Harness Your Mind to Create Prosperity
by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler
Our Overlapping Worlds
We now know beyond a doubt that everything in the known universe -- from the “physical” world, to our innermost thoughts -- is basically energy in motion.
Actually our inner “mental” reality and the world’s “outer” reality are an intimately interwoven quantum event. We are participants in an open and dynamic living universe.
And we are actually living in two side-by-side overlapping worlds.
Sounds strange?
Perhaps. But if you view your thoughts and memories as “energy sources” that exchange energy back and forth with the “external” physical world – you’re right in line with modern quantum physics and neuroscience.
Do you still doubt the impact of your mental energy on the physical world? Several years ago I had an experience walking on fire (this is real.) The first time across the red-hot 15-foot bed of oak coals, a fist-sized piece stuck to the side of my foot. I knocked it off and rejoined the line. And interestingly, although the coal had “branded” itself into the side of my foot, I had NO burns at the end of the experience.
How We Create Our “Reality”
Today’s PET scans let us “see” the brain actively change and grow with each thought.
The power of a thought can no longer be excused lightly as a “metaphysical theory.” Each image of the “outside world” forms and changes your brain on a physical level.
From these images our minds then construct what we call “reality.” For example: Our eyes don’t really “see” anything – they simply collect packets of light being reflected off an object. Those packets of light are transmitted into your brain as electronic signals.
According to your past experiences, your brain then interprets the signals and tells you what you are “seeing.”
Scientists are now saying what mystics have claimed for centuries -- that life is an illusion.
The “illusion” is that the world you perceive outside of yourself is actually the world as it really exists. After all, according to science, the “real world” is made up of nothing more than vibrating energy. We now know that each person creates their own version of the world based on their beliefs, expectations, and past history.
“So how does all of this tie in to creating prosperity?” you ask. Just this: Your interpretation of “prosperity” is closely affected by what you imagine, visualize, desire – or fear and reject.
Enter the Mind
Let’s take a look at what “prosperity” really is. Viewed in terms of neuroscience, prosperity is a “mental concept” housed in our physical brain. The “concept” of prosperity lives in the conscious rational portion of your brain. I’m sure you can give an accurate definition of the word “prosperity” without becoming emotionally involved. But when I ask you, “What does prosperity mean to YOU personally,” everything suddenly changes.
In a millisecond your subconscious mind briefly revisits your 2nd grade best friend
comparing their family’s new Cadillac to your family’s Ford; or perhaps when you wanted a new bike, but were told to “be realistic” about your family’s financial status. Or being told you would never “be truly prosperous” without becoming a doctor or lawyer
Where does this happen? Deep in your subconscious mind and unfortunately, the subconscious mind does NOT respond to “logical reasoning” about how those old “lessons” no longer apply.
Does YOUR lifestyle fall short of your dreams? You can be sure your subconscious mind is the source of what holds you back! And the problem is, each time you “revisit” one of those subconscious limiting thoughts, the neural tracts leading to it are physically strengthened!
This is NOT theory. This is hard, observable science!
There is only one way to overcome the subconscious “stuff” that keeps you from creating your ideal lifestyle. You’re going to have to reprogram your neurons (your brain cells) on a physical level.
Is there some “fast and easy” way to do this? Nope! Let’s face it -- if it was, everyone would be living the life of their dreams.
But it IS achievable!
Your Brain is Shrinking or Growing
We now know that the brain is not the unchanging organ we once thought it was. It is actually “plastic,” and physically changes with each thought or memory. When you think, perceive, remember or learn something -- chemical messengers are sent from one neuron (brain cell) to another. And if you think that “something” frequently, or with intense emotion, the associated neural physically grows in strength.
If you cease to think or recall something (like a bad memory), the associated neural pathway begins to physically breakdown – and will eventually even become non functional. Of course if that bad memory has attached intense emotions, it will take longer.
But there’s something very important to be learned from that! Neuroscientists have found clear evidence that emotion strengthens the neural pathway holding any memory or thought.
Emotion can be a powerful ally in reprogramming your mind!
Harnessing the Power of Focused Thought
Harnessing the forces of your mind to create your ideal lifestyle can be a truly exhilarating experience. Assuming you’ve decided you truly want to create the lifestyle you long for, let’s lay out a practice run:
* It all starts with a decision. That only takes a millisecond of time.
* Then you take a dramatic step (this one is life-changing). You get real with yourself and ask questions like: “What IS prosperity to ME? Is it a financial state, or does it has less to do with money and more with free time? What am I willing to give up to create a “prosperous” lifestyle? How will this look on a day-to-day basis? What do I have to change to achieve this?”
* Next you make a commitment to do whatever it takes. The more intense your emotional commitment to create what you want, the faster you’ll get it! That’s why it’s so important to go after what you feel passionate about!
* Finally, harness the power of focused thought to reprogram your neurons. Here’s an easy tool to begin to reprogram those neurons:
Every morning get a 3x5 card and write a brief statement of your most important dream. Then on the other side list one *specific* thing you will do TODAY to move closer to your dream. This must be real, specific, and achievable today! Put the card in your pocket or purse, and DO that specific thing by the end of the day.
In only a month you’ll be astonished at how your life has changed!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Secrets of Rapid Manifestation
by Dr. Robert Anthony
A few years ago I discovered a formula that allowed me to bring whatever I desired into my life almost instantly. I call it RAPID MANIFESTATION. Rapid Manifestation is based on the premise that we attract what we vibrate in the PRESENT MOMENT. In other words, what we have in our life is a vibrational match to our present moment awareness.
Everything comes to us through the most elemental law of physics – LIKE ATTRACTS
LIKE! Like Attracts Like is nothing more than the Law of Attraction. It is absolute and has nothing to do with your personality, your religious beliefs, being a “good” or a “bad” person or anything else. No one lives beyond this Law. It is an irrefutable law of the universe.
You may not have realized until now that this Law applies to your life and every other person’s life on the planet. The Law of Attraction, like all laws, is impartial and impersonal, which means it works when you want it to and when you don’t want it to.
It is important to understand that you are a CREATOR. In fact, you have no choice about whether you are creating because you are ALWAYS creating whether you realize it or not.
However, you do have a choice about WHAT you create. Unfortunately, most creations in people’s lives are by default. This is why most people feel their lives are out of control or that things are “happening” to them.
The reason we feel that things are “happening” to us is because we do not understand how the Law of Attraction works. This causes us to reap results, benefits and disadvantages that we do not understand.
The Law of Attraction is irresistible. All natural laws are irresistible. This includes the law of gravity, electricity or any other law that operates with mathematical exactitude. There is no variation. The law works perfectly EVERY time. Only the channel of distribution may be imperfect.
In order to understand how the Law of Attraction and RAPID MANIFESTATION works and how it affects our lives, we need to take a few moments and talk about our creative thought process.
Put simply, every thought that you think has its own energetic vibrational frequency. That thought is impressed into your subconscious mind. Then, through the Law of Attraction it will energetically attract another person, place, thing, or circumstance that has a vibrational match or is vibrating at the same frequency. Every thought is a vibratory pattern. Vibratory patterns tend to resonate with similar vibrations and this resonance initiates the creative process.
Quantum physics has shown that all matter is simply a certain vibratory rate of energy.
Matter is attracted to other matter. We call this the Law of Gravity. All energies will gravitate to other energies of the same or similar vibratory rates. All beliefs and thoughts, especially when attached to or accompanied by a strong emotional current, vibrate at a certain frequency or energy. And things, events, people and ideas that vibrate harmoniously with these thoughts will gravitate to them.
Everything is created through energetic vibration. Sound is vibration. Light is vibration.
Matter is vibration. Thought is vibration. Emotion is vibration. Everything is vibration.
Anything that vibrates at a specific pattern will attract like vibrations. This works on the chemical, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
Once you understand this principle you will realize why you do NOT have the things you desire in your life. Whenever you think about something you do NOT want, you set into motion the vibratory pattern that attracts the very thing you are trying to avoid. The same thing happens if you reach into your past experience and project the negativity into your present or future. You will attract more of the same thoughts from other people; more conversation, more evidence, more circumstances and more events that perpetuate this negative thought. Like attracts like. It cannot be avoided. It works the same way for positive or creative thought. Whatever you focus your intention on you attract.
In this inclusion based Universe, you attract what you think about, whether you want it or not. And so, if you’re saying “yes” to what you desire, or if you are saying “no” to it – you are still including it in your thoughts. The end result is that which you really WANT, you get - and that which you really DON’T want you get. The Law of Attraction works for both equally as well.
The important point is this: The more you struggle against something that you do NOT want, the more you attract it to yourself because you set up RESISTANCE to what you want. It can be summed up in this statement - Whatever you resist will continue to persist.
We have been programmed with the mistaken belief that we can get what we want by resisting or defeating what we don’t want. However, that defies the Law of Attraction.
Here is what you must know. That which you defend against will become your experience, that which you fear or worry about will become your experience and that which you prepare against will become your experience.
What we fail to understand is that the defense against sickness is the cause of it. The defense against poverty is the cause of it. The defense against evil is the cause of it. The defense of being hurt in a relationship is the cause of not having the relationship we desire.
As you prepare yourself and guard yourself, and are frightened and worried about anything you do not want, by focusing your attention on it and adding emotion to your thought, you are attracting the very thing you are trying to guard against. The more you try to defend, resist and guard against it, the more you fear it and the more powerful the attraction becomes.
However, the good news is if you put yourself in a clear, unrestrained nonresistance state of mind - even for just a few minutes with RAPID MANIFESTATION – allowing what you desire, you only need to relax, and it will come to you. Rather than struggling against illness, relax and allow wellness. Rather than fighting against poverty or not having enough, just relax and allow more to come into your life. This means no more struggle and strain. No more discouragement, doubt, worries and defeat, but a sure and happy process of creating the life you desire. As you look into your own life experience and see the lack of anything; money, relationships, or whatever you desire, understand that lack exists for only one reason. You have chosen thoughts that are not in harmony with your desire and so you are literally vibrating or attracting what you are getting.
When you understand precisely how everything comes to you, you are also free forever from worry and fear about what others may do to you. You no longer have to worry about the economic conditions, the government, your parents, and all the influences that you fear. The only reason you worry and feel threatened is because you have accepted the belief that if someone else does something that is not in harmony with what you desire it will somehow affect your life. But it cannot come into your life if you do not invite it through the energy of your thoughts, fears and worry.
Nothing is more important than focusing on what you want. That is the mindset that you have to have to be at. In other words, you must stop trying to get rid of things that you don’t want or don’t make you feel good, because you can’t. You can’t make people go away or make them stop thinking or talking about you. You can’t rid the world of terrorists.
You can’t rid the world of disease. You can’t get rid of the things that you don’t want. This is an illusion. It has never worked since recorded history and will never work because it violates the Law of Attraction.
RAPID MANIFESTATION helps you to find the Path of Least Resistance to what you desire. As you are reaching, in a determined way, for the Path of Least Resistance, anything that is resistant within you will present itself for you to take a look at. All your fears, doubts, and insecurities will pop up. This is your subconscious resistance based on your past experiences. All you have to do when this happens is to turn your focus in the other direction toward what you want.
As you start focusing on your desire, you become the owner of it, so to speak, without the complication of the details of manifestation. The Universe knows the essence of what you are reaching for and is yielding to you what you really want in the moment that you are able to relax and let go.
If you plant a seed in your garden I am sure you have enough common sense to know that your creation is well underway before you see any physical evidence. It is highly unlikely you will go out to your garden and stomp on the seed you planted and demand that you see results right now! You don’t worry about it, instead, you allow the natural laws of the universe to do their work and the small seed you planted matures into what you desire.
If you look at your life you will see you have planted many wonderful seeds of creation.
However, in your impatience, worry or lack of understanding concerning the principles of the creative process you have focused on what you don’t have or don’t want and therefore have destroyed or sabotaged the seeds of your desire.
Your desires will come to you at the very best time. You can influence the very best time by releasing your desire and saying, “The Universe knows the bigger picture. I’m going to let it deal with the timing of this. Meanwhile, I’ll just do everything I can to keep focused on what I desire or open myself to SOMETHING BETTER!”
Sometimes you may think there is a shortage of what you desire, that you will not get what you want because someone else will get there first. What you must realize is there is no shortage. If you miss one opportunity, another will open up, then another, then another. Your stream of opportunity never runs out. You don’t have to tire yourself by trying to force things to happen – just enjoy what you have and create more of what you desire.
You must know that Universe supports you in everything that you desire, and that there is nothing that you can identify, whether you articulate it or not, that the Universe withholds from you. All things are given in the moment that you ask and accept.
When you are specific about what you want, and you accept the Path of Least Resistance, the Energy flows through you toward your inspired idea – and you will manifest what you desire. However, if you want more than you believe you can achieve, you’re out of balance. And if what you are accepting is less than what you want, you’re out of balance. And so, you have to find your balance.
You must know, believe and understand that you are creating what you call your future in this moment. What you are looking for is balance in your thinking. In other words, living in the present moment while giving thought to something you desire and expecting it. If you desire and expect it, it will be yours.
If there is anything that I want you to take away from this is that you do not have to struggle to have what you want. Let the Universe that links everything together (and allows the seed to grow) to take care of the process or the details. When you focus on the end result, you will be guided to the specific people, circumstances, conditions, techniques or strategies in HOW to go about bringing forth your desire. Furthermore, you will KNOW that these people, circumstances, conditions, techniques or strategies are the “right” ones by the way you feel because you will feel positive emotion.
RAPID MANIFESTATION is about accepting that whatever you desire is already yours NOW. Everything is created NOW. If you visualize or think about the future, you will wait longer than necessary to manifest what your desire.
What this technique does is allow you to create in the NOW. It forces you mind to stay in the present while you create what you want. It is an ACTIVE exercise where you are taken through the RAPID MANIFESTATION process. It is short, simple, but extremely powerful.
Since I have learned this technique I have rapidly attracted everything I have ever desired. If you are ready to accept what you desire NOW - RAPID MANIFESTATION can help you to attract it the shortest possible time.
by Dr. Robert Anthony
A few years ago I discovered a formula that allowed me to bring whatever I desired into my life almost instantly. I call it RAPID MANIFESTATION. Rapid Manifestation is based on the premise that we attract what we vibrate in the PRESENT MOMENT. In other words, what we have in our life is a vibrational match to our present moment awareness.
Everything comes to us through the most elemental law of physics – LIKE ATTRACTS
LIKE! Like Attracts Like is nothing more than the Law of Attraction. It is absolute and has nothing to do with your personality, your religious beliefs, being a “good” or a “bad” person or anything else. No one lives beyond this Law. It is an irrefutable law of the universe.
You may not have realized until now that this Law applies to your life and every other person’s life on the planet. The Law of Attraction, like all laws, is impartial and impersonal, which means it works when you want it to and when you don’t want it to.
It is important to understand that you are a CREATOR. In fact, you have no choice about whether you are creating because you are ALWAYS creating whether you realize it or not.
However, you do have a choice about WHAT you create. Unfortunately, most creations in people’s lives are by default. This is why most people feel their lives are out of control or that things are “happening” to them.
The reason we feel that things are “happening” to us is because we do not understand how the Law of Attraction works. This causes us to reap results, benefits and disadvantages that we do not understand.
The Law of Attraction is irresistible. All natural laws are irresistible. This includes the law of gravity, electricity or any other law that operates with mathematical exactitude. There is no variation. The law works perfectly EVERY time. Only the channel of distribution may be imperfect.
In order to understand how the Law of Attraction and RAPID MANIFESTATION works and how it affects our lives, we need to take a few moments and talk about our creative thought process.
