Powers of the Imagination
Imagination is one of the most powerful of all vibrations of Energy in the Universe. When considering imagination it must never be confused with mere fantasy, unreal thoughts or simply as a “figment of the imagination”, but rather as an extremely powerful, natural, God given ability that every single human being without any exception possesses.
Within the inner spheres of reality, as everyone will discover very soon after passing on from the physical world, everything desired is brought into instant manifestation by the use of will, intent and the power of imagination. Thoughts take shape instantly and the more power and emotion projected into thoughts, the more real they become and the longer they will remain.
Thoughts are vibrations, manifestations of Energy, and most thoughts are transient, that is to say they appear, linger for a time depending on the Energy involved and then fade away again. To create something more permanent in the Astral Worlds requires use of the imagination with as much will, intent and focus as possible. This however is often an entirely natural process requiring no particular effort; it is quite literally as natural as thinking.
By constantly making use of and thinking about a particular desire, for example a home, the more solid and real it will become and the longer it will persist. Creations of the type utilized by many people within the Astral Worlds, consensus creations of perhaps thousands or even millions of people, can potentially last for infinity, such creations being the products of collective thoughts and beliefs projected in the same direction and focus by many people.
Within the Astral Worlds, often known as “the beyond” or “the afterlife” where people transition after the process erroneously known as “death”, there are vast areas of Energy comprising just about every type of environment; all consensus creations of numerous people from the past, present and future relative to temporal concept of Earth “time”. These creations are the result of vast collective, consensual Energy configurations that are continually being influenced by Mind, and which Energy therefore endures under the consensual Mind influence almost ad-infinitum.
Many Astral locales including entire cities are inhabited by very large numbers of Astral residents, all continuously influencing the same creative Energy, and thus giving these Astral locales their permanency. The mid-Astral worlds to which people are attracted after the transition from the physical world in accordance with the Energy characteristic of the individual Astral and Mental body, the Soul and Spirit, are almost identical to the physical world, so much so that many people do not immediately know they have actually passed on. This is because the people of the Astral Worlds model the Astral Worlds based upon there own specific experiences and perception of the physical world they have just left, and how they “imagine” it should be. People at that level of evolution on the path often believe that “reality” is represented by material things just as they did on Earth, and accordingly use their powers of the imagination to reproduce that same habitat and perception within the Astral Worlds, thereby creating that reality for themselves with which they feel the most comfortable.
On an individual level therefore a person might create his ideal home, whereas large number of people within the Astral at a consensual level will imagine larger scale constructions such as villages, towns and cities, just as they were used to in physical life. This applies to all Energy levels of the Astral Planes, each level, from the darkest, “hell” like levels to the highest most blissful levels all being a perfect reflection of the vibration of the Soul and Spirit of the people living there, and also their own perception of what “life” should be like in their own reality. This is why, like the physical worlds, the Astral Worlds are ephemeral, transient projections created by the Mind of humans, all of which are destined to progress and transcend that illusion on the path to the glories, splendours and bliss of the Spirit Worlds, pure Mind Worlds where the perception of form simply does not exist and does not need to exist. The reality and glory of the Spirit Worlds are far greater than the temporal physical world or the ephemeral Astral Worlds, as everyone will discover as they progress and evolve along the sacred path of perfection back to The Source, The First Cause, God.
The Astral Worlds are vast, varied and complex, consisting of an infinite number of realms from the earthly equivalent of past, present and future, many of which have been created by beings not of the Earth, but all of which have been created by the very same vibrations, creative Energy of the power of thought, the creative power of the imagination.
The entire Ether of Universe consists of vibration, which is Energy. Thoughts, emotions and powers of the imagination are therefore also degrees of vibration of the same Energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be influenced. It is the interaction and influence of Energy by Mind that results in the manifestation of the objects that are the focus of and are therefore influenced by the imagination in accordance with the Universal laws, and in particular The Law of Attraction. Exactly the same laws also apply to manifestation into the physical world. Before anything at all can manifest as a reality into the physical world it must first be preceded by thought, a very powerful characteristic of which is imagination.
This is very often a subconscious process whereby for example the preparation of a meal is preceded by first imagining what the meal will include, how it should taste, how the meal will be prepared, where the ingredients will be obtained from and finally how it will be presented on the table. This is simply a very basic example whereby an act of creation commenced with the process of imagination is subsequently followed up with direct physical actions in the same direction in order to manifest the original object of the imagination into observable physical reality.
