that contrariwise ye ought rather to forgive him, and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow. Wherefore I beseech you that you would confirm your love toward him.

In spite of great pressure today from humanists and other liberals to get homosexuality recognized as an acceptable--if not even preferable--life style, the Bible makes it plain that it is really unnatural and animalistic wickedness that must be rejected by true Christians.

At the same time, we cannot forget that Christ died for their sins, as well as ours. They are still objects of His sacrificial love, and we should seek earnestly to bring them to Him for cleansing and deliverance.