Put simply, every thought that you think has its own energetic vibrational frequency. That thought is impressed into your subconscious mind. Then, through the Law of Attraction it will energetically attract another person, place, thing, or circumstance that has a vibrational match or is vibrating at the same frequency. Every thought is a vibratory pattern. Vibratory patterns tend to resonate with similar vibrations and this resonance initiates the creative process.
Quantum physics has shown that all matter is simply a certain vibratory rate of energy.
Matter is attracted to other matter. We call this the Law of Gravity. All energies will gravitate to other energies of the same or similar vibratory rates. All beliefs and thoughts, especially when attached to or accompanied by a strong emotional current, vibrate at a certain frequency or energy. And things, events, people and ideas that vibrate harmoniously with these thoughts will gravitate to them.
Everything is created through energetic vibration. Sound is vibration. Light is vibration.
Matter is vibration. Thought is vibration. Emotion is vibration. Everything is vibration.
Anything that vibrates at a specific pattern will attract like vibrations. This works on the chemical, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
Once you understand this principle you will realize why you do NOT have the things you desire in your life. Whenever you think about something you do NOT want, you set into motion the vibratory pattern that attracts the very thing you are trying to avoid. The same thing happens if you reach into your past experience and project the negativity into your present or future. You will attract more of the same thoughts from other people; more conversation, more evidence, more circumstances and more events that perpetuate this negative thought. Like attracts like. It cannot be avoided. It works the same way for positive or creative thought. Whatever you focus your intention on you attract.
In this inclusion based Universe, you attract what you think about, whether you want it or not. And so, if you’re saying “yes” to what you desire, or if you are saying “no” to it – you are still including it in your thoughts. The end result is that which you really WANT, you get - and that which you really DON’T want you get. The Law of Attraction works for both equally as well.
The important point is this: The more you struggle against something that you do NOT want, the more you attract it to yourself because you set up RESISTANCE to what you want. It can be summed up in this statement - Whatever you resist will continue to persist.
We have been programmed with the mistaken belief that we can get what we want by resisting or defeating what we don’t want. However, that defies the Law of Attraction.
Here is what you must know. That which you defend against will become your experience, that which you fear or worry about will become your experience and that which you prepare against will become your experience.
What we fail to understand is that the defense against sickness is the cause of it. The defense against poverty is the cause of it. The defense against evil is the cause of it. The defense of being hurt in a relationship is the cause of not having the relationship we desire.
As you prepare yourself and guard yourself, and are frightened and worried about anything you do not want, by focusing your attention on it and adding emotion to your thought, you are attracting the very thing you are trying to guard against. The more you try to defend, resist and guard against it, the more you fear it and the more powerful the attraction becomes.
However, the good news is if you put yourself in a clear, unrestrained nonresistance state of mind - even for just a few minutes with RAPID MANIFESTATION – allowing what you desire, you only need to relax, and it will come to you. Rather than struggling against illness, relax and allow wellness. Rather than fighting against poverty or not having enough, just relax and allow more to come into your life. This means no more struggle and strain. No more discouragement, doubt, worries and defeat, but a sure and happy process of creating the life you desire. As you look into your own life experience and see the lack of anything; money, relationships, or whatever you desire, understand that lack exists for only one reason. You have chosen thoughts that are not in harmony with your desire and so you are literally vibrating or attracting what you are getting.
When you understand precisely how everything comes to you, you are also free forever from worry and fear about what others may do to you. You no longer have to worry about the economic conditions, the government, your parents, and all the influences that you fear. The only reason you worry and feel threatened is because you have accepted the belief that if someone else does something that is not in harmony with what you desire it will somehow affect your life. But it cannot come into your life if you do not invite it through the energy of your thoughts, fears and worry.
Nothing is more important than focusing on what you want. That is the mindset that you have to have to be at. In other words, you must stop trying to get rid of things that you don’t want or don’t make you feel good, because you can’t. You can’t make people go away or make them stop thinking or talking about you. You can’t rid the world of terrorists.
You can’t rid the world of disease. You can’t get rid of the things that you don’t want. This is an illusion. It has never worked since recorded history and will never work because it violates the Law of Attraction.
RAPID MANIFESTATION helps you to find the Path of Least Resistance to what you desire. As you are reaching, in a determined way, for the Path of Least Resistance, anything that is resistant within you will present itself for you to take a look at. All your fears, doubts, and insecurities will pop up. This is your subconscious resistance based on your past experiences. All you have to do when this happens is to turn your focus in the other direction toward what you want.
As you start focusing on your desire, you become the owner of it, so to speak, without the complication of the details of manifestation. The Universe knows the essence of what you are reaching for and is yielding to you what you really want in the moment that you are able to relax and let go.
If you plant a seed in your garden I am sure you have enough common sense to know that your creation is well underway before you see any physical evidence. It is highly unlikely you will go out to your garden and stomp on the seed you planted and demand that you see results right now! You don’t worry about it, instead, you allow the natural laws of the universe to do their work and the small seed you planted matures into what you desire.
If you look at your life you will see you have planted many wonderful seeds of creation.
However, in your impatience, worry or lack of understanding concerning the principles of the creative process you have focused on what you don’t have or don’t want and therefore have destroyed or sabotaged the seeds of your desire.
Your desires will come to you at the very best time. You can influence the very best time by releasing your desire and saying, “The Universe knows the bigger picture. I’m going to let it deal with the timing of this. Meanwhile, I’ll just do everything I can to keep focused on what I desire or open myself to SOMETHING BETTER!”
Sometimes you may think there is a shortage of what you desire, that you will not get what you want because someone else will get there first. What you must realize is there is no shortage. If you miss one opportunity, another will open up, then another, then another. Your stream of opportunity never runs out. You don’t have to tire yourself by trying to force things to happen – just enjoy what you have and create more of what you desire.
You must know that Universe supports you in everything that you desire, and that there is nothing that you can identify, whether you articulate it or not, that the Universe withholds from you. All things are given in the moment that you ask and accept.
When you are specific about what you want, and you accept the Path of Least Resistance, the Energy flows through you toward your inspired idea – and you will manifest what you desire. However, if you want more than you believe you can achieve, you’re out of balance. And if what you are accepting is less than what you want, you’re out of balance. And so, you have to find your balance.
You must know, believe and understand that you are creating what you call your future in this moment. What you are looking for is balance in your thinking. In other words, living in the present moment while giving thought to something you desire and expecting it. If you desire and expect it, it will be yours.
If there is anything that I want you to take away from this is that you do not have to struggle to have what you want. Let the Universe that links everything together (and allows the seed to grow) to take care of the process or the details. When you focus on the end result, you will be guided to the specific people, circumstances, conditions, techniques or strategies in HOW to go about bringing forth your desire. Furthermore, you will KNOW that these people, circumstances, conditions, techniques or strategies are the “right” ones by the way you feel because you will feel positive emotion.
RAPID MANIFESTATION is about accepting that whatever you desire is already yours NOW. Everything is created NOW. If you visualize or think about the future, you will wait longer than necessary to manifest what your desire.
What this technique does is allow you to create in the NOW. It forces you mind to stay in the present while you create what you want. It is an ACTIVE exercise where you are taken through the RAPID MANIFESTATION process. It is short, simple, but extremely powerful.
Since I have learned this technique I have rapidly attracted everything I have ever desired. If you are ready to accept what you desire NOW - RAPID MANIFESTATION can help you to attract it the shortest possible time.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
“I’m Thinking...But I’m Not Growing Rich!”
by Bob Doyle
You must have got an intellectual understanding that you “become what you think about”. You have a list of affirmations about wealth, and you recite them every day. But you still have no money. Wealth doesn’t seem to be anywhere around.
What’s the deal here? According to Napoleon Hill, you ought to be filthy stinking rich, right?
Well, here’s the real deal: If you’re not “Wealth Conscious”, than all this thinking, and all this affirming isn’t going to bring you wealth. Thinking and affirming are simply actions you’re taking. But they are just PART of the sequence of creating wealth. If you skip the FIRST step, you simply can’t get anywhere.
So what’s the first step?
To attract wealth, you first have to BE wealthy. THEN, you think wealthy thoughts, speak wealthy affirmations, and take wealthy action.
“But how can I BE wealthy if I’m NOT wealthy?” you ask. Logical question, but it’s based on the false assumption that you don’t have wealth. You HAVE wealth. You’re simply not aware of it. You have constructed a physical reality that prevents you from experiencing Wealth. This can all be explained with the science of Quantum Physics.
So let’s look at some very basic concepts of Quantum Physics that will explain what I’m talking about.
First, you probably are aware - at least on an intellectual level - that at a subatomic level, we, and everything else in the Universe, is Energy. When you break everything down, we’re all made of the same stuff, and we’re all connected. The Universe is just this huge ocean of Energy, vibrating at various frequencies which give the illusion of individuation. That is, we experience the illusion of separateness from each other, physical objects, and wealth because our “senses” are decoding the Energy around us in such a way as to create our physical reality.
This all happens in our thoughts.
So, to simplify things quickly here for the sake of time (another illusion), “things” only exist because we observe them. It is in our observing that things come into existence. Without our observing, things are simply “waves” - probabilities of existence. Physicists agree on this.
Our beliefs are a very powerful Energy system in our lives. Our beliefs allow or disallow certain experiences in our lives, including wealth. They make up who we are. We “BE” in the world according to our beliefs. If we are being is “someone who is trying to get wealthy by repeating affirmations”, then THAT is what our reality will be. We will just be TRYING to get wealthy.
We have to make the decision that we ARE wealthy, contrary to any external physical evidence. That evidence is an illusion based on the belief systems that have guided who we have been being up to that point.
A truly wealthy person isn’t wealthy because they have money. They have money, because they are wealthy! That’s the distinction that most people have backward!
Here’s an example to illustrate what I mean:
Tony Robbins became a millionaire at a very young age. Then, due to a series of poor judgments, he lost it. But within a year, he had it back. How did he do this? HE NEVER LOST HIS WEALTH. He only lost his money, which is just a symbol of wealth! Because he is “Wealth Conscious”, he literally “magnetically attracts” wealth into his life. He truly can’t help it! It’s who he is! And there are thousand out there like him, who attract wealth simply because it’s who they are. You can make the same decision and have the same results.
Conversely, a person who has grown up with “lack consciousness” can win millions in the lottery and lose it within a year. Their consciousness - their ENERGY - simply can’t maintain the attraction to Wealth because they aren’t “wealthy” in who they are being.
But again, Wealth is a decision. If you aren’t currently experiencing wealth, you first need to realize that abundance is everywhere...in fact it’s all there is. Poverty and lack are the illusions. You can shift your consciousness to Wealth - BE Wealth - by simply making the decision, THEN your thoughts, speech, and action will allow you to experience the wealth that is yours!
This is indeed a complex subject which challenges our core belief systems. But it is those very belief systems that keep a person in a state of lack.
Look at your financial situation today. Look at your core beliefs about Wealth and You, and see if your life isn’t a PERFECT reflection of your beliefs. Then, look where those beliefs may have originated. When you can awaken to yourself that your beliefs create your reality, rather than the other way around, you have the option to truly be free to experience a reality of prosperity that you deserve!
by Bob Doyle
You must have got an intellectual understanding that you “become what you think about”. You have a list of affirmations about wealth, and you recite them every day. But you still have no money. Wealth doesn’t seem to be anywhere around.
What’s the deal here? According to Napoleon Hill, you ought to be filthy stinking rich, right?
Well, here’s the real deal: If you’re not “Wealth Conscious”, than all this thinking, and all this affirming isn’t going to bring you wealth. Thinking and affirming are simply actions you’re taking. But they are just PART of the sequence of creating wealth. If you skip the FIRST step, you simply can’t get anywhere.
So what’s the first step?
To attract wealth, you first have to BE wealthy. THEN, you think wealthy thoughts, speak wealthy affirmations, and take wealthy action.
“But how can I BE wealthy if I’m NOT wealthy?” you ask. Logical question, but it’s based on the false assumption that you don’t have wealth. You HAVE wealth. You’re simply not aware of it. You have constructed a physical reality that prevents you from experiencing Wealth. This can all be explained with the science of Quantum Physics.
So let’s look at some very basic concepts of Quantum Physics that will explain what I’m talking about.
First, you probably are aware - at least on an intellectual level - that at a subatomic level, we, and everything else in the Universe, is Energy. When you break everything down, we’re all made of the same stuff, and we’re all connected. The Universe is just this huge ocean of Energy, vibrating at various frequencies which give the illusion of individuation. That is, we experience the illusion of separateness from each other, physical objects, and wealth because our “senses” are decoding the Energy around us in such a way as to create our physical reality.
This all happens in our thoughts.
So, to simplify things quickly here for the sake of time (another illusion), “things” only exist because we observe them. It is in our observing that things come into existence. Without our observing, things are simply “waves” - probabilities of existence. Physicists agree on this.
Our beliefs are a very powerful Energy system in our lives. Our beliefs allow or disallow certain experiences in our lives, including wealth. They make up who we are. We “BE” in the world according to our beliefs. If we are being is “someone who is trying to get wealthy by repeating affirmations”, then THAT is what our reality will be. We will just be TRYING to get wealthy.
We have to make the decision that we ARE wealthy, contrary to any external physical evidence. That evidence is an illusion based on the belief systems that have guided who we have been being up to that point.
A truly wealthy person isn’t wealthy because they have money. They have money, because they are wealthy! That’s the distinction that most people have backward!
Here’s an example to illustrate what I mean:
Tony Robbins became a millionaire at a very young age. Then, due to a series of poor judgments, he lost it. But within a year, he had it back. How did he do this? HE NEVER LOST HIS WEALTH. He only lost his money, which is just a symbol of wealth! Because he is “Wealth Conscious”, he literally “magnetically attracts” wealth into his life. He truly can’t help it! It’s who he is! And there are thousand out there like him, who attract wealth simply because it’s who they are. You can make the same decision and have the same results.
Conversely, a person who has grown up with “lack consciousness” can win millions in the lottery and lose it within a year. Their consciousness - their ENERGY - simply can’t maintain the attraction to Wealth because they aren’t “wealthy” in who they are being.
But again, Wealth is a decision. If you aren’t currently experiencing wealth, you first need to realize that abundance is everywhere...in fact it’s all there is. Poverty and lack are the illusions. You can shift your consciousness to Wealth - BE Wealth - by simply making the decision, THEN your thoughts, speech, and action will allow you to experience the wealth that is yours!
This is indeed a complex subject which challenges our core belief systems. But it is those very belief systems that keep a person in a state of lack.
Look at your financial situation today. Look at your core beliefs about Wealth and You, and see if your life isn’t a PERFECT reflection of your beliefs. Then, look where those beliefs may have originated. When you can awaken to yourself that your beliefs create your reality, rather than the other way around, you have the option to truly be free to experience a reality of prosperity that you deserve!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Force of Your Will Projected
by Stuart Wilde
What I learned from the European occultists is that the greatest power available to us humans is our will when projected correctly. Now you probably haven’t thought much in terms of the power of your will. But it is this same power that the ancient magicians used to create supernatural events in their lives. The difference between will and intention is that, for many people intention is just a mental act - a kind of wishful thinking – whereas the force of will projected from your consciousness contains not only your thoughts and desires but also the enthusiasm of your own Life Force. Your will, projected correctly, will contain that vital ingredient, your spirit - the very essence of what you are.
The force of that spirit, clearly defined, will deliver to you the focus of your will, by virtue of the fact that the clarity of its concentration is honed to such an uncluttered purity that it cuts right through reality and fires the full weight of its power upon any target.