Manifestation can however equally be brought about without the need for any associated direct physical actions at all, exactly the same laws of creation applying to the inner spheres of the Universe also equally applying to the physical world, again in accordance with The Laws of Attraction and Correspondence in particular; “as above, so below”. Just as anything can be created within the inner spheres entirely by means of the powers of imagination, so too can manifestation take place into the physical world by virtue of the same Universal laws, without even the need for any preceding direct physical action.
The physical world however is very dense and of a much lower vibration than the inner Mind Worlds of the Astral and Mental spheres, and therefore more Energy, concentration and focus is required in order to bring about a manifestation observable in the physical world. Many people will have heard of “Magic”. We should note straightaway however that by true Magic as practiced from times immemorial we do not mean the stage illusionists, prestidigitators, conjurors and other such people from the areas of stage entertainment, but rather Magic in its very truest, very highest and most sacred form. Magic is in reality a sacred science, the word “Magic” originating from the “Magi” who fully understood and applied natural Universal laws in order to bring about effect that many might consider to be miraculous.
The practitioner of true Magic understands, aligns him or herself with, and makes full and proper use of Universal laws in order to manifest the desired results in whichever plane of existence the desired result is to be experienced. People often erroneously associate Magic with Occult practices, sorcery and witchcraft for example, but even this is not Magic in its truest and highest form. This is not to say of course that sorcery, witchcraft and similar types of Magic are not effective, because they most certainly can be and often are, depending on the powers of the practitioner. The Universe does not recognize human labels, but only cause and effect by virtue of Universal laws and the influence of the Energy from which everything has been created and has its being.
Sorcery and witchcraft are often performed by utilizing some Universal laws that result in the influence of Energy in the desired direction, by means for example of spells, rituals and other series of actions, but often without the practitioner ever being fully aware of what Universal forces are involved or how they are being applied. The most powerful true Magic is when the practitioner fully and consciously aligns him or herself with, and makes the fullest possible use of Universal laws, powers of the Magi.
What more people consider to be “Magic” (not the street magic, could more properly be referred to as “manifestation”. Manifestation is in the broadest terms the use of the imagination in order to manifest the object of the imagination into physical reality in accordance with Universal laws and is the fundamental basis for all creation.
In the case of witchcraft, sorcery and similar practices practitioners often make use of spells, rituals and other regalia such as candles, swords, athame’s and much more, in order to provide the focus, intent and Energy required for the object of the imagination, usually by creative visualization, to manifest into the material world. It is most certainly not at all necessary to practice witchcraft or sorcery in order to manifest into the physical world, these are quite simply the age-old traditions that are still carried on till today.
One of the most important aspects of successful manifestation is highly focussed and concentrated Energy in the form of thought or imagination. Indeed, the more Energy behind a manifestation the sooner it can materialize into the physical world as an observable reality. Very often, spells and rituals are only carried out once, meaning the chances of success are more variable and in accordance with the expertise of the focus, concentration and expertise of the practitioner. Magic, or more specifically manifestation can therefore be accomplished by anyone without requiring any form of occult, esoteric or mystical practices, to be performed in order to be successful. Indeed, such practices can sometimes lead to frustration with the accompanying lack of observable results. Anyone at all can manifest and create any reality for themselves by fully understanding and applying Natural Universal Laws utilizing the simple, enjoyable and effective exercises.
Finally, A Word of Caution – All your thoughts, imaginations and creative visualizations must only be for the purposes of good, either for yourself or for other people. Never, ever be tempted to use these powers to harm another person. If you do, the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, of which Karma is an integral aspect will most surely operate against you, and either in this or future life you will have to pay the price. This is not intended to be a system of punishment as such as with a Court of Law. The simple fact of the matter is that every cause has its corresponding effect, positive, negative or neutral, and Karma is no more than the causation of the Law of Attraction that ensure that no being can be the cause of anything negative without experiencing the corresponding effect.
We use the word “experiencing” rather than “suffering”. Everyone is here to experience and to evolve and not to suffer which is a human construct based on a perception relative to self and the ego. The Universe operates under the influence of the most powerful force in the Universe, Unconditional Love, and that applies to every aspect of human evolution, and indeed the evolution of the entire Universe and all Beings, all expressions of God.
Providing always that your Thoughts, Intentions, Energy, Imaginations and Creative Visualizations are always for the purposes of good and for genuine needs, and not based in greed, in other words will not bring harm to others in the process, only good will surely result, and your needs and desires will be fulfilled without Karmic consequences.
Collected from the Articles of Adrian Cooper.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Powers of the Imagination
Imagination is one of the most powerful of all vibrations of Energy in the Universe. When considering imagination it must never be confused with mere fantasy, unreal thoughts or simply as a “figment of the imagination”, but rather as an extremely powerful, natural, God given ability that every single human being without any exception possesses.
Within the inner spheres of reality, as everyone will discover very soon after passing on from the physical world, everything desired is brought into instant manifestation by the use of will, intent and the power of imagination. Thoughts take shape instantly and the more power and emotion projected into thoughts, the more real they become and the longer they will remain.
Thoughts are vibrations, manifestations of Energy, and most thoughts are transient, that is to say they appear, linger for a time depending on the Energy involved and then fade away again. To create something more permanent in the Astral Worlds requires use of the imagination with as much will, intent and focus as possible. This however is often an entirely natural process requiring no particular effort; it is quite literally as natural as thinking.
By constantly making use of and thinking about a particular desire, for example a home, the more solid and real it will become and the longer it will persist. Creations of the type utilized by many people within the Astral Worlds, consensus creations of perhaps thousands or even millions of people, can potentially last for infinity, such creations being the products of collective thoughts and beliefs projected in the same direction and focus by many people.
Within the Astral Worlds, often known as “the beyond” or “the afterlife” where people transition after the process erroneously known as “death”, there are vast areas of Energy comprising just about every type of environment; all consensus creations of numerous people from the past, present and future relative to temporal concept of Earth “time”. These creations are the result of vast collective, consensual Energy configurations that are continually being influenced by Mind, and which Energy therefore endures under the consensual Mind influence almost ad-infinitum.
Many Astral locales including entire cities are inhabited by very large numbers of Astral residents, all continuously influencing the same creative Energy, and thus giving these Astral locales their permanency. The mid-Astral worlds to which people are attracted after the transition from the physical world in accordance with the Energy characteristic of the individual Astral and Mental body, the Soul and Spirit, are almost identical to the physical world, so much so that many people do not immediately know they have actually passed on. This is because the people of the Astral Worlds model the Astral Worlds based upon there own specific experiences and perception of the physical world they have just left, and how they “imagine” it should be. People at that level of evolution on the path often believe that “reality” is represented by material things just as they did on Earth, and accordingly use their powers of the imagination to reproduce that same habitat and perception within the Astral Worlds, thereby creating that reality for themselves with which they feel the most comfortable.
On an individual level therefore a person might create his ideal home, whereas large number of people within the Astral at a consensual level will imagine larger scale constructions such as villages, towns and cities, just as they were used to in physical life. This applies to all Energy levels of the Astral Planes, each level, from the darkest, “hell” like levels to the highest most blissful levels all being a perfect reflection of the vibration of the Soul and Spirit of the people living there, and also their own perception of what “life” should be like in their own reality. This is why, like the physical worlds, the Astral Worlds are ephemeral, transient projections created by the Mind of humans, all of which are destined to progress and transcend that illusion on the path to the glories, splendours and bliss of the Spirit Worlds, pure Mind Worlds where the perception of form simply does not exist and does not need to exist. The reality and glory of the Spirit Worlds are far greater than the temporal physical world or the ephemeral Astral Worlds, as everyone will discover as they progress and evolve along the sacred path of perfection back to The Source, The First Cause, God.
The Astral Worlds are vast, varied and complex, consisting of an infinite number of realms from the earthly equivalent of past, present and future, many of which have been created by beings not of the Earth, but all of which have been created by the very same vibrations, creative Energy of the power of thought, the creative power of the imagination.
The entire Ether of Universe consists of vibration, which is Energy. Thoughts, emotions and powers of the imagination are therefore also degrees of vibration of the same Energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be influenced. It is the interaction and influence of Energy by Mind that results in the manifestation of the objects that are the focus of and are therefore influenced by the imagination in accordance with the Universal laws, and in particular The Law of Attraction. Exactly the same laws also apply to manifestation into the physical world. Before anything at all can manifest as a reality into the physical world it must first be preceded by thought, a very powerful characteristic of which is imagination.
This is very often a subconscious process whereby for example the preparation of a meal is preceded by first imagining what the meal will include, how it should taste, how the meal will be prepared, where the ingredients will be obtained from and finally how it will be presented on the table. This is simply a very basic example whereby an act of creation commenced with the process of imagination is subsequently followed up with direct physical actions in the same direction in order to manifest the original object of the imagination into observable physical reality.
Manifestation can however equally be brought about without the need for any associated direct physical actions at all, exactly the same laws of creation applying to the inner spheres of the Universe also equally applying to the physical world, again in accordance with The Laws of Attraction and Correspondence in particular; “as above, so below”. Just as anything can be created within the inner spheres entirely by means of the powers of imagination, so too can manifestation take place into the physical world by virtue of the same Universal laws, without even the need for any preceding direct physical action.