Remember that your consciousness is contained in a sea of consciousness, which is basically all the energy and thought forms of the world around you. For the most part the energy of people around you will be weak and ill-defined. What little power they have is often undermined by emotion.
In that pea-soup of mumbling and grumbling, along comes the magician: powerful, clear, and uncluttered by yearnings or fanciful ramblings of the imagination. Detached as he is from the emotions of humanity, he stands on a launch platform that is already a rung or two higher than the crowd. From there he fires his will into the circumstances of life, knowing that his power is unstoppable.
How could the Universal Law of life deny this man? It can’t. His power is too great. His will is uncluttered by any thought of deserving, of good and bad, of having or not having.
It is focused solely on what he wants. His desire is not delivered because of any higher selection process; rather it comes to him solely through the force of his demand. It is because he wants it, because that thought is laced in his will, empowered by the very spirit of his being, that it cannot be denied him.
When first confronted by this idea, I had a natural reaction against the aggression needed to reach that certain level of intent. It seemed to me that somehow it was “wrong” to harness one’s power in occult terms, to force life to hand over one’s every wish and whim. But gradually I got used to the idea and developed a theory of morality around my particular method. Soon I realized that what was important to me were my achievements - the things that I knew I had to complete in this lifetime. How I got those things, providing I did not infringe on others, was irrelevant.
The points to consider are, what do you want and how much energy are you prepared to exert to get what you want? If the level of enthusiasm you are willing to commit to your quest is not great, then obviously you don’t want what you think you do, or at best your quest is not that important to you. But if some aspect is very, very special to you, it becomes sacred by virtue of its integrity. Then the level of your commitment to that ideal is vital, for you know that the whole reason for your life is contained and centered in that one quest or achievement.
If this is so, you are required by its very sacredness to exert every fiber of your being, through physical effort, mental acuity or occult power, to deliver the focus of your intent.
Somewhere in your life there will be an overriding theme to your quest, some part of your desire which cannot be denied without a terrible cost to the very essence of what you are. Are you going to ignore it, or do you have the courage of your commitment and the confidence to demand that life, humanity, or circumstances give you what you want, with no other excuse, reason nor apology, other than that you demand it?
The point is, if your intention is forceful and your will is clearly defined people line up to give you what you want. You have to have confidence in yourself. You have to be able to believe in your own power. If you have the slightest doubt about your worthiness it takes you immediately from infinite possibilities to a more sparse result.
Imagine the tiger in the forest. Does it wonder if the deer on the path is his? Is there any question of the tiger’s worthiness? Being inter-connected as all things are, the eternal Tao sustains itself. The little creatures give themselves up to the tiger as nature gave of itself to sustain the creatures. Perfect balance is maintained.
The only thing to watch out for is the danger of going over the top and taking undue advantage of others or getting carried away by the ego. In a world where everyone manipulates or controls everyone else, wouldn’t it be nice if you could become a success story without having to resort to the same mucky techniques?
As you concentrate upon yourself and your life you will soon become much more powerful than 99% of those with whom you deal. You should take care to temper your energy and not get carried away by the wealth or the position you find yourself in. If you don’t watch carefully it is likely that sooner or later you will self-destruct. Or worse still, you might achieve your every wish and whim but look back on your life and see ugliness, see that you achieved your quest in material terms but failed to translate those material benefits into an honorable code of living or spiritual essence.
The whole trick to money is balance. Balance at a thousand a month or balance at a million a month. The great value of that balance is that it underpins the spiritual you and allows the inner beauty and creativity to come out. That is why for most people money is the one lesson - other than love perhaps - that we are here to learn.
You should sit down with your loved ones and really discuss your financial needs so that each of you can define what he or she wants and what each one’s level of intention is. Then you can tailor your hopes and dreams to suit your intention and you can see if the level of your projected will is going to be strong enough to deliver whatever it is that you want.
If your intention is not really that high you will have to accept that as fact and you may have to adjust what you expect from life. Alternatively, you can work on your intention through concentration and discipline, to make it stronger. Then once it is strong the force of your will projected into life will guarantee the delivery of your heart’s desire.
by Stuart Wilde
What I learned from the European occultists is that the greatest power available to us humans is our will when projected correctly. Now you probably haven’t thought much in terms of the power of your will. But it is this same power that the ancient magicians used to create supernatural events in their lives. The difference between will and intention is that, for many people intention is just a mental act - a kind of wishful thinking – whereas the force of will projected from your consciousness contains not only your thoughts and desires but also the enthusiasm of your own Life Force. Your will, projected correctly, will contain that vital ingredient, your spirit - the very essence of what you are.
The force of that spirit, clearly defined, will deliver to you the focus of your will, by virtue of the fact that the clarity of its concentration is honed to such an uncluttered purity that it cuts right through reality and fires the full weight of its power upon any target.
Remember that your consciousness is contained in a sea of consciousness, which is basically all the energy and thought forms of the world around you. For the most part the energy of people around you will be weak and ill-defined. What little power they have is often undermined by emotion.
In that pea-soup of mumbling and grumbling, along comes the magician: powerful, clear, and uncluttered by yearnings or fanciful ramblings of the imagination. Detached as he is from the emotions of humanity, he stands on a launch platform that is already a rung or two higher than the crowd. From there he fires his will into the circumstances of life, knowing that his power is unstoppable.
How could the Universal Law of life deny this man? It can’t. His power is too great. His will is uncluttered by any thought of deserving, of good and bad, of having or not having.
It is focused solely on what he wants. His desire is not delivered because of any higher selection process; rather it comes to him solely through the force of his demand. It is because he wants it, because that thought is laced in his will, empowered by the very spirit of his being, that it cannot be denied him.
When first confronted by this idea, I had a natural reaction against the aggression needed to reach that certain level of intent. It seemed to me that somehow it was “wrong” to harness one’s power in occult terms, to force life to hand over one’s every wish and whim. But gradually I got used to the idea and developed a theory of morality around my particular method. Soon I realized that what was important to me were my achievements - the things that I knew I had to complete in this lifetime. How I got those things, providing I did not infringe on others, was irrelevant.
The points to consider are, what do you want and how much energy are you prepared to exert to get what you want? If the level of enthusiasm you are willing to commit to your quest is not great, then obviously you don’t want what you think you do, or at best your quest is not that important to you. But if some aspect is very, very special to you, it becomes sacred by virtue of its integrity. Then the level of your commitment to that ideal is vital, for you know that the whole reason for your life is contained and centered in that one quest or achievement.
If this is so, you are required by its very sacredness to exert every fiber of your being, through physical effort, mental acuity or occult power, to deliver the focus of your intent.
Somewhere in your life there will be an overriding theme to your quest, some part of your desire which cannot be denied without a terrible cost to the very essence of what you are. Are you going to ignore it, or do you have the courage of your commitment and the confidence to demand that life, humanity, or circumstances give you what you want, with no other excuse, reason nor apology, other than that you demand it?
The point is, if your intention is forceful and your will is clearly defined people line up to give you what you want. You have to have confidence in yourself. You have to be able to believe in your own power. If you have the slightest doubt about your worthiness it takes you immediately from infinite possibilities to a more sparse result.
Imagine the tiger in the forest. Does it wonder if the deer on the path is his? Is there any question of the tiger’s worthiness? Being inter-connected as all things are, the eternal Tao sustains itself. The little creatures give themselves up to the tiger as nature gave of itself to sustain the creatures. Perfect balance is maintained.
The only thing to watch out for is the danger of going over the top and taking undue advantage of others or getting carried away by the ego. In a world where everyone manipulates or controls everyone else, wouldn’t it be nice if you could become a success story without having to resort to the same mucky techniques?
As you concentrate upon yourself and your life you will soon become much more powerful than 99% of those with whom you deal. You should take care to temper your energy and not get carried away by the wealth or the position you find yourself in. If you don’t watch carefully it is likely that sooner or later you will self-destruct. Or worse still, you might achieve your every wish and whim but look back on your life and see ugliness, see that you achieved your quest in material terms but failed to translate those material benefits into an honorable code of living or spiritual essence.
The whole trick to money is balance. Balance at a thousand a month or balance at a million a month. The great value of that balance is that it underpins the spiritual you and allows the inner beauty and creativity to come out. That is why for most people money is the one lesson - other than love perhaps - that we are here to learn.
You should sit down with your loved ones and really discuss your financial needs so that each of you can define what he or she wants and what each one’s level of intention is. Then you can tailor your hopes and dreams to suit your intention and you can see if the level of your projected will is going to be strong enough to deliver whatever it is that you want.
If your intention is not really that high you will have to accept that as fact and you may have to adjust what you expect from life. Alternatively, you can work on your intention through concentration and discipline, to make it stronger. Then once it is strong the force of your will projected into life will guarantee the delivery of your heart’s desire.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Imagine Your Ideal Scene
by Marc Allen
This Is The Essential Step For Tapping Your Subconscious Mind.
This step is simple - all it involves is writing down a few pages of ideas - and yet it proved to be vitally important, fundamental to the rapid growth I experienced after I did it. It opened the door to every other discovery in my life, and has brought me to a level of success and fulfillment that had been completely unimaginable to me before I did this simple process.
A Powerful Exercise
The first step is called the “ideal scene process.” This is a simple, powerful key: Begin with the end in mind, and keep the end in mind, always. Then you’ll discover that the opportunities that lead you there have always been right in front of you - you just haven’t seen them until now.
Dream Freely And Define Success
The important thing is to allow yourself to freely dream, and then to clearly define what success if for you.
The “ideal scene” exercise that follows is wonderful for giving you an easy, playful way to clearly imagine what success is for you as the unique individual you are.
Imagine Your Ideal Scene
It all starts with a dream. The essential first step is to dream and to imagine: Imagine five years have passed, and you are living your ideal life: doing what you want to do, being who you want to be, having what you want to have.
Some of us don’t even allow ourselves to dream - and yet it is the essential first step. Without the dream, achievement is impossible.
Take a bit of time to quietly relax, and then allow your imagination to wander. Allow yourself to dream. Encourage yourself, the way you would encourage a child, to play with different possibilities that could await you in life - if you but dare to dream. Imagine you’ve been so inspired by the words and exercises in this course - and by many other things you’ve encountered along the way - that you have created the life of your dreams. You have become a success in every way you wish.
If money was no object, and you could do, be, and have exactly what you wanted, what would it be?
Describe your ideal. Let it be as far-fetched as you want. Let your imagination soar. Don’t restrict yourself, and don’t edit it as you write it – no one else has to see it, and you can always change it later.
List And Affirm Your Goals
When you take this next step you will see powerful results. Within your ideal scene are bound to be several different goals. Take a clean sheet of paper, write “Goals” at the top, and list your major goals, however many there are, on the page. I had ten or twelve goals when I first did my list; now I have just six - my life has gotten simpler over the years.
First we simply list our goals, in any way that comes to mind. Then we go back and rewrite each goal as an affirmation: words that affirm those goals are now in the process of being realized. The trick is to state your goals in the present, and yet put them in a way that is believable to you at present, so your subconscious mind can get to work on them.
The most effective affirmations are stated in the present tense, and yet are entirely believable to you. They are worded so your goal is now in the process of happening - not that it has already been achieved, which is not believable. “I am now a millionaire” is stated in the present, yet it is something your conscious and subconscious mind will have difficulty believing if, in reality, you are scrounging to pay the rent every month.
Here is the affirmation that worked for me:
“I am now creating total financial success, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way.”
As I repeated these words, something magical happened, in due time: All kinds of opportunities appeared, all kinds of possible ways to achieve the lofty goal of financial freedom started to become obvious to me, and then plans just naturally began to form in my mind. That led instinctively to the next step: making a simple, written plan for each major goal.
Once I started affirming my list of goals, I naturally over time developed clearer and clearer pictures of each of these goals - and those pictures started to include some very specific steps to take.
The Power Of Imprinting
The process works. My theory is that the repetition of your goals and dreams imprints them on your subconscious mind, the deep, vast part of your mind that is intimately connected with, and - in some mysterious way - united with the whole universe. By simply repeating your goals, you are aligning yourself with the creative power of the universe.
When we affirm we’re going to create our dream, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, our subconscious mind gets immediately to work on it.
Two Powerful, All-inclusive Affirmations
There are two great affirmations to include in your affirmation sessions, or to say at any time during the day if you find yourself thinking or saying anything limited or destructive. The power of these words becomes obvious when you affirm them to yourself.
The first is from a famous French pharmacist, Emile Coue, who saw healing after healing in his customers after he began giving them this affirmation instead of drugs:
“Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.”
And when you’re affirming a particular goal, it’s very good to add the words that follow as a kind of “cosmic insurance policy,” ensuring it will be for your highest good as well as that of others: “This, or something better, is now manifesting in totally satisfying and
harmonious ways, for the highest good of all.”
Affirm it to be, and it will be. Discover for yourself the power of affirmation. Write your list of goals, word them in the form of affirmations, and read them over repeatedly. You are creating the foundation of your success.
You will be what you will to be.
by Marc Allen
This Is The Essential Step For Tapping Your Subconscious Mind.
This step is simple - all it involves is writing down a few pages of ideas - and yet it proved to be vitally important, fundamental to the rapid growth I experienced after I did it. It opened the door to every other discovery in my life, and has brought me to a level of success and fulfillment that had been completely unimaginable to me before I did this simple process.
A Powerful Exercise
The first step is called the “ideal scene process.” This is a simple, powerful key: Begin with the end in mind, and keep the end in mind, always. Then you’ll discover that the opportunities that lead you there have always been right in front of you - you just haven’t seen them until now.
Dream Freely And Define Success
The important thing is to allow yourself to freely dream, and then to clearly define what success if for you.
The “ideal scene” exercise that follows is wonderful for giving you an easy, playful way to clearly imagine what success is for you as the unique individual you are.
Imagine Your Ideal Scene
It all starts with a dream. The essential first step is to dream and to imagine: Imagine five years have passed, and you are living your ideal life: doing what you want to do, being who you want to be, having what you want to have.
Some of us don’t even allow ourselves to dream - and yet it is the essential first step. Without the dream, achievement is impossible.
Take a bit of time to quietly relax, and then allow your imagination to wander. Allow yourself to dream. Encourage yourself, the way you would encourage a child, to play with different possibilities that could await you in life - if you but dare to dream. Imagine you’ve been so inspired by the words and exercises in this course - and by many other things you’ve encountered along the way - that you have created the life of your dreams. You have become a success in every way you wish.
If money was no object, and you could do, be, and have exactly what you wanted, what would it be?
Describe your ideal. Let it be as far-fetched as you want. Let your imagination soar. Don’t restrict yourself, and don’t edit it as you write it – no one else has to see it, and you can always change it later.
List And Affirm Your Goals
When you take this next step you will see powerful results. Within your ideal scene are bound to be several different goals. Take a clean sheet of paper, write “Goals” at the top, and list your major goals, however many there are, on the page. I had ten or twelve goals when I first did my list; now I have just six - my life has gotten simpler over the years.
First we simply list our goals, in any way that comes to mind. Then we go back and rewrite each goal as an affirmation: words that affirm those goals are now in the process of being realized. The trick is to state your goals in the present, and yet put them in a way that is believable to you at present, so your subconscious mind can get to work on them.
The most effective affirmations are stated in the present tense, and yet are entirely believable to you. They are worded so your goal is now in the process of happening - not that it has already been achieved, which is not believable. “I am now a millionaire” is stated in the present, yet it is something your conscious and subconscious mind will have difficulty believing if, in reality, you are scrounging to pay the rent every month.