The physical world however is very dense and of a much lower vibration than the inner Mind Worlds of the Astral and Mental spheres, and therefore more Energy, concentration and focus is required in order to bring about a manifestation observable in the physical world. Many people will have heard of “Magic”. We should note straightaway however that by true Magic as practiced from times immemorial we do not mean the stage illusionists, prestidigitators, conjurors and other such people from the areas of stage entertainment, but rather Magic in its very truest, very highest and most sacred form. Magic is in reality a sacred science, the word “Magic” originating from the “Magi” who fully understood and applied natural Universal laws in order to bring about effect that many might consider to be miraculous.
The practitioner of true Magic understands, aligns him or herself with, and makes full and proper use of Universal laws in order to manifest the desired results in whichever plane of existence the desired result is to be experienced. People often erroneously associate Magic with Occult practices, sorcery and witchcraft for example, but even this is not Magic in its truest and highest form. This is not to say of course that sorcery, witchcraft and similar types of Magic are not effective, because they most certainly can be and often are, depending on the powers of the practitioner. The Universe does not recognize human labels, but only cause and effect by virtue of Universal laws and the influence of the Energy from which everything has been created and has its being.
Sorcery and witchcraft are often performed by utilizing some Universal laws that result in the influence of Energy in the desired direction, by means for example of spells, rituals and other series of actions, but often without the practitioner ever being fully aware of what Universal forces are involved or how they are being applied. The most powerful true Magic is when the practitioner fully and consciously aligns him or herself with, and makes the fullest possible use of Universal laws, powers of the Magi.
What more people consider to be “Magic” (not the street magic, could more properly be referred to as “manifestation”. Manifestation is in the broadest terms the use of the imagination in order to manifest the object of the imagination into physical reality in accordance with Universal laws and is the fundamental basis for all creation.
In the case of witchcraft, sorcery and similar practices practitioners often make use of spells, rituals and other regalia such as candles, swords, athame’s and much more, in order to provide the focus, intent and Energy required for the object of the imagination, usually by creative visualization, to manifest into the material world. It is most certainly not at all necessary to practice witchcraft or sorcery in order to manifest into the physical world, these are quite simply the age-old traditions that are still carried on till today.
One of the most important aspects of successful manifestation is highly focussed and concentrated Energy in the form of thought or imagination. Indeed, the more Energy behind a manifestation the sooner it can materialize into the physical world as an observable reality. Very often, spells and rituals are only carried out once, meaning the chances of success are more variable and in accordance with the expertise of the focus, concentration and expertise of the practitioner. Magic, or more specifically manifestation can therefore be accomplished by anyone without requiring any form of occult, esoteric or mystical practices, to be performed in order to be successful. Indeed, such practices can sometimes lead to frustration with the accompanying lack of observable results. Anyone at all can manifest and create any reality for themselves by fully understanding and applying Natural Universal Laws utilizing the simple, enjoyable and effective exercises.
Finally, A Word of Caution – All your thoughts, imaginations and creative visualizations must only be for the purposes of good, either for yourself or for other people. Never, ever be tempted to use these powers to harm another person. If you do, the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, of which Karma is an integral aspect will most surely operate against you, and either in this or future life you will have to pay the price. This is not intended to be a system of punishment as such as with a Court of Law. The simple fact of the matter is that every cause has its corresponding effect, positive, negative or neutral, and Karma is no more than the causation of the Law of Attraction that ensure that no being can be the cause of anything negative without experiencing the corresponding effect.
We use the word “experiencing” rather than “suffering”. Everyone is here to experience and to evolve and not to suffer which is a human construct based on a perception relative to self and the ego. The Universe operates under the influence of the most powerful force in the Universe, Unconditional Love, and that applies to every aspect of human evolution, and indeed the evolution of the entire Universe and all Beings, all expressions of God.
Providing always that your Thoughts, Intentions, Energy, Imaginations and Creative Visualizations are always for the purposes of good and for genuine needs, and not based in greed, in other words will not bring harm to others in the process, only good will surely result, and your needs and desires will be fulfilled without Karmic consequences.
Collected from the Articles of Adrian Cooper.
Imagination is one of the most powerful of all vibrations of Energy in the Universe. When considering imagination it must never be confused with mere fantasy, unreal thoughts or simply as a “figment of the imagination”, but rather as an extremely powerful, natural, God given ability that every single human being without any exception possesses.
Within the inner spheres of reality, as everyone will discover very soon after passing on from the physical world, everything desired is brought into instant manifestation by the use of will, intent and the power of imagination. Thoughts take shape instantly and the more power and emotion projected into thoughts, the more real they become and the longer they will remain.
Thoughts are vibrations, manifestations of Energy, and most thoughts are transient, that is to say they appear, linger for a time depending on the Energy involved and then fade away again. To create something more permanent in the Astral Worlds requires use of the imagination with as much will, intent and focus as possible. This however is often an entirely natural process requiring no particular effort; it is quite literally as natural as thinking.
By constantly making use of and thinking about a particular desire, for example a home, the more solid and real it will become and the longer it will persist. Creations of the type utilized by many people within the Astral Worlds, consensus creations of perhaps thousands or even millions of people, can potentially last for infinity, such creations being the products of collective thoughts and beliefs projected in the same direction and focus by many people.
Within the Astral Worlds, often known as “the beyond” or “the afterlife” where people transition after the process erroneously known as “death”, there are vast areas of Energy comprising just about every type of environment; all consensus creations of numerous people from the past, present and future relative to temporal concept of Earth “time”. These creations are the result of vast collective, consensual Energy configurations that are continually being influenced by Mind, and which Energy therefore endures under the consensual Mind influence almost ad-infinitum.
Many Astral locales including entire cities are inhabited by very large numbers of Astral residents, all continuously influencing the same creative Energy, and thus giving these Astral locales their permanency. The mid-Astral worlds to which people are attracted after the transition from the physical world in accordance with the Energy characteristic of the individual Astral and Mental body, the Soul and Spirit, are almost identical to the physical world, so much so that many people do not immediately know they have actually passed on. This is because the people of the Astral Worlds model the Astral Worlds based upon there own specific experiences and perception of the physical world they have just left, and how they “imagine” it should be. People at that level of evolution on the path often believe that “reality” is represented by material things just as they did on Earth, and accordingly use their powers of the imagination to reproduce that same habitat and perception within the Astral Worlds, thereby creating that reality for themselves with which they feel the most comfortable.
On an individual level therefore a person might create his ideal home, whereas large number of people within the Astral at a consensual level will imagine larger scale constructions such as villages, towns and cities, just as they were used to in physical life. This applies to all Energy levels of the Astral Planes, each level, from the darkest, “hell” like levels to the highest most blissful levels all being a perfect reflection of the vibration of the Soul and Spirit of the people living there, and also their own perception of what “life” should be like in their own reality. This is why, like the physical worlds, the Astral Worlds are ephemeral, transient projections created by the Mind of humans, all of which are destined to progress and transcend that illusion on the path to the glories, splendours and bliss of the Spirit Worlds, pure Mind Worlds where the perception of form simply does not exist and does not need to exist. The reality and glory of the Spirit Worlds are far greater than the temporal physical world or the ephemeral Astral Worlds, as everyone will discover as they progress and evolve along the sacred path of perfection back to The Source, The First Cause, God.
The Astral Worlds are vast, varied and complex, consisting of an infinite number of realms from the earthly equivalent of past, present and future, many of which have been created by beings not of the Earth, but all of which have been created by the very same vibrations, creative Energy of the power of thought, the creative power of the imagination.
The entire Ether of Universe consists of vibration, which is Energy. Thoughts, emotions and powers of the imagination are therefore also degrees of vibration of the same Energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be influenced. It is the interaction and influence of Energy by Mind that results in the manifestation of the objects that are the focus of and are therefore influenced by the imagination in accordance with the Universal laws, and in particular The Law of Attraction. Exactly the same laws also apply to manifestation into the physical world. Before anything at all can manifest as a reality into the physical world it must first be preceded by thought, a very powerful characteristic of which is imagination.
This is very often a subconscious process whereby for example the preparation of a meal is preceded by first imagining what the meal will include, how it should taste, how the meal will be prepared, where the ingredients will be obtained from and finally how it will be presented on the table. This is simply a very basic example whereby an act of creation commenced with the process of imagination is subsequently followed up with direct physical actions in the same direction in order to manifest the original object of the imagination into observable physical reality.
Manifestation can however equally be brought about without the need for any associated direct physical actions at all, exactly the same laws of creation applying to the inner spheres of the Universe also equally applying to the physical world, again in accordance with The Laws of Attraction and Correspondence in particular; “as above, so below”. Just as anything can be created within the inner spheres entirely by means of the powers of imagination, so too can manifestation take place into the physical world by virtue of the same Universal laws, without even the need for any preceding direct physical action.