Here is the affirmation that worked for me:
“I am now creating total financial success, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way.”
As I repeated these words, something magical happened, in due time: All kinds of opportunities appeared, all kinds of possible ways to achieve the lofty goal of financial freedom started to become obvious to me, and then plans just naturally began to form in my mind. That led instinctively to the next step: making a simple, written plan for each major goal.
Once I started affirming my list of goals, I naturally over time developed clearer and clearer pictures of each of these goals - and those pictures started to include some very specific steps to take.
The Power Of Imprinting
The process works. My theory is that the repetition of your goals and dreams imprints them on your subconscious mind, the deep, vast part of your mind that is intimately connected with, and - in some mysterious way - united with the whole universe. By simply repeating your goals, you are aligning yourself with the creative power of the universe.
When we affirm we’re going to create our dream, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, our subconscious mind gets immediately to work on it.
Two Powerful, All-inclusive Affirmations
There are two great affirmations to include in your affirmation sessions, or to say at any time during the day if you find yourself thinking or saying anything limited or destructive. The power of these words becomes obvious when you affirm them to yourself.
The first is from a famous French pharmacist, Emile Coue, who saw healing after healing in his customers after he began giving them this affirmation instead of drugs:
“Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.”
And when you’re affirming a particular goal, it’s very good to add the words that follow as a kind of “cosmic insurance policy,” ensuring it will be for your highest good as well as that of others: “This, or something better, is now manifesting in totally satisfying and
harmonious ways, for the highest good of all.”
Affirm it to be, and it will be. Discover for yourself the power of affirmation. Write your list of goals, word them in the form of affirmations, and read them over repeatedly. You are creating the foundation of your success.
You will be what you will to be.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tapping Your Subconscious Mind
by Brian Tracy
You have available to you, right now, a power like a supercomputer that can enable you to solve any problem, overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal you can set for yourself.
This power has been used throughout history to take people from rags to riches, from poverty and obscurity to success and fame, from unhappiness and frustration to joy and self-fulfillment. And it can do the same for you.
This power has been called many things by many people in many places. It is the fundamental principle of most religions, philosophies and metaphysical teachings. It underlies much of psychology and is the cornerstone of all success and achievement. In its simplest terms, it is called the “subconscious mind,” although this is a misunderstanding because the true subconscious mind is merely a memory bank of senses and impressions that reacts automatically based on your previous experiences. It has also been called the “universal subconscious mind” and the “collective unconscious.”
The great Austrian psychoanalyst, Carl Jung, referred to this as the “superconscious mind.” He felt that the collective wisdom and knowledge of all the ages was contained in this superconscious mind and was available to everyone.
Ralph Waldo Emerson referred to it as the “oversoul” and wrote that, “We live in the lap of an immense intelligence that, when we are in its presence, we realize that it is far beyond our human mind.” Emerson, the great American transcendentalist, felt that all power and possibility for the average person came from using this mind on a regular basis.
Napoleon Hill, perhaps the greatest researcher on success of the 20th century, called this power the “infinite intelligence.” After spending more than 20 years interviewing 500 of the most successful men and women alive in America at that time, he concluded that, without exception, their ability to tap into this higher form of infinite intelligence was the primary reason for their great success in life.
Whatever you choose to call it, this power is as available to you at this very minute as it ever has been to anyone, anywhere. I refer to it as the “superconscious mind,” the mind that is above and outside all other minds or intelligences. The superconscious mind is the source of all examples of pure creativity. It is the superconscious mind that is functioning at the creation of anything that is completely new in the universe. The superconscious mind was tapped into and used by all the great inventors, writers, artists and composers of history on a regular basis, right up to the present day. Every great work of art or creativity is infused with superconscious energy.
Thomas Edison used his superconscious mind regularly to come up with hundreds of brand new ideas and inventions, more than 1,000 of which completely transformed America at the beginning of the 20th century. More recently, William Gates came up with an idea for a basic operating system for the early computers, which he called “MS-DOS.” It was so unique and revolutionary that he and Paul Allen were actually writing the program on the airplane as they flew to their meeting with their first customer.
Today, Bill Gates is the world’s richest man, and it all came from a superconscious flash of insight. Bach, Beethoven and Brahms tapped into the superconscious mind regularly to write some of the finest music ever heard. Mozart was so finely tuned into his superconscious mind that he could both see and hear the music in his head and was then able to write down some of the most beautiful music of the ages, note perfect, the very first time he put pen to paper.
Whenever you see, read, listen to, or experience a great achievement of any kind that touches something deep inside you, you are witness to a superconscious creation. Your superconscious mind can access every piece of information stored in your conscious and subconscious minds. It can also access data and ideas outside your own experience, because it actually lies outside your human mind. This is why it is called a form of universal or infinite intelligence.
You will often get ideas that come to you from far beyond you. It is not unusual for two people separated by thousands of miles of distance to come up with the same idea at the same time. When you are well-attuned to another person, such as your spouse or mate, you will often have thoughts identical to him or her at the same time during the day, and you will only find out that you had reached the same conclusion when you compare notes hours later. This is an example of your superconscious mind at work.
Your superconscious mind is capable of goal-oriented motivation. When you are working determinedly toward a goal of your own choosing, your superconscious mind will generate a continuous flow of ideas and energy to help you move onward. In fact, your
superconscious mind is a form of “free energy.” This free energy becomes available to you when you become excited or inspired about achieving something that is really important to you. You seem to be able to continue hour after hour without fatigue.
Sometimes you even forget to eat, and you need far less sleep than you would normally.
After you have achieved your goal, you may collapse in exhaustion, but while you are moving toward it, you seem to be flowing with continuous energy and enthusiasm. Your superconscious mind automatically and continually solves every problem on the way to your goal, as long as your goal is clear. Your superconscious mind will also give you the lessons and experiences that you need to succeed, in the form of setbacks, problems, frustrations and temporary failures.
Your superconscious mind will also bring you the exact answer you require to solve your problem or achieve your goal, exactly when you are ready for it. When your superconscious mind gives you a hunch or an inspiration, remember, this is time-dated material. You must act on it immediately.
I’ve had many experiences of wrestling with a problem that I have been unable to resolve until the last minute. Then, right when I need it, the answer becomes perfectly clear. This will happen to you as well when you use the power of your superconscious mind. The critical factor in using your superconscious mind is your attitude. Your superconscious mind functions best with an attitude of calm, confident expectations. When you adopt an attitude of faith and acceptance, when you confidently accept and believe that everything that is happening to you is moving you progressively toward the achievement of your goal, your superconscious mind seems to come alive, like all the lights have been turned on in a room. This is why successful people seem to have tremendous clarity concerning what they want, along with tremendous calmness and confidence regarding their ability to achieve it. This combination of attitudes will throw the power switch on your superconscious abilities.
Because of your superconscious powers, anything that you can hold in your mind on a continuing basis, you can have. Emerson wrote, “A man becomes what he thinks about, most of the time.” Earl Nightingale wrote, “You become what you think about.” In the Bible it says that, “Whatsoever a man soweth, that also shall he reap.” And this law of sowing and reaping refers to mental states; to your thoughts. Of course, there is a potential danger in the use of your superconscious mind. It is like fire - a wonderful servant, but a terrible master. If you use it improperly, and think negative, fearful thoughts, your superconscious mind will accept your thoughts as a command and go to work to materialize them into your reality.
What is the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people? It is as simple as this: Successful people think and talk about what they want, and unsuccessful people talk about what they don’t want.
So here is a 10-step plan for plugging into your superconscious power to get what you truly want in life. Make this plan a regular habit, and you will be astonished at the results.
1. Decide exactly what you want. This is usually the biggest problem that people have. They don’t know what they want and then they’re surprised when they don’t get it.
2. Write your goal clearly in every detail. A goal that is not written down is merely a wish. When you write it down, you signal to your superconscious mind that you really want to accomplish this particular objective.
3. Write your goal in simple, present tense words on a three-by-five index card and carry it with you to read and re-read throughout the day whenever you get a chance.
4. Make a list of everything you can think of that you can do that will move you toward your goal. Making a list intensifies your desire and deepens your belief that the attainment of the goal is possible for you.
5. Organize the list by priority. What is more important and what is less important?
6. Resolve to take action every day on one of the items on your list. Do something every day that moves you toward your goal so that you can maintain your momentum.
7. Visualize your goal repeatedly. See it in your mind’s eye as though it were already a reality. The more clear and vivid your mental picture of your goal, the faster it will come into your life.
8. Get the feeling of pleasure and enjoyment that you would have if your goal were realized at this very moment. Create the emotion of happiness, satisfaction, and pleasure that you would have if you really achieved your goal.
9. Confidently behave as if your superconscious mind were bringing your goal into reality. Accept that you are moving toward your goal and it is moving toward you.
10. Release your goal completely to your superconscious mind. When you turn your goal over to the power of the universe and just get out of the way, you will always know the right actions to take at the right time.
Starting today, try this power of yours, your superconscious mind, on one goal or idea, and practice it continually until you succeed in achieving that goal. By doing so, you will move from the “positive thinking” of the hopeful person to the “positive knowing” of the totally successful person.
by Brian Tracy
You have available to you, right now, a power like a supercomputer that can enable you to solve any problem, overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal you can set for yourself.
This power has been used throughout history to take people from rags to riches, from poverty and obscurity to success and fame, from unhappiness and frustration to joy and self-fulfillment. And it can do the same for you.
This power has been called many things by many people in many places. It is the fundamental principle of most religions, philosophies and metaphysical teachings. It underlies much of psychology and is the cornerstone of all success and achievement. In its simplest terms, it is called the “subconscious mind,” although this is a misunderstanding because the true subconscious mind is merely a memory bank of senses and impressions that reacts automatically based on your previous experiences. It has also been called the “universal subconscious mind” and the “collective unconscious.”
The great Austrian psychoanalyst, Carl Jung, referred to this as the “superconscious mind.” He felt that the collective wisdom and knowledge of all the ages was contained in this superconscious mind and was available to everyone.
Ralph Waldo Emerson referred to it as the “oversoul” and wrote that, “We live in the lap of an immense intelligence that, when we are in its presence, we realize that it is far beyond our human mind.” Emerson, the great American transcendentalist, felt that all power and possibility for the average person came from using this mind on a regular basis.
Napoleon Hill, perhaps the greatest researcher on success of the 20th century, called this power the “infinite intelligence.” After spending more than 20 years interviewing 500 of the most successful men and women alive in America at that time, he concluded that, without exception, their ability to tap into this higher form of infinite intelligence was the primary reason for their great success in life.
Whatever you choose to call it, this power is as available to you at this very minute as it ever has been to anyone, anywhere. I refer to it as the “superconscious mind,” the mind that is above and outside all other minds or intelligences. The superconscious mind is the source of all examples of pure creativity. It is the superconscious mind that is functioning at the creation of anything that is completely new in the universe. The superconscious mind was tapped into and used by all the great inventors, writers, artists and composers of history on a regular basis, right up to the present day. Every great work of art or creativity is infused with superconscious energy.
Thomas Edison used his superconscious mind regularly to come up with hundreds of brand new ideas and inventions, more than 1,000 of which completely transformed America at the beginning of the 20th century. More recently, William Gates came up with an idea for a basic operating system for the early computers, which he called “MS-DOS.” It was so unique and revolutionary that he and Paul Allen were actually writing the program on the airplane as they flew to their meeting with their first customer.
Today, Bill Gates is the world’s richest man, and it all came from a superconscious flash of insight. Bach, Beethoven and Brahms tapped into the superconscious mind regularly to write some of the finest music ever heard. Mozart was so finely tuned into his superconscious mind that he could both see and hear the music in his head and was then able to write down some of the most beautiful music of the ages, note perfect, the very first time he put pen to paper.
Whenever you see, read, listen to, or experience a great achievement of any kind that touches something deep inside you, you are witness to a superconscious creation. Your superconscious mind can access every piece of information stored in your conscious and subconscious minds. It can also access data and ideas outside your own experience, because it actually lies outside your human mind. This is why it is called a form of universal or infinite intelligence.
You will often get ideas that come to you from far beyond you. It is not unusual for two people separated by thousands of miles of distance to come up with the same idea at the same time. When you are well-attuned to another person, such as your spouse or mate, you will often have thoughts identical to him or her at the same time during the day, and you will only find out that you had reached the same conclusion when you compare notes hours later. This is an example of your superconscious mind at work.
Your superconscious mind is capable of goal-oriented motivation. When you are working determinedly toward a goal of your own choosing, your superconscious mind will generate a continuous flow of ideas and energy to help you move onward. In fact, your
superconscious mind is a form of “free energy.” This free energy becomes available to you when you become excited or inspired about achieving something that is really important to you. You seem to be able to continue hour after hour without fatigue.
Sometimes you even forget to eat, and you need far less sleep than you would normally.
After you have achieved your goal, you may collapse in exhaustion, but while you are moving toward it, you seem to be flowing with continuous energy and enthusiasm. Your superconscious mind automatically and continually solves every problem on the way to your goal, as long as your goal is clear. Your superconscious mind will also give you the lessons and experiences that you need to succeed, in the form of setbacks, problems, frustrations and temporary failures.
Your superconscious mind will also bring you the exact answer you require to solve your problem or achieve your goal, exactly when you are ready for it. When your superconscious mind gives you a hunch or an inspiration, remember, this is time-dated material. You must act on it immediately.
I’ve had many experiences of wrestling with a problem that I have been unable to resolve until the last minute. Then, right when I need it, the answer becomes perfectly clear. This will happen to you as well when you use the power of your superconscious mind. The critical factor in using your superconscious mind is your attitude. Your superconscious mind functions best with an attitude of calm, confident expectations. When you adopt an attitude of faith and acceptance, when you confidently accept and believe that everything that is happening to you is moving you progressively toward the achievement of your goal, your superconscious mind seems to come alive, like all the lights have been turned on in a room. This is why successful people seem to have tremendous clarity concerning what they want, along with tremendous calmness and confidence regarding their ability to achieve it. This combination of attitudes will throw the power switch on your superconscious abilities.
Because of your superconscious powers, anything that you can hold in your mind on a continuing basis, you can have. Emerson wrote, “A man becomes what he thinks about, most of the time.” Earl Nightingale wrote, “You become what you think about.” In the Bible it says that, “Whatsoever a man soweth, that also shall he reap.” And this law of sowing and reaping refers to mental states; to your thoughts. Of course, there is a potential danger in the use of your superconscious mind. It is like fire - a wonderful servant, but a terrible master. If you use it improperly, and think negative, fearful thoughts, your superconscious mind will accept your thoughts as a command and go to work to materialize them into your reality.
What is the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people? It is as simple as this: Successful people think and talk about what they want, and unsuccessful people talk about what they don’t want.
So here is a 10-step plan for plugging into your superconscious power to get what you truly want in life. Make this plan a regular habit, and you will be astonished at the results.
1. Decide exactly what you want. This is usually the biggest problem that people have. They don’t know what they want and then they’re surprised when they don’t get it.
2. Write your goal clearly in every detail. A goal that is not written down is merely a wish. When you write it down, you signal to your superconscious mind that you really want to accomplish this particular objective.
3. Write your goal in simple, present tense words on a three-by-five index card and carry it with you to read and re-read throughout the day whenever you get a chance.
4. Make a list of everything you can think of that you can do that will move you toward your goal. Making a list intensifies your desire and deepens your belief that the attainment of the goal is possible for you.
5. Organize the list by priority. What is more important and what is less important?
6. Resolve to take action every day on one of the items on your list. Do something every day that moves you toward your goal so that you can maintain your momentum.