The physical world however is very dense and of a much lower vibration than the inner Mind Worlds of the Astral and Mental spheres, and therefore more Energy, concentration and focus is required in order to bring about a manifestation observable in the physical world. Many people will have heard of “Magic”. We should note straightaway however that by true Magic as practiced from times immemorial we do not mean the stage illusionists, prestidigitators, conjurors and other such people from the areas of stage entertainment, but rather Magic in its very truest, very highest and most sacred form. Magic is in reality a sacred science, the word “Magic” originating from the “Magi” who fully understood and applied natural Universal laws in order to bring about effect that many might consider to be miraculous.
The practitioner of true Magic understands, aligns him or herself with, and makes full and proper use of Universal laws in order to manifest the desired results in whichever plane of existence the desired result is to be experienced. People often erroneously associate Magic with Occult practices, sorcery and witchcraft for example, but even this is not Magic in its truest and highest form. This is not to say of course that sorcery, witchcraft and similar types of Magic are not effective, because they most certainly can be and often are, depending on the powers of the practitioner. The Universe does not recognize human labels, but only cause and effect by virtue of Universal laws and the influence of the Energy from which everything has been created and has its being.
Sorcery and witchcraft are often performed by utilizing some Universal laws that result in the influence of Energy in the desired direction, by means for example of spells, rituals and other series of actions, but often without the practitioner ever being fully aware of what Universal forces are involved or how they are being applied. The most powerful true Magic is when the practitioner fully and consciously aligns him or herself with, and makes the fullest possible use of Universal laws, powers of the Magi.
What more people consider to be “Magic” (not the street magic, could more properly be referred to as “manifestation”. Manifestation is in the broadest terms the use of the imagination in order to manifest the object of the imagination into physical reality in accordance with Universal laws and is the fundamental basis for all creation.
In the case of witchcraft, sorcery and similar practices practitioners often make use of spells, rituals and other regalia such as candles, swords, athame’s and much more, in order to provide the focus, intent and Energy required for the object of the imagination, usually by creative visualization, to manifest into the material world. It is most certainly not at all necessary to practice witchcraft or sorcery in order to manifest into the physical world, these are quite simply the age-old traditions that are still carried on till today.
One of the most important aspects of successful manifestation is highly focussed and concentrated Energy in the form of thought or imagination. Indeed, the more Energy behind a manifestation the sooner it can materialize into the physical world as an observable reality. Very often, spells and rituals are only carried out once, meaning the chances of success are more variable and in accordance with the expertise of the focus, concentration and expertise of the practitioner. Magic, or more specifically manifestation can therefore be accomplished by anyone without requiring any form of occult, esoteric or mystical practices, to be performed in order to be successful. Indeed, such practices can sometimes lead to frustration with the accompanying lack of observable results. Anyone at all can manifest and create any reality for themselves by fully understanding and applying Natural Universal Laws utilizing the simple, enjoyable and effective exercises.
Finally, A Word of Caution – All your thoughts, imaginations and creative visualizations must only be for the purposes of good, either for yourself or for other people. Never, ever be tempted to use these powers to harm another person. If you do, the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, of which Karma is an integral aspect will most surely operate against you, and either in this or future life you will have to pay the price. This is not intended to be a system of punishment as such as with a Court of Law. The simple fact of the matter is that every cause has its corresponding effect, positive, negative or neutral, and Karma is no more than the causation of the Law of Attraction that ensure that no being can be the cause of anything negative without experiencing the corresponding effect.
We use the word “experiencing” rather than “suffering”. Everyone is here to experience and to evolve and not to suffer which is a human construct based on a perception relative to self and the ego. The Universe operates under the influence of the most powerful force in the Universe, Unconditional Love, and that applies to every aspect of human evolution, and indeed the evolution of the entire Universe and all Beings, all expressions of God.
Providing always that your Thoughts, Intentions, Energy, Imaginations and Creative Visualizations are always for the purposes of good and for genuine needs, and not based in greed, in other words will not bring harm to others in the process, only good will surely result, and your needs and desires will be fulfilled without Karmic consequences.
Collected from the Articles of Adrian Cooper.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Secrets of “Logging On Inside” to Succeed
by Bob Scheinfeld
Logging on to the Internet today is just about as amazing as making a phone call. At the very least, we rely on it to communicate, research, sell, buy, and find recreation. But as amazing as the Internet appears, it has its limitations. However, there's another network you can access to get the help you need to succeed. It’s much larger and older than the Internet, infinitely more powerful, and doesn't require a computer. It’s the invisible network— and the mindset and system for tapping into it is what I call The 11th Element.
The Internet connects us at the conscious level, while the invisible network connects us beneath our conscious awareness, at an unconscious level. Once considered “new age” or “way out,” today international scientists, including those at Harvard University and Stanford Research Institute, among various other private institutions, are documenting the unconscious as a real and potent force.
You Have Already Connected
Have you ever known something was going to happen before it actually did? Or picked up the phone knowing intuitively who was on the other end? Perhaps you’ve known what someone else was going to say before they said it. You’ve certainly had hunches that proved to be accurate. Where do you think this knowledge came from?
Rob Strasser, once a top executive with Nike, had a hunch, a feeling that the company should invest major resources in the new “Nike Air” line of shoes. Without any hard data backup, he pushed the project forward despite tremendous resistance from the management team. Nike Air ended up being one of the most successful product launches the company ever made. Where do think Strasser’s “feeling” came from?
Stare at anyone through car window glass at a stoplight or in a crowded mall or sitting several seats in front of you in a theater. Often the person will turn to look directly at you because they “felt” you staring at them. How did they know not only that someone’s looking at them, but where that person is?
When I was 16 years old, I was in a bad car accident at 3:00 in the morning. At that exact moment, my mother woke up, sat straight up in bed, and knew something “bad” had happened to me. How could she possibly have known?
Why do you think you have an instant attraction to or dislike of someone you’ve met for the first time? Why do you feel you can trust them or that they make you feel uncomfortable?
All these unexplainable experiences are examples of how we constantly log on to the invisible network without consciously intending to. The real question is not: “Is there really an invisible network connecting us all together?” The real question is: “How can I use the invisible network to help me build my business and wealth?”
Dual Purposes Of The Invisible Network
The invisible network serves two purposes in your life. It’s an information storehouse and a communications “switchboard 1. Information Storehouse: On the Internet “search engines” store huge collections of information you can access to research virtually any subject. The invisible network also has search engines, but their functionality is much larger and more complex than their limited Internet counterparts.
The invisible network automatically receives information about everything and everyone in the world and stores that information in its search engines. I call this collected information “master biography files.” For example, if someone is working on a cure for cancer in Japan, developing an invention in Australia, has a special skill and lives in South Africa, offers a unique product or service in the United States, or has new strategies she’s applying in England, the details are automatically sent into the network where you can access them for your benefit. Even more amazing, the information in the Invisible network is continuously updated on a real-time, moment-to-moment basis.
That’s why tapping into the Invisible network helps you find what you need to produce
extraordinary results, and provides access to raw power that goes so far beyond your
conscious capabilities.
2. Communication “Switchboard”: Messages flow 24/7 through the invisible network at the unconscious level. Every second people are sending messages asking for help in achieving goals and specifying the kind of help they’re willing to offer others. And just like in the “surface world,” we discuss, negotiate, make decisions, and make agreements at the unconscious level: “I’ll do this for you if you’ll do that for me.” The excitement happens when we see “on the surface” the positive result of our unconscious request.
If the Internet excites you, imagine magnifying its available resources and possibilities billions of times and you have a slight idea of what’s possible when you start tapping into the invisible network. No matter what’s going on in your business or financial life right now—with sales, profits, income, operations, employees, net worth, investments, and so on—it’s all being shaped in powerful and amazing ways by information and messages previously sent into the invisible network.
Asking for Help On The Invisible Network
If you send out 20 e-mails with a question, you’ll get answers back but you can’t expect answers to questions you didn’t ask. The invisible network works the same way. You must ask for the help you want and need! It may not always seem so, but at the unconscious level everyone on the planet wants to help everyone else fulfill their life purposes and complete their missions. And just like on the Internet, other people will help you if you ask them properly. You just have to know how to find the right people and how to ask them for help so you get the positive response you desire.
In my 11th Element work, I show you how to access the invisible network in the most effective way by working with your "Inner CEO" – the "internal guidance system" that helps you attain your goals based on their relevance to your mission and purpose. You can begin now as I did, without always having the contacts, ideas, skills, knowledge, and resources I ultimately needed and used to succeed. Begin by asking for help and letting your “inner guidance” be your guide.
by Bob Scheinfeld
Logging on to the Internet today is just about as amazing as making a phone call. At the very least, we rely on it to communicate, research, sell, buy, and find recreation. But as amazing as the Internet appears, it has its limitations. However, there's another network you can access to get the help you need to succeed. It’s much larger and older than the Internet, infinitely more powerful, and doesn't require a computer. It’s the invisible network— and the mindset and system for tapping into it is what I call The 11th Element.