7. Visualize your goal repeatedly. See it in your mind’s eye as though it were already a reality. The more clear and vivid your mental picture of your goal, the faster it will come into your life.
8. Get the feeling of pleasure and enjoyment that you would have if your goal were realized at this very moment. Create the emotion of happiness, satisfaction, and pleasure that you would have if you really achieved your goal.
9. Confidently behave as if your superconscious mind were bringing your goal into reality. Accept that you are moving toward your goal and it is moving toward you.
10. Release your goal completely to your superconscious mind. When you turn your goal over to the power of the universe and just get out of the way, you will always know the right actions to take at the right time.
Starting today, try this power of yours, your superconscious mind, on one goal or idea, and practice it continually until you succeed in achieving that goal. By doing so, you will move from the “positive thinking” of the hopeful person to the “positive knowing” of the totally successful person.
Monday, April 20, 2009
10 Habits of Highly Effective Brains
By Alvaro Fernandez
Source: Huffington Post
If you are reading this, the good news is that you have a brain inside your head. And you have probably read about the emerging brain fitness movement: frequent articles in the media, an ongoing PBS special, more and more products and games.
Newsweek's Sharon Begley recently wrote that "With the nation's 78 million baby boomers approaching the age of those dreaded "where did I leave my keys?" moments, it's no wonder the market for computer-based brain training has shot up from essentially zero in 2005 to $80 million this year, according to the consulting firm SharpBrains."
Now, before you embark on buying any of those programs, you should know that there is a lot we can do without spending a dime. Based on dozens of interviews with scientists and recent research findings, let's take a look at some of the habits of Highly Effective Brains:
1. Learn what is the "It" in "Use It or Lose It".
A basic understanding will serve you well to appreciate your brain's beauty as a living and constantly-developing dense forest with billions of neurons and synapses.
2. Take care of your nutrition.
Did you know that the brain only weighs 2% of body mass but consumes over 20% of the oxygen and nutrients we intake? As a general rule, you don't need expensive ultra-sophisticated nutritional supplements, just make sure you don't stuff yourself with the "bad stuff".
3. Remember that the brain is part of the body.
Things that exercise your body can also help sharpen your brain: physical exercise enhances neurogenesis.
4. Practice positive, future-oriented thoughts until they become your default mindset and you look forward to every new day in a constructive way.
Stress and anxiety, no matter whether induced by external events or by your own thoughts, actually kills neurons and prevents the creation of new ones. You can think of chronic stress as the opposite of exercise: it prevents the creation of new neurons.
5. Thrive on Learning and Mental Challenges.
The point of having a brain is precisely to learn and to adapt to challenging new environments. Once new neurons appear in your brain, where they stay in your brain and how long they survive depends on how you use them. "Use It or Lose It" does not mean "do crossword puzzle number 1,234,567". It means, "challenge your brain often with fundamentally new activities."
6. We are (as far as we know) the only self-directed organisms in this planet. Aim high.
Once you graduate from college, keep learning. The brain keeps developing, no matter your age, and it reflects what you do with it.
7. Explore, travel.
Adapting to new locations forces you to pay more attention to your environment. Make new decisions, use your brain.
8. Don't Outsource Your Brain.
Not to media personalities, not to politicians, not to your smart neighbor, not to this blogger... Make your own decisions, and mistakes. And learn from them. That way, you are training your brain, not your neighbor's.
9. Develop and maintain stimulating friendships.
We are "social animals", and need social interaction. Which, by the way, is why the Baby Einstein series has been shown not to be the panacea for children development.
10. Laugh. Often.
Especially to cognitively complex humor, full of twists and surprises. Better, try to become the next Jon Stewart, and create your own unique humor.
Keep in mind that what counts is not reading this article - or any other one - but practicing a bit every day until small steps snowball into unstoppable, internalized habits... so, pick your next battle and try to start improving at least one of these 10 habits during the holidays!
By Alvaro Fernandez
Source: Huffington Post
If you are reading this, the good news is that you have a brain inside your head. And you have probably read about the emerging brain fitness movement: frequent articles in the media, an ongoing PBS special, more and more products and games.
Newsweek's Sharon Begley recently wrote that "With the nation's 78 million baby boomers approaching the age of those dreaded "where did I leave my keys?" moments, it's no wonder the market for computer-based brain training has shot up from essentially zero in 2005 to $80 million this year, according to the consulting firm SharpBrains."
Now, before you embark on buying any of those programs, you should know that there is a lot we can do without spending a dime. Based on dozens of interviews with scientists and recent research findings, let's take a look at some of the habits of Highly Effective Brains:
1. Learn what is the "It" in "Use It or Lose It".
A basic understanding will serve you well to appreciate your brain's beauty as a living and constantly-developing dense forest with billions of neurons and synapses.
2. Take care of your nutrition.
Did you know that the brain only weighs 2% of body mass but consumes over 20% of the oxygen and nutrients we intake? As a general rule, you don't need expensive ultra-sophisticated nutritional supplements, just make sure you don't stuff yourself with the "bad stuff".
3. Remember that the brain is part of the body.
Things that exercise your body can also help sharpen your brain: physical exercise enhances neurogenesis.
4. Practice positive, future-oriented thoughts until they become your default mindset and you look forward to every new day in a constructive way.
Stress and anxiety, no matter whether induced by external events or by your own thoughts, actually kills neurons and prevents the creation of new ones. You can think of chronic stress as the opposite of exercise: it prevents the creation of new neurons.
5. Thrive on Learning and Mental Challenges.
The point of having a brain is precisely to learn and to adapt to challenging new environments. Once new neurons appear in your brain, where they stay in your brain and how long they survive depends on how you use them. "Use It or Lose It" does not mean "do crossword puzzle number 1,234,567". It means, "challenge your brain often with fundamentally new activities."
6. We are (as far as we know) the only self-directed organisms in this planet. Aim high.
Once you graduate from college, keep learning. The brain keeps developing, no matter your age, and it reflects what you do with it.
7. Explore, travel.
Adapting to new locations forces you to pay more attention to your environment. Make new decisions, use your brain.
8. Don't Outsource Your Brain.
Not to media personalities, not to politicians, not to your smart neighbor, not to this blogger... Make your own decisions, and mistakes. And learn from them. That way, you are training your brain, not your neighbor's.
9. Develop and maintain stimulating friendships.
We are "social animals", and need social interaction. Which, by the way, is why the Baby Einstein series has been shown not to be the panacea for children development.
10. Laugh. Often.
Especially to cognitively complex humor, full of twists and surprises. Better, try to become the next Jon Stewart, and create your own unique humor.
Keep in mind that what counts is not reading this article - or any other one - but practicing a bit every day until small steps snowball into unstoppable, internalized habits... so, pick your next battle and try to start improving at least one of these 10 habits during the holidays!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Six Power Steps to Your Success
By Stuart Goldsmith
The following power steps structure your thinking to make sure the actions you take will drive you towards success.
Power Step #1: Be In Charge Of Your Life
Caring what other people think of you puts them in charge of your life, instead of you.
'What will other people think of me?' slavery is extremely common. Most of us are brought up (rightfully so) to consider others. But, unless we are discerning, we soon find ourselves caught up in a job we can't stand, or living in a relationship which makes us unhappy, or getting caught up in the spiral of poverty.
'Trying to please other people all the time' syndrome begins in childhood. It stems from a desire to be liked and admired. Let's look at a fairly typical scenario: three boys, Fred, Joe, and Matthew, all five years old, are best pals. They fight to sit together at school and spend their breaks in a group. Fred comes to school one day with a stack of pokemon cards to show his friends. Joe is envious of Fred's collection and a fight breaks out when Fred refuses to give a prized card to Joe.
There are several resulting scenarios, all with serious implications for Fred's future. A teacher could break up the fight and make Fred feel guilty for not parting with the prized card. Joe could refuse to talk to Fred even ending the friendship, unless Fred relented. Matthew would side with either Joe or Fred, or be a peacemaker and force the other two to discuss the problem and sort it out amicably.
The biggest danger to Fred, is if the solution entails his giving the card away, when he really doesn't want to. In other words, if the only reason he gives in, is because he desperately wants to be liked and it really matters what his friends think of him. If they were real friends, of course, Joe would understand Fred's view and Matthew would not criticise. Fred might even willingly offer Joe another not so valuable card out of his collection.
Over the years thousands of small incidents build up, until by the time we are adults, most of us make a habit of putting what other people think of us before our own personal needs and desires.
The Right Reasons
Before you cut the grass, decorate the house, start a business, go on holiday, always ask yourself, 'am I doing this for the right reasons?' Yes, the gardening has to be done, but not if you're in the middle of crucial market research and if you don't cut the grass today you're worried that the neighbour's will think you're lazy. Yes, a house has to be decorated, but not if it's at the expense of your health through shooting your stress level through the roof trying to fit it in between a busy advertising campaign, and it's only because your partner insists you do it now.
'Other people' slavery kills your creativity, your energy and drive towards your own goals and fulfilling your dreams. It stops you from going to places you want to visit and enjoying the kind of entertainment that you enjoy. So, make certain you're not always driven to do things, merely because you're worried about what other people think of you. Be confident in who you are!
Power Step #2: Strive to be Different
Nearly everyone you know will strive to be normal - because it's socially acceptable. But the normal person goes nowhere special and achieves the mundane.
Using a fictitious character called Norman, here's an example of his normal expectations of life and mediocre results:
'I live in a pleasant neighbourhood in an average house (translated as meaning: all the houses and gardens along the street look exactly alike, apart from the odd differences in plants). I own an average car (just another standard box on wheels, which apart from minor differences looks like nearly every other car on the road).'
Norman's other goals and ambitions: 'I save up all year round to take my wife and children on holiday, somewhere nice where it's safe. We usually book a package holiday, so everything is taken care of and we know exactly what to expect. Even the entertainment is all planned for us.
My job is boring, but it pays the bills and the pension is good. It'll never make me rich, but then I don't want to be rich (but he wouldn't give away a lottery win!). Anyone who's rich has had to lie and cheat their way to the top. I like to sleep at night with a clear conscience. I may not have much but at least it's honest toil.
I don't have much to do with the neighbours; I don't really like them. But, to keep the peace I mow my lawn once a week and keep the garden weeded and tidy, and do the odd job for them. I like to think they view me as a nice guy.
Every other weekend we visit our best friends, Alice and Paul, and they visit us alternate weekends. Like us, they're your average typical family. Most nights after work I shower, change and after dinner, put my feet up and watch television until bedtime. Every Sunday, we have a roast dinner and every Friday we treat ourselves to a fry up. Am I happy, well, it's life isn't it?'
That's how Norman thinks and lives his life and that's how many people live their life. The Normans spend their days, grumbling about how they hate their job, get fed up with their bosses and partners, but that's all they do. The same gripes day in and day out - but taking no action to change their situation, simply because they are slaves to being normal (and 'what will other people think of me, if I do something unusual?').
Living in the Fast Lane of the Elite
Let's compare Norman's goals and ambitions with another invented character, David. He's one of the smaller group of people who move forward and live the life of the elite and privileged.
'My philosophy on life is simple. Life is too short to be little.
I'm not concerned with what other people think of me. If all my neighbours want to cut down their hedges and build short brick walls and block pave their drives, that's their choice, but I'm not going to have it done just to please them. I like the trees so they're staying and I prefer to have a shingle drive. I've done everything possible to make our house individual.
Often, I ring Sarah from the office and ask her to forget about cooking dinner for that night and how about going out for a meal? We've tried all the restaurants within a twenty km radius.
We both love holidays, and I take the family as often as possible. We spend most weekends, exploring new places and trying out different activities.
I love my job, it's very challenging being a manager. I get to meet and work with people of many different personality traits, from varied backgrounds. Every now and then a junior is obviously aiming to take my job. I don't find it threatening, I like the challenge. I enjoy working with intelligent people who stretch my potential.
I work hard and I am paid well. Do I feel guilty? No, I expect to be paid handsomely for my efforts, I wouldn't have it any other way. We live in a large house in an exclusive area and that's my reward for going the extra mile at work. I don't automatically go home at the end of the working day. And sometimes I arrive at the office as early as 6am, just to prepare for a meeting with my team.
I want to be rich and I am prepared to plan and work towards my goals. I look forward to the future. I don't know what's around the corner and I don't care, because whatever happens I will handle the situation. I know I can solve problems - my strength lies within, it does not come from any outside forces. I couldn't care less whether other people approve of me or not, I know I'm okay and that's all that matters.'
Two Opposing Philosophies
Norman's slavery to acting normal (and slavery to what other people think), creates poverty and unhappiness. While David's striving to be different (and refusal to be a slave to other people's expectations of him) creates wealth and happiness.
If you are ever tempted to query if David's attitude is not a tad selfish, then just ask yourself this question, 'who would you prefer to have as a friend? Norman, who's bored and unhappy or David who's exciting and happy?' Easy isn't it.
Power Step #3: Look to the Future
If you dwell on your past mistakes your creativity can crash to a grinding halt and you will be unable to move forward. Losing is good if you interpret it correctly.
Demonstration Example: A friend of mine told me how a number of years ago, an acquaintance of his, approached him with a spectacular lead about a stock that was certain to triple in price in the next few weeks. The price was $7.45 a share. So, despite his misgivings he bought 200 shares. From that day the stock dropped. Finally eighteen months later he decided to cut his losses and sell.
He sold the stock for a huge loss at a grand total of $413. He could have let this one bad experience drive him from ever investing in the stock market again. However, this wise man explained, he was glad to have learned such valuable lessons.
It taught him:
1. Ignore the guy who wants to give a hot tip.
2. Check into a company carefully before buying.
3. Sell if it starts dropping too much.
Education of the Highest Merit
Don't regard mistakes as mistakes. It ceases to be a mistake and loses its power to hold you back if you can learn to be glad that you've not failed but learned valuable lessons in life. That attitude will help you to build future successes.
Lost a job? You probably weren't suited, so take the time out to decide what you really want to do. Built a business and then it crashed? Perhaps you don't like running your own business. Can't sell a product? Look for the reason and then act. Either try out other ways to sell it or scrap the product and sell a different one.
Blessed is he who is not discouraged by mistakes. Blessed is he who is glad he makes mistakes. Winning - or losing - is a state of mind.
Power Step #4: It's Never Too Late
Sadly, the following story is all too common: Bill spent years training to be an engineer, although he never really liked engineering. But he thought it was worth the sacrifice because it was a highly paid skill.
After college, he started a job with an engineering company. Years later he was still working at the same company and still hating it. His excuse was with a mortgage and family ties he was scared to leave the engineering firm and go into a job with lower wages.
After twenty years he was still afraid to correct a mistake made all those years ago. He was now too scared to change jobs, simply because he'd left it too late. He didn't want to compete with younger men experienced at their job.
If you have a goal and you find yourself saying 'it's too late', the only way to conquer that fear is to ignore it and go ahead and do the thing you fear. It's NEVER too late if you have the courage and the passion to follow your dream.
Power Step #5: Don't Crave Security
In ages past we accepted that life was full of hardships. They grappled with huge animals in a desperate bid to kill them for food. The odds were simple; either succeed or starve, kill or be killed.
As civilisations discovered fire and then electricity and gas to keep warm, bought food from markets and built houses of stone, people became less willing to deal with any unexpected events that threatened to turn their cosy life upside down. So, insurance was invented.
The idea of insurance is to cushion the impact of the unexpected. In theory it's a good idea, but it has turned our society into a population of security seekers. It has weakened our strength as individuals who know we can surmount any problem or situation that life throws our way.
The stifling extent of this slavery is enormous. The more security we have the less psychological freedom we can enjoy and the less our chances are of success and abundance.
Dare to Take a Chance
The only places to find security are a prison or mental hospital. Inmates are assured a roof over their heads, food and warmth and no responsibilities. The price tag for this security? No freedom.
Unfortunately, it's all too easy to reel off a list of bad things that could happen to us. For most people it's easier than thinking of the good things that could happen. People who crave security are slaves to a vivid imagination that conjures up bad news items that could happen to them, and they allow these images to cripple their actions. Too afraid to start that great business idea because of all the things they imagine that could go wrong. Too frightened to sell up and buy a larger house in another area because the house prices could drop or the children won't like the new schools, or... and so it goes on for an endless list.
Every child loves surprises and life is fun and exciting because of this. As we grow up and we fight for security, we eliminate the risks but in doing so we eliminate the surprises and limit our chances to achieve more than a humdrum life.
If you want to make sure you don't stifle your need for excitement:
1. Dare to be individual.
2. Dare to develop your own style - instead of following fashion.
3. Dare to study and work to improve yourself in your profession.
4. Dare to have a positive mental attitude and the courage to try.
In other words: Dare to take a chance.
Power Step #6: I Am Certain to Win
Our minds drive us to achieve exactly what we believe we're capable of achieving. This is good news because once we understand this and master the art of controlled thinking, then we can guide our destinies towards success.
Controlled experiments over many years have proved that children who are considered by their teachers, friends and families to be 'troublesome or terrors' actually end up getting into trouble with a high percentage becoming juvenile delinquents. However, the 'good' group of boys (in the same age group at the beginning of a study) believed by teachers, friends and families to stay out of trouble and succeed in school, go on to do so. Each group of children achieve in accordance with what people around them believe them capable of doing.
The conclusion of many similar studies is this: thinking does make it so. Only a miracle can make the football team win who starts a game with the 'we know they'll beat us,' attitude.
If you need to break the bonds of 'I'm certain to fail' slavery:
1. Hold positive chats with yourself.
2. Surround yourself with positive people.
3. Think, 'I'm going to succeed'.
4. Think, 'I'm a winner'.
The only person you will have to convince is yourself. Other people are automatically convinced you're great and a success, after you have convinced yourself.
By Stuart Goldsmith
The following power steps structure your thinking to make sure the actions you take will drive you towards success.
Power Step #1: Be In Charge Of Your Life
Caring what other people think of you puts them in charge of your life, instead of you.
'What will other people think of me?' slavery is extremely common. Most of us are brought up (rightfully so) to consider others. But, unless we are discerning, we soon find ourselves caught up in a job we can't stand, or living in a relationship which makes us unhappy, or getting caught up in the spiral of poverty.
'Trying to please other people all the time' syndrome begins in childhood. It stems from a desire to be liked and admired. Let's look at a fairly typical scenario: three boys, Fred, Joe, and Matthew, all five years old, are best pals. They fight to sit together at school and spend their breaks in a group. Fred comes to school one day with a stack of pokemon cards to show his friends. Joe is envious of Fred's collection and a fight breaks out when Fred refuses to give a prized card to Joe.
There are several resulting scenarios, all with serious implications for Fred's future. A teacher could break up the fight and make Fred feel guilty for not parting with the prized card. Joe could refuse to talk to Fred even ending the friendship, unless Fred relented. Matthew would side with either Joe or Fred, or be a peacemaker and force the other two to discuss the problem and sort it out amicably.
The biggest danger to Fred, is if the solution entails his giving the card away, when he really doesn't want to. In other words, if the only reason he gives in, is because he desperately wants to be liked and it really matters what his friends think of him. If they were real friends, of course, Joe would understand Fred's view and Matthew would not criticise. Fred might even willingly offer Joe another not so valuable card out of his collection.
Over the years thousands of small incidents build up, until by the time we are adults, most of us make a habit of putting what other people think of us before our own personal needs and desires.
The Right Reasons
Before you cut the grass, decorate the house, start a business, go on holiday, always ask yourself, 'am I doing this for the right reasons?' Yes, the gardening has to be done, but not if you're in the middle of crucial market research and if you don't cut the grass today you're worried that the neighbour's will think you're lazy. Yes, a house has to be decorated, but not if it's at the expense of your health through shooting your stress level through the roof trying to fit it in between a busy advertising campaign, and it's only because your partner insists you do it now.
'Other people' slavery kills your creativity, your energy and drive towards your own goals and fulfilling your dreams. It stops you from going to places you want to visit and enjoying the kind of entertainment that you enjoy. So, make certain you're not always driven to do things, merely because you're worried about what other people think of you. Be confident in who you are!
Power Step #2: Strive to be Different
Nearly everyone you know will strive to be normal - because it's socially acceptable. But the normal person goes nowhere special and achieves the mundane.
Using a fictitious character called Norman, here's an example of his normal expectations of life and mediocre results:
'I live in a pleasant neighbourhood in an average house (translated as meaning: all the houses and gardens along the street look exactly alike, apart from the odd differences in plants). I own an average car (just another standard box on wheels, which apart from minor differences looks like nearly every other car on the road).'
Norman's other goals and ambitions: 'I save up all year round to take my wife and children on holiday, somewhere nice where it's safe. We usually book a package holiday, so everything is taken care of and we know exactly what to expect. Even the entertainment is all planned for us.
My job is boring, but it pays the bills and the pension is good. It'll never make me rich, but then I don't want to be rich (but he wouldn't give away a lottery win!). Anyone who's rich has had to lie and cheat their way to the top. I like to sleep at night with a clear conscience. I may not have much but at least it's honest toil.
I don't have much to do with the neighbours; I don't really like them. But, to keep the peace I mow my lawn once a week and keep the garden weeded and tidy, and do the odd job for them. I like to think they view me as a nice guy.
Every other weekend we visit our best friends, Alice and Paul, and they visit us alternate weekends. Like us, they're your average typical family. Most nights after work I shower, change and after dinner, put my feet up and watch television until bedtime. Every Sunday, we have a roast dinner and every Friday we treat ourselves to a fry up. Am I happy, well, it's life isn't it?'
That's how Norman thinks and lives his life and that's how many people live their life. The Normans spend their days, grumbling about how they hate their job, get fed up with their bosses and partners, but that's all they do. The same gripes day in and day out - but taking no action to change their situation, simply because they are slaves to being normal (and 'what will other people think of me, if I do something unusual?').
Living in the Fast Lane of the Elite
Let's compare Norman's goals and ambitions with another invented character, David. He's one of the smaller group of people who move forward and live the life of the elite and privileged.
'My philosophy on life is simple. Life is too short to be little.
I'm not concerned with what other people think of me. If all my neighbours want to cut down their hedges and build short brick walls and block pave their drives, that's their choice, but I'm not going to have it done just to please them. I like the trees so they're staying and I prefer to have a shingle drive. I've done everything possible to make our house individual.
Often, I ring Sarah from the office and ask her to forget about cooking dinner for that night and how about going out for a meal? We've tried all the restaurants within a twenty km radius.
We both love holidays, and I take the family as often as possible. We spend most weekends, exploring new places and trying out different activities.
I love my job, it's very challenging being a manager. I get to meet and work with people of many different personality traits, from varied backgrounds. Every now and then a junior is obviously aiming to take my job. I don't find it threatening, I like the challenge. I enjoy working with intelligent people who stretch my potential.
I work hard and I am paid well. Do I feel guilty? No, I expect to be paid handsomely for my efforts, I wouldn't have it any other way. We live in a large house in an exclusive area and that's my reward for going the extra mile at work. I don't automatically go home at the end of the working day. And sometimes I arrive at the office as early as 6am, just to prepare for a meeting with my team.
I want to be rich and I am prepared to plan and work towards my goals. I look forward to the future. I don't know what's around the corner and I don't care, because whatever happens I will handle the situation. I know I can solve problems - my strength lies within, it does not come from any outside forces. I couldn't care less whether other people approve of me or not, I know I'm okay and that's all that matters.'
Two Opposing Philosophies
Norman's slavery to acting normal (and slavery to what other people think), creates poverty and unhappiness. While David's striving to be different (and refusal to be a slave to other people's expectations of him) creates wealth and happiness.
If you are ever tempted to query if David's attitude is not a tad selfish, then just ask yourself this question, 'who would you prefer to have as a friend? Norman, who's bored and unhappy or David who's exciting and happy?' Easy isn't it.
Power Step #3: Look to the Future
If you dwell on your past mistakes your creativity can crash to a grinding halt and you will be unable to move forward. Losing is good if you interpret it correctly.
Demonstration Example: A friend of mine told me how a number of years ago, an acquaintance of his, approached him with a spectacular lead about a stock that was certain to triple in price in the next few weeks. The price was $7.45 a share. So, despite his misgivings he bought 200 shares. From that day the stock dropped. Finally eighteen months later he decided to cut his losses and sell.
He sold the stock for a huge loss at a grand total of $413. He could have let this one bad experience drive him from ever investing in the stock market again. However, this wise man explained, he was glad to have learned such valuable lessons.
It taught him:
1. Ignore the guy who wants to give a hot tip.
2. Check into a company carefully before buying.
3. Sell if it starts dropping too much.
Education of the Highest Merit
Don't regard mistakes as mistakes. It ceases to be a mistake and loses its power to hold you back if you can learn to be glad that you've not failed but learned valuable lessons in life. That attitude will help you to build future successes.
Lost a job? You probably weren't suited, so take the time out to decide what you really want to do. Built a business and then it crashed? Perhaps you don't like running your own business. Can't sell a product? Look for the reason and then act. Either try out other ways to sell it or scrap the product and sell a different one.
Blessed is he who is not discouraged by mistakes. Blessed is he who is glad he makes mistakes. Winning - or losing - is a state of mind.
Power Step #4: It's Never Too Late
Sadly, the following story is all too common: Bill spent years training to be an engineer, although he never really liked engineering. But he thought it was worth the sacrifice because it was a highly paid skill.
After college, he started a job with an engineering company. Years later he was still working at the same company and still hating it. His excuse was with a mortgage and family ties he was scared to leave the engineering firm and go into a job with lower wages.
After twenty years he was still afraid to correct a mistake made all those years ago. He was now too scared to change jobs, simply because he'd left it too late. He didn't want to compete with younger men experienced at their job.
If you have a goal and you find yourself saying 'it's too late', the only way to conquer that fear is to ignore it and go ahead and do the thing you fear. It's NEVER too late if you have the courage and the passion to follow your dream.
Power Step #5: Don't Crave Security
In ages past we accepted that life was full of hardships. They grappled with huge animals in a desperate bid to kill them for food. The odds were simple; either succeed or starve, kill or be killed.
As civilisations discovered fire and then electricity and gas to keep warm, bought food from markets and built houses of stone, people became less willing to deal with any unexpected events that threatened to turn their cosy life upside down. So, insurance was invented.
The idea of insurance is to cushion the impact of the unexpected. In theory it's a good idea, but it has turned our society into a population of security seekers. It has weakened our strength as individuals who know we can surmount any problem or situation that life throws our way.
The stifling extent of this slavery is enormous. The more security we have the less psychological freedom we can enjoy and the less our chances are of success and abundance.
Dare to Take a Chance
The only places to find security are a prison or mental hospital. Inmates are assured a roof over their heads, food and warmth and no responsibilities. The price tag for this security? No freedom.
Unfortunately, it's all too easy to reel off a list of bad things that could happen to us. For most people it's easier than thinking of the good things that could happen. People who crave security are slaves to a vivid imagination that conjures up bad news items that could happen to them, and they allow these images to cripple their actions. Too afraid to start that great business idea because of all the things they imagine that could go wrong. Too frightened to sell up and buy a larger house in another area because the house prices could drop or the children won't like the new schools, or... and so it goes on for an endless list.
Every child loves surprises and life is fun and exciting because of this. As we grow up and we fight for security, we eliminate the risks but in doing so we eliminate the surprises and limit our chances to achieve more than a humdrum life.
If you want to make sure you don't stifle your need for excitement:
1. Dare to be individual.
2. Dare to develop your own style - instead of following fashion.
3. Dare to study and work to improve yourself in your profession.
4. Dare to have a positive mental attitude and the courage to try.
In other words: Dare to take a chance.
Power Step #6: I Am Certain to Win
Our minds drive us to achieve exactly what we believe we're capable of achieving. This is good news because once we understand this and master the art of controlled thinking, then we can guide our destinies towards success.
Controlled experiments over many years have proved that children who are considered by their teachers, friends and families to be 'troublesome or terrors' actually end up getting into trouble with a high percentage becoming juvenile delinquents. However, the 'good' group of boys (in the same age group at the beginning of a study) believed by teachers, friends and families to stay out of trouble and succeed in school, go on to do so. Each group of children achieve in accordance with what people around them believe them capable of doing.
The conclusion of many similar studies is this: thinking does make it so. Only a miracle can make the football team win who starts a game with the 'we know they'll beat us,' attitude.
If you need to break the bonds of 'I'm certain to fail' slavery:
1. Hold positive chats with yourself.
2. Surround yourself with positive people.
3. Think, 'I'm going to succeed'.
4. Think, 'I'm a winner'.
The only person you will have to convince is yourself. Other people are automatically convinced you're great and a success, after you have convinced yourself.
Six Power Steps to Your Success
By Stuart Goldsmith
The following power steps structure your thinking to make sure the actions you take will drive you towards success.
Power Step #1: Be In Charge Of Your Life
Caring what other people think of you puts them in charge of your life, instead of you.
'What will other people think of me?' slavery is extremely common. Most of us are brought up (rightfully so) to consider others. But, unless we are discerning, we soon find ourselves caught up in a job we can't stand, or living in a relationship which makes us unhappy, or getting caught up in the spiral of poverty.
'Trying to please other people all the time' syndrome begins in childhood. It stems from a desire to be liked and admired. Let's look at a fairly typical scenario: three boys, Fred, Joe, and Matthew, all five years old, are best pals. They fight to sit together at school and spend their breaks in a group. Fred comes to school one day with a stack of pokemon cards to show his friends. Joe is envious of Fred's collection and a fight breaks out when Fred refuses to give a prized card to Joe.
There are several resulting scenarios, all with serious implications for Fred's future. A teacher could break up the fight and make Fred feel guilty for not parting with the prized card. Joe could refuse to talk to Fred even ending the friendship, unless Fred relented. Matthew would side with either Joe or Fred, or be a peacemaker and force the other two to discuss the problem and sort it out amicably.
The biggest danger to Fred, is if the solution entails his giving the card away, when he really doesn't want to. In other words, if the only reason he gives in, is because he desperately wants to be liked and it really matters what his friends think of him. If they were real friends, of course, Joe would understand Fred's view and Matthew would not criticise. Fred might even willingly offer Joe another not so valuable card out of his collection.
Over the years thousands of small incidents build up, until by the time we are adults, most of us make a habit of putting what other people think of us before our own personal needs and desires.
The Right Reasons
Before you cut the grass, decorate the house, start a business, go on holiday, always ask yourself, 'am I doing this for the right reasons?' Yes, the gardening has to be done, but not if you're in the middle of crucial market research and if you don't cut the grass today you're worried that the neighbour's will think you're lazy. Yes, a house has to be decorated, but not if it's at the expense of your health through shooting your stress level through the roof trying to fit it in between a busy advertising campaign, and it's only because your partner insists you do it now.
'Other people' slavery kills your creativity, your energy and drive towards your own goals and fulfilling your dreams. It stops you from going to places you want to visit and enjoying the kind of entertainment that you enjoy. So, make certain you're not always driven to do things, merely because you're worried about what other people think of you. Be confident in who you are!
Power Step #2: Strive to be Different
Nearly everyone you know will strive to be normal - because it's socially acceptable. But the normal person goes nowhere special and achieves the mundane.
Using a fictitious character called Norman, here's an example of his normal expectations of life and mediocre results:
'I live in a pleasant neighbourhood in an average house (translated as meaning: all the houses and gardens along the street look exactly alike, apart from the odd differences in plants). I own an average car (just another standard box on wheels, which apart from minor differences looks like nearly every other car on the road).'
Norman's other goals and ambitions: 'I save up all year round to take my wife and children on holiday, somewhere nice where it's safe. We usually book a package holiday, so everything is taken care of and we know exactly what to expect. Even the entertainment is all planned for us.
My job is boring, but it pays the bills and the pension is good. It'll never make me rich, but then I don't want to be rich (but he wouldn't give away a lottery win!). Anyone who's rich has had to lie and cheat their way to the top. I like to sleep at night with a clear conscience. I may not have much but at least it's honest toil.
I don't have much to do with the neighbours; I don't really like them. But, to keep the peace I mow my lawn once a week and keep the garden weeded and tidy, and do the odd job for them. I like to think they view me as a nice guy.
Every other weekend we visit our best friends, Alice and Paul, and they visit us alternate weekends. Like us, they're your average typical family. Most nights after work I shower, change and after dinner, put my feet up and watch television until bedtime. Every Sunday, we have a roast dinner and every Friday we treat ourselves to a fry up. Am I happy, well, it's life isn't it?'
That's how Norman thinks and lives his life and that's how many people live their life. The Normans spend their days, grumbling about how they hate their job, get fed up with their bosses and partners, but that's all they do. The same gripes day in and day out - but taking no action to change their situation, simply because they are slaves to being normal (and 'what will other people think of me, if I do something unusual?').
Living in the Fast Lane of the Elite
Let's compare Norman's goals and ambitions with another invented character, David. He's one of the smaller group of people who move forward and live the life of the elite and privileged.
'My philosophy on life is simple. Life is too short to be little.
I'm not concerned with what other people think of me. If all my neighbours want to cut down their hedges and build short brick walls and block pave their drives, that's their choice, but I'm not going to have it done just to please them. I like the trees so they're staying and I prefer to have a shingle drive. I've done everything possible to make our house individual.
Often, I ring Sarah from the office and ask her to forget about cooking dinner for that night and how about going out for a meal? We've tried all the restaurants within a twenty km radius.
We both love holidays, and I take the family as often as possible. We spend most weekends, exploring new places and trying out different activities.
I love my job, it's very challenging being a manager. I get to meet and work with people of many different personality traits, from varied backgrounds. Every now and then a junior is obviously aiming to take my job. I don't find it threatening, I like the challenge. I enjoy working with intelligent people who stretch my potential.
I work hard and I am paid well. Do I feel guilty? No, I expect to be paid handsomely for my efforts, I wouldn't have it any other way. We live in a large house in an exclusive area and that's my reward for going the extra mile at work. I don't automatically go home at the end of the working day. And sometimes I arrive at the office as early as 6am, just to prepare for a meeting with my team.
I want to be rich and I am prepared to plan and work towards my goals. I look forward to the future. I don't know what's around the corner and I don't care, because whatever happens I will handle the situation. I know I can solve problems - my strength lies within, it does not come from any outside forces. I couldn't care less whether other people approve of me or not, I know I'm okay and that's all that matters.'
Two Opposing Philosophies
Norman's slavery to acting normal (and slavery to what other people think), creates poverty and unhappiness. While David's striving to be different (and refusal to be a slave to other people's expectations of him) creates wealth and happiness.
If you are ever tempted to query if David's attitude is not a tad selfish, then just ask yourself this question, 'who would you prefer to have as a friend? Norman, who's bored and unhappy or David who's exciting and happy?' Easy isn't it.
Power Step #3: Look to the Future
If you dwell on your past mistakes your creativity can crash to a grinding halt and you will be unable to move forward. Losing is good if you interpret it correctly.
Demonstration Example: A friend of mine told me how a number of years ago, an acquaintance of his, approached him with a spectacular lead about a stock that was certain to triple in price in the next few weeks. The price was $7.45 a share. So, despite his misgivings he bought 200 shares. From that day the stock dropped. Finally eighteen months later he decided to cut his losses and sell.
He sold the stock for a huge loss at a grand total of $413. He could have let this one bad experience drive him from ever investing in the stock market again. However, this wise man explained, he was glad to have learned such valuable lessons.
It taught him:
1. Ignore the guy who wants to give a hot tip.
2. Check into a company carefully before buying.
3. Sell if it starts dropping too much.
Education of the Highest Merit
Don't regard mistakes as mistakes. It ceases to be a mistake and loses its power to hold you back if you can learn to be glad that you've not failed but learned valuable lessons in life. That attitude will help you to build future successes.
Lost a job? You probably weren't suited, so take the time out to decide what you really want to do. Built a business and then it crashed? Perhaps you don't like running your own business. Can't sell a product? Look for the reason and then act. Either try out other ways to sell it or scrap the product and sell a different one.
Blessed is he who is not discouraged by mistakes. Blessed is he who is glad he makes mistakes. Winning - or losing - is a state of mind.
Power Step #4: It's Never Too Late
Sadly, the following story is all too common: Bill spent years training to be an engineer, although he never really liked engineering. But he thought it was worth the sacrifice because it was a highly paid skill.
After college, he started a job with an engineering company. Years later he was still working at the same company and still hating it. His excuse was with a mortgage and family ties he was scared to leave the engineering firm and go into a job with lower wages.
After twenty years he was still afraid to correct a mistake made all those years ago. He was now too scared to change jobs, simply because he'd left it too late. He didn't want to compete with younger men experienced at their job.
If you have a goal and you find yourself saying 'it's too late', the only way to conquer that fear is to ignore it and go ahead and do the thing you fear. It's NEVER too late if you have the courage and the passion to follow your dream.
Power Step #5: Don't Crave Security
In ages past we accepted that life was full of hardships. They grappled with huge animals in a desperate bid to kill them for food. The odds were simple; either succeed or starve, kill or be killed.
As civilisations discovered fire and then electricity and gas to keep warm, bought food from markets and built houses of stone, people became less willing to deal with any unexpected events that threatened to turn their cosy life upside down. So, insurance was invented.
The idea of insurance is to cushion the impact of the unexpected. In theory it's a good idea, but it has turned our society into a population of security seekers. It has weakened our strength as individuals who know we can surmount any problem or situation that life throws our way.
The stifling extent of this slavery is enormous. The more security we have the less psychological freedom we can enjoy and the less our chances are of success and abundance.
Dare to Take a Chance
The only places to find security are a prison or mental hospital. Inmates are assured a roof over their heads, food and warmth and no responsibilities. The price tag for this security? No freedom.
Unfortunately, it's all too easy to reel off a list of bad things that could happen to us. For most people it's easier than thinking of the good things that could happen. People who crave security are slaves to a vivid imagination that conjures up bad news items that could happen to them, and they allow these images to cripple their actions. Too afraid to start that great business idea because of all the things they imagine that could go wrong. Too frightened to sell up and buy a larger house in another area because the house prices could drop or the children won't like the new schools, or... and so it goes on for an endless list.
Every child loves surprises and life is fun and exciting because of this. As we grow up and we fight for security, we eliminate the risks but in doing so we eliminate the surprises and limit our chances to achieve more than a humdrum life.
If you want to make sure you don't stifle your need for excitement:
1. Dare to be individual.
2. Dare to develop your own style - instead of following fashion.
3. Dare to study and work to improve yourself in your profession.
4. Dare to have a positive mental attitude and the courage to try.
In other words: Dare to take a chance.
Power Step #6: I Am Certain to Win
Our minds drive us to achieve exactly what we believe we're capable of achieving. This is good news because once we understand this and master the art of controlled thinking, then we can guide our destinies towards success.
Controlled experiments over many years have proved that children who are considered by their teachers, friends and families to be 'troublesome or terrors' actually end up getting into trouble with a high percentage becoming juvenile delinquents. However, the 'good' group of boys (in the same age group at the beginning of a study) believed by teachers, friends and families to stay out of trouble and succeed in school, go on to do so. Each group of children achieve in accordance with what people around them believe them capable of doing.
The conclusion of many similar studies is this: thinking does make it so. Only a miracle can make the football team win who starts a game with the 'we know they'll beat us,' attitude.
If you need to break the bonds of 'I'm certain to fail' slavery:
1. Hold positive chats with yourself.
2. Surround yourself with positive people.
3. Think, 'I'm going to succeed'.
4. Think, 'I'm a winner'.
The only person you will have to convince is yourself. Other people are automatically convinced you're great and a success, after you have convinced yourself.
By Stuart Goldsmith
The following power steps structure your thinking to make sure the actions you take will drive you towards success.
Power Step #1: Be In Charge Of Your Life
Caring what other people think of you puts them in charge of your life, instead of you.
'What will other people think of me?' slavery is extremely common. Most of us are brought up (rightfully so) to consider others. But, unless we are discerning, we soon find ourselves caught up in a job we can't stand, or living in a relationship which makes us unhappy, or getting caught up in the spiral of poverty.
'Trying to please other people all the time' syndrome begins in childhood. It stems from a desire to be liked and admired. Let's look at a fairly typical scenario: three boys, Fred, Joe, and Matthew, all five years old, are best pals. They fight to sit together at school and spend their breaks in a group. Fred comes to school one day with a stack of pokemon cards to show his friends. Joe is envious of Fred's collection and a fight breaks out when Fred refuses to give a prized card to Joe.
There are several resulting scenarios, all with serious implications for Fred's future. A teacher could break up the fight and make Fred feel guilty for not parting with the prized card. Joe could refuse to talk to Fred even ending the friendship, unless Fred relented. Matthew would side with either Joe or Fred, or be a peacemaker and force the other two to discuss the problem and sort it out amicably.
The biggest danger to Fred, is if the solution entails his giving the card away, when he really doesn't want to. In other words, if the only reason he gives in, is because he desperately wants to be liked and it really matters what his friends think of him. If they were real friends, of course, Joe would understand Fred's view and Matthew would not criticise. Fred might even willingly offer Joe another not so valuable card out of his collection.
Over the years thousands of small incidents build up, until by the time we are adults, most of us make a habit of putting what other people think of us before our own personal needs and desires.
The Right Reasons
Before you cut the grass, decorate the house, start a business, go on holiday, always ask yourself, 'am I doing this for the right reasons?' Yes, the gardening has to be done, but not if you're in the middle of crucial market research and if you don't cut the grass today you're worried that the neighbour's will think you're lazy. Yes, a house has to be decorated, but not if it's at the expense of your health through shooting your stress level through the roof trying to fit it in between a busy advertising campaign, and it's only because your partner insists you do it now.
'Other people' slavery kills your creativity, your energy and drive towards your own goals and fulfilling your dreams. It stops you from going to places you want to visit and enjoying the kind of entertainment that you enjoy. So, make certain you're not always driven to do things, merely because you're worried about what other people think of you. Be confident in who you are!
Power Step #2: Strive to be Different
Nearly everyone you know will strive to be normal - because it's socially acceptable. But the normal person goes nowhere special and achieves the mundane.
Using a fictitious character called Norman, here's an example of his normal expectations of life and mediocre results:
'I live in a pleasant neighbourhood in an average house (translated as meaning: all the houses and gardens along the street look exactly alike, apart from the odd differences in plants). I own an average car (just another standard box on wheels, which apart from minor differences looks like nearly every other car on the road).'
Norman's other goals and ambitions: 'I save up all year round to take my wife and children on holiday, somewhere nice where it's safe. We usually book a package holiday, so everything is taken care of and we know exactly what to expect. Even the entertainment is all planned for us.
My job is boring, but it pays the bills and the pension is good. It'll never make me rich, but then I don't want to be rich (but he wouldn't give away a lottery win!). Anyone who's rich has had to lie and cheat their way to the top. I like to sleep at night with a clear conscience. I may not have much but at least it's honest toil.
I don't have much to do with the neighbours; I don't really like them. But, to keep the peace I mow my lawn once a week and keep the garden weeded and tidy, and do the odd job for them. I like to think they view me as a nice guy.
Every other weekend we visit our best friends, Alice and Paul, and they visit us alternate weekends. Like us, they're your average typical family. Most nights after work I shower, change and after dinner, put my feet up and watch television until bedtime. Every Sunday, we have a roast dinner and every Friday we treat ourselves to a fry up. Am I happy, well, it's life isn't it?'
That's how Norman thinks and lives his life and that's how many people live their life. The Normans spend their days, grumbling about how they hate their job, get fed up with their bosses and partners, but that's all they do. The same gripes day in and day out - but taking no action to change their situation, simply because they are slaves to being normal (and 'what will other people think of me, if I do something unusual?').
Living in the Fast Lane of the Elite
Let's compare Norman's goals and ambitions with another invented character, David. He's one of the smaller group of people who move forward and live the life of the elite and privileged.
'My philosophy on life is simple. Life is too short to be little.
I'm not concerned with what other people think of me. If all my neighbours want to cut down their hedges and build short brick walls and block pave their drives, that's their choice, but I'm not going to have it done just to please them. I like the trees so they're staying and I prefer to have a shingle drive. I've done everything possible to make our house individual.
Often, I ring Sarah from the office and ask her to forget about cooking dinner for that night and how about going out for a meal? We've tried all the restaurants within a twenty km radius.
We both love holidays, and I take the family as often as possible. We spend most weekends, exploring new places and trying out different activities.
I love my job, it's very challenging being a manager. I get to meet and work with people of many different personality traits, from varied backgrounds. Every now and then a junior is obviously aiming to take my job. I don't find it threatening, I like the challenge. I enjoy working with intelligent people who stretch my potential.
I work hard and I am paid well. Do I feel guilty? No, I expect to be paid handsomely for my efforts, I wouldn't have it any other way. We live in a large house in an exclusive area and that's my reward for going the extra mile at work. I don't automatically go home at the end of the working day. And sometimes I arrive at the office as early as 6am, just to prepare for a meeting with my team.
I want to be rich and I am prepared to plan and work towards my goals. I look forward to the future. I don't know what's around the corner and I don't care, because whatever happens I will handle the situation. I know I can solve problems - my strength lies within, it does not come from any outside forces. I couldn't care less whether other people approve of me or not, I know I'm okay and that's all that matters.'
Two Opposing Philosophies
Norman's slavery to acting normal (and slavery to what other people think), creates poverty and unhappiness. While David's striving to be different (and refusal to be a slave to other people's expectations of him) creates wealth and happiness.
If you are ever tempted to query if David's attitude is not a tad selfish, then just ask yourself this question, 'who would you prefer to have as a friend? Norman, who's bored and unhappy or David who's exciting and happy?' Easy isn't it.
Power Step #3: Look to the Future
If you dwell on your past mistakes your creativity can crash to a grinding halt and you will be unable to move forward. Losing is good if you interpret it correctly.
Demonstration Example: A friend of mine told me how a number of years ago, an acquaintance of his, approached him with a spectacular lead about a stock that was certain to triple in price in the next few weeks. The price was $7.45 a share. So, despite his misgivings he bought 200 shares. From that day the stock dropped. Finally eighteen months later he decided to cut his losses and sell.
He sold the stock for a huge loss at a grand total of $413. He could have let this one bad experience drive him from ever investing in the stock market again. However, this wise man explained, he was glad to have learned such valuable lessons.
It taught him:
1. Ignore the guy who wants to give a hot tip.
2. Check into a company carefully before buying.
3. Sell if it starts dropping too much.
Education of the Highest Merit
Don't regard mistakes as mistakes. It ceases to be a mistake and loses its power to hold you back if you can learn to be glad that you've not failed but learned valuable lessons in life. That attitude will help you to build future successes.
Lost a job? You probably weren't suited, so take the time out to decide what you really want to do. Built a business and then it crashed? Perhaps you don't like running your own business. Can't sell a product? Look for the reason and then act. Either try out other ways to sell it or scrap the product and sell a different one.
Blessed is he who is not discouraged by mistakes. Blessed is he who is glad he makes mistakes. Winning - or losing - is a state of mind.
Power Step #4: It's Never Too Late
Sadly, the following story is all too common: Bill spent years training to be an engineer, although he never really liked engineering. But he thought it was worth the sacrifice because it was a highly paid skill.
After college, he started a job with an engineering company. Years later he was still working at the same company and still hating it. His excuse was with a mortgage and family ties he was scared to leave the engineering firm and go into a job with lower wages.
After twenty years he was still afraid to correct a mistake made all those years ago. He was now too scared to change jobs, simply because he'd left it too late. He didn't want to compete with younger men experienced at their job.
If you have a goal and you find yourself saying 'it's too late', the only way to conquer that fear is to ignore it and go ahead and do the thing you fear. It's NEVER too late if you have the courage and the passion to follow your dream.
Power Step #5: Don't Crave Security
In ages past we accepted that life was full of hardships. They grappled with huge animals in a desperate bid to kill them for food. The odds were simple; either succeed or starve, kill or be killed.
As civilisations discovered fire and then electricity and gas to keep warm, bought food from markets and built houses of stone, people became less willing to deal with any unexpected events that threatened to turn their cosy life upside down. So, insurance was invented.
The idea of insurance is to cushion the impact of the unexpected. In theory it's a good idea, but it has turned our society into a population of security seekers. It has weakened our strength as individuals who know we can surmount any problem or situation that life throws our way.
The stifling extent of this slavery is enormous. The more security we have the less psychological freedom we can enjoy and the less our chances are of success and abundance.
Dare to Take a Chance
The only places to find security are a prison or mental hospital. Inmates are assured a roof over their heads, food and warmth and no responsibilities. The price tag for this security? No freedom.
Unfortunately, it's all too easy to reel off a list of bad things that could happen to us. For most people it's easier than thinking of the good things that could happen. People who crave security are slaves to a vivid imagination that conjures up bad news items that could happen to them, and they allow these images to cripple their actions. Too afraid to start that great business idea because of all the things they imagine that could go wrong. Too frightened to sell up and buy a larger house in another area because the house prices could drop or the children won't like the new schools, or... and so it goes on for an endless list.
Every child loves surprises and life is fun and exciting because of this. As we grow up and we fight for security, we eliminate the risks but in doing so we eliminate the surprises and limit our chances to achieve more than a humdrum life.
If you want to make sure you don't stifle your need for excitement:
1. Dare to be individual.
2. Dare to develop your own style - instead of following fashion.
3. Dare to study and work to improve yourself in your profession.
4. Dare to have a positive mental attitude and the courage to try.
In other words: Dare to take a chance.
Power Step #6: I Am Certain to Win
Our minds drive us to achieve exactly what we believe we're capable of achieving. This is good news because once we understand this and master the art of controlled thinking, then we can guide our destinies towards success.
Controlled experiments over many years have proved that children who are considered by their teachers, friends and families to be 'troublesome or terrors' actually end up getting into trouble with a high percentage becoming juvenile delinquents. However, the 'good' group of boys (in the same age group at the beginning of a study) believed by teachers, friends and families to stay out of trouble and succeed in school, go on to do so. Each group of children achieve in accordance with what people around them believe them capable of doing.
The conclusion of many similar studies is this: thinking does make it so. Only a miracle can make the football team win who starts a game with the 'we know they'll beat us,' attitude.
If you need to break the bonds of 'I'm certain to fail' slavery:
1. Hold positive chats with yourself.
2. Surround yourself with positive people.
3. Think, 'I'm going to succeed'.
4. Think, 'I'm a winner'.
The only person you will have to convince is yourself. Other people are automatically convinced you're great and a success, after you have convinced yourself.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Astral Worlds
Astral Worlds are also known as Astral Planes, Astral Realms or Astral Spheres, sometimes also known as “the beyond”, “the afterlife” or the “fourth dimension”, to which people will transition soon after leaving the physical world.
We should start with the more general aspects of these planes of life and reality. It should be noted that the Astral Worlds are in effect the “fifth dimension”, with the length, width, height and time of the physical world being the first four dimensions.
As with all planes in the multi-dimensional continuum of the Universe, the Astral Planes are the density degrees of the Universe, The Source, God. The Astral Planes are therefore fundamental to the creation of everything that exists has ever existed and ever will exist in the physical world of matter in accordance with the principle of Correspondence, “as above, so below, as below, so above”, the “future” being relative to the temporal concepts of the measurement of time as perceived within the three dimensions – length, width and height, of the physical world.
The Astral Worlds are also the sphere of vibrations in which light, sound colour and rhythm, and thus all life and everything ever created, and ever will ever be created has its origin. Nothing can exist on Earth without first originating in the Astral Worlds. The Astral Worlds are therefore an emanation of the Eternal without beginning or end, and are therefore timeless, spaceless and infinite.
Most esoteric and occult traditions as well as organizations involved with the practice of “Spiritualism” usually consider the Astral Worlds to be the “fourth dimension”, “the beyond” or sometimes the “afterlife”. However there really is no such concept as “this life” and the “next life”, or “this world” and the “next world”, which is why “death” as people generally understand it quite simple does not exist, except as a fear in the Consciousness of Mind of most humans.
Learning the ability of Astral Projection will remove the fear of death completely, providing first –hand evidence of the reality of the Astral Worlds and the continuity of life beyond the confines of the temporal physical shell of body. It is this very lack of understanding of the illusion of “death” that has contributed in no small part to the state of the world as we witness it today.
Most people, being completely unaware of their own immortal, Divine Nature, live each life as if it was the only chance they will ever get to “exist”, and therefore as a direct result become steeped in the material illusion of the world of the five physical senses. When mankind finally re-discovers these realities, people will waste no opportunity to do everything they need to do of their own freewill in order to progress to the glories of the “heavenly” spheres of life, glories that are far and way beyond the comprehension of most people still living on Earth, worlds which are indeed true reality, our true home as Spiritual Beings as opposed to the physical illusion of Earth and indeed the entire physical Universe.
The Astral Worlds are home to a very wide variety of inhabitants in addition to humans. There are many beings and intelligencies that have never incarnated on Earth, and who’s task it is to assist in the evolution of mankind on Earth. There are also the beings of the single elements, many of which form the basis of earthly “fairy stories”. There are also the more simple beings of the elements known as “elementaries” which are much less advanced, but nevertheless do exhibit a degree of intelligence and have their role to play in the grand Universal scheme.
Also living within, or visiting the Astral Worlds are a very wide variety of beings of all levels and intelligencies, most of which are beyond the comprehension of the earthly man, including beings originating from other planets in the Universe. In the Astral Worlds there are many degrees of Energy, of vibration at which life exists, everyone and everything existing at a particular degree of vibration exhibiting similar characteristics.
In the Mid-Astral Worlds, at the level of vibration where the most decent people currently find themselves after physical death, existence is one of piece, harmony and tranquility, often in very stark contrast to the previous existence within the physical world of the Earth life system. These Astral Worlds also seem much lighter, solid and “real” than the physical world, which by comparison seems to be a very dull, murky, oppressive place indeed.
As we understand, there are many levels of vibration and comparative density of the Astral Worlds, all of which exhibit there own unique Energy. A human being, indeed any being will after physical death automatically transition to the most appropriate Astral World, most closely matching his or her own particular vibration, ego, temperament, character and most importantly the beliefs and attitudes of the person at the time of the physical “death”. If a person is Open-Minded and fully understands the process erroneously known as “death”, and assuming their previous life has been a normal and decent one, they will effortlessly transition to the light, peace and harmony of the Mid-Astral Worlds. More spiritually advanced people will transition to the inner Astral Worlds where conditions are even more blissful and beyond the comprehension of most people still living in the physical world of matter.
Now, we take a closer look at the various levels of the Astral Worlds, the Astral Planes in more detail. It is important to once again stress there are no actual definitive borders or boundaries between the various Astral Planes. The entire Universe from The Prime Creator , The First Cause, God is a continuum, consisting of vibration, Energy, from the very highest level of the Source down to the very lowest of the physical world of matter. All Astral Planes form an integral, lower aspect of this vast and infinite Energy continuum.
When we talk about the “inner worlds” of the Astral and Mental Planes, the Spirit Worlds, these really are inner worlds or planes relative to the physical Universe. The multi-dimensional Universe can be likened to a sphere with the physical Universe being the outermost and thinnest layer and which can be likened to a “skin”, and “epidermis”, an outer “shell”, within which sphere everything else in creation exists with The Source, The First Cause, God at the very center of creation. The Quantum Physicist David Bohm most appropriately referred to the physical Universe of matter, the outermost aspect of the multi-dimensional Universe as “frozen light”. The physical Universe is indeed “frozen light”, the very lowest vibration and highest density manifestation of Energy of the Primordial Light of God from whom everything was created in the beginning.
As human beings are Spiritually made in the “true image of God”, and therefore of the Universe, each finer, subtle body of a human being, the microcosm, are also “inner bodies”. The physical human body, as with the Universe as a whole, the macrocosm, is the outer shell, and each successive body, the Etheric, Astral and Mental bodies are all progressively inner levels of vibration and lower density, being equivalent to the level of the Universal continuum, in other words the sphere, world, plane, dimension at which they exist. This is why meditation and similar disciplines are considered to be forms of “inner exploration”.
Collected from the Articles of Adrian Cooper.
Astral Worlds are also known as Astral Planes, Astral Realms or Astral Spheres, sometimes also known as “the beyond”, “the afterlife” or the “fourth dimension”, to which people will transition soon after leaving the physical world.
We should start with the more general aspects of these planes of life and reality. It should be noted that the Astral Worlds are in effect the “fifth dimension”, with the length, width, height and time of the physical world being the first four dimensions.
As with all planes in the multi-dimensional continuum of the Universe, the Astral Planes are the density degrees of the Universe, The Source, God. The Astral Planes are therefore fundamental to the creation of everything that exists has ever existed and ever will exist in the physical world of matter in accordance with the principle of Correspondence, “as above, so below, as below, so above”, the “future” being relative to the temporal concepts of the measurement of time as perceived within the three dimensions – length, width and height, of the physical world.
The Astral Worlds are also the sphere of vibrations in which light, sound colour and rhythm, and thus all life and everything ever created, and ever will ever be created has its origin. Nothing can exist on Earth without first originating in the Astral Worlds. The Astral Worlds are therefore an emanation of the Eternal without beginning or end, and are therefore timeless, spaceless and infinite.
Most esoteric and occult traditions as well as organizations involved with the practice of “Spiritualism” usually consider the Astral Worlds to be the “fourth dimension”, “the beyond” or sometimes the “afterlife”. However there really is no such concept as “this life” and the “next life”, or “this world” and the “next world”, which is why “death” as people generally understand it quite simple does not exist, except as a fear in the Consciousness of Mind of most humans.
Learning the ability of Astral Projection will remove the fear of death completely, providing first –hand evidence of the reality of the Astral Worlds and the continuity of life beyond the confines of the temporal physical shell of body. It is this very lack of understanding of the illusion of “death” that has contributed in no small part to the state of the world as we witness it today.
Most people, being completely unaware of their own immortal, Divine Nature, live each life as if it was the only chance they will ever get to “exist”, and therefore as a direct result become steeped in the material illusion of the world of the five physical senses. When mankind finally re-discovers these realities, people will waste no opportunity to do everything they need to do of their own freewill in order to progress to the glories of the “heavenly” spheres of life, glories that are far and way beyond the comprehension of most people still living on Earth, worlds which are indeed true reality, our true home as Spiritual Beings as opposed to the physical illusion of Earth and indeed the entire physical Universe.
The Astral Worlds are home to a very wide variety of inhabitants in addition to humans. There are many beings and intelligencies that have never incarnated on Earth, and who’s task it is to assist in the evolution of mankind on Earth. There are also the beings of the single elements, many of which form the basis of earthly “fairy stories”. There are also the more simple beings of the elements known as “elementaries” which are much less advanced, but nevertheless do exhibit a degree of intelligence and have their role to play in the grand Universal scheme.
Also living within, or visiting the Astral Worlds are a very wide variety of beings of all levels and intelligencies, most of which are beyond the comprehension of the earthly man, including beings originating from other planets in the Universe. In the Astral Worlds there are many degrees of Energy, of vibration at which life exists, everyone and everything existing at a particular degree of vibration exhibiting similar characteristics.
In the Mid-Astral Worlds, at the level of vibration where the most decent people currently find themselves after physical death, existence is one of piece, harmony and tranquility, often in very stark contrast to the previous existence within the physical world of the Earth life system. These Astral Worlds also seem much lighter, solid and “real” than the physical world, which by comparison seems to be a very dull, murky, oppressive place indeed.
As we understand, there are many levels of vibration and comparative density of the Astral Worlds, all of which exhibit there own unique Energy. A human being, indeed any being will after physical death automatically transition to the most appropriate Astral World, most closely matching his or her own particular vibration, ego, temperament, character and most importantly the beliefs and attitudes of the person at the time of the physical “death”. If a person is Open-Minded and fully understands the process erroneously known as “death”, and assuming their previous life has been a normal and decent one, they will effortlessly transition to the light, peace and harmony of the Mid-Astral Worlds. More spiritually advanced people will transition to the inner Astral Worlds where conditions are even more blissful and beyond the comprehension of most people still living in the physical world of matter.
Now, we take a closer look at the various levels of the Astral Worlds, the Astral Planes in more detail. It is important to once again stress there are no actual definitive borders or boundaries between the various Astral Planes. The entire Universe from The Prime Creator , The First Cause, God is a continuum, consisting of vibration, Energy, from the very highest level of the Source down to the very lowest of the physical world of matter. All Astral Planes form an integral, lower aspect of this vast and infinite Energy continuum.
When we talk about the “inner worlds” of the Astral and Mental Planes, the Spirit Worlds, these really are inner worlds or planes relative to the physical Universe. The multi-dimensional Universe can be likened to a sphere with the physical Universe being the outermost and thinnest layer and which can be likened to a “skin”, and “epidermis”, an outer “shell”, within which sphere everything else in creation exists with The Source, The First Cause, God at the very center of creation. The Quantum Physicist David Bohm most appropriately referred to the physical Universe of matter, the outermost aspect of the multi-dimensional Universe as “frozen light”. The physical Universe is indeed “frozen light”, the very lowest vibration and highest density manifestation of Energy of the Primordial Light of God from whom everything was created in the beginning.
As human beings are Spiritually made in the “true image of God”, and therefore of the Universe, each finer, subtle body of a human being, the microcosm, are also “inner bodies”. The physical human body, as with the Universe as a whole, the macrocosm, is the outer shell, and each successive body, the Etheric, Astral and Mental bodies are all progressively inner levels of vibration and lower density, being equivalent to the level of the Universal continuum, in other words the sphere, world, plane, dimension at which they exist. This is why meditation and similar disciplines are considered to be forms of “inner exploration”.
Collected from the Articles of Adrian Cooper.
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