The Internet connects us at the conscious level, while the invisible network connects us beneath our conscious awareness, at an unconscious level. Once considered “new age” or “way out,” today international scientists, including those at Harvard University and Stanford Research Institute, among various other private institutions, are documenting the unconscious as a real and potent force.
You Have Already Connected
Have you ever known something was going to happen before it actually did? Or picked up the phone knowing intuitively who was on the other end? Perhaps you’ve known what someone else was going to say before they said it. You’ve certainly had hunches that proved to be accurate. Where do you think this knowledge came from?
Rob Strasser, once a top executive with Nike, had a hunch, a feeling that the company should invest major resources in the new “Nike Air” line of shoes. Without any hard data backup, he pushed the project forward despite tremendous resistance from the management team. Nike Air ended up being one of the most successful product launches the company ever made. Where do think Strasser’s “feeling” came from?
Stare at anyone through car window glass at a stoplight or in a crowded mall or sitting several seats in front of you in a theater. Often the person will turn to look directly at you because they “felt” you staring at them. How did they know not only that someone’s looking at them, but where that person is?
When I was 16 years old, I was in a bad car accident at 3:00 in the morning. At that exact moment, my mother woke up, sat straight up in bed, and knew something “bad” had happened to me. How could she possibly have known?
Why do you think you have an instant attraction to or dislike of someone you’ve met for the first time? Why do you feel you can trust them or that they make you feel uncomfortable?
All these unexplainable experiences are examples of how we constantly log on to the invisible network without consciously intending to. The real question is not: “Is there really an invisible network connecting us all together?” The real question is: “How can I use the invisible network to help me build my business and wealth?”
Dual Purposes Of The Invisible Network
The invisible network serves two purposes in your life. It’s an information storehouse and a communications “switchboard 1. Information Storehouse: On the Internet “search engines” store huge collections of information you can access to research virtually any subject. The invisible network also has search engines, but their functionality is much larger and more complex than their limited Internet counterparts.
The invisible network automatically receives information about everything and everyone in the world and stores that information in its search engines. I call this collected information “master biography files.” For example, if someone is working on a cure for cancer in Japan, developing an invention in Australia, has a special skill and lives in South Africa, offers a unique product or service in the United States, or has new strategies she’s applying in England, the details are automatically sent into the network where you can access them for your benefit. Even more amazing, the information in the Invisible network is continuously updated on a real-time, moment-to-moment basis.
That’s why tapping into the Invisible network helps you find what you need to produce
extraordinary results, and provides access to raw power that goes so far beyond your
conscious capabilities.
2. Communication “Switchboard”: Messages flow 24/7 through the invisible network at the unconscious level. Every second people are sending messages asking for help in achieving goals and specifying the kind of help they’re willing to offer others. And just like in the “surface world,” we discuss, negotiate, make decisions, and make agreements at the unconscious level: “I’ll do this for you if you’ll do that for me.” The excitement happens when we see “on the surface” the positive result of our unconscious request.
If the Internet excites you, imagine magnifying its available resources and possibilities billions of times and you have a slight idea of what’s possible when you start tapping into the invisible network. No matter what’s going on in your business or financial life right now—with sales, profits, income, operations, employees, net worth, investments, and so on—it’s all being shaped in powerful and amazing ways by information and messages previously sent into the invisible network.
Asking for Help On The Invisible Network
If you send out 20 e-mails with a question, you’ll get answers back but you can’t expect answers to questions you didn’t ask. The invisible network works the same way. You must ask for the help you want and need! It may not always seem so, but at the unconscious level everyone on the planet wants to help everyone else fulfill their life purposes and complete their missions. And just like on the Internet, other people will help you if you ask them properly. You just have to know how to find the right people and how to ask them for help so you get the positive response you desire.
In my 11th Element work, I show you how to access the invisible network in the most effective way by working with your "Inner CEO" – the "internal guidance system" that helps you attain your goals based on their relevance to your mission and purpose. You can begin now as I did, without always having the contacts, ideas, skills, knowledge, and resources I ultimately needed and used to succeed. Begin by asking for help and letting your “inner guidance” be your guide.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Why Gratitude is the Key to Getting Anything You Want
by Jeff Staniforth
When it comes to worldly affairs, the saying, "Seeing is believing" reigns supreme. When you “see” someone accomplish something, you start to “believe” in that person's ability. If a product delivers what it promises, you then believe that it works. When you see a "formula" yield positive results, you begin to believe in it.
Evidence is essential in order for people to believe. This has led to the saying, "I'll believe it when I see it." The proof is in the pudding. But in spiritual affairs, the opposite is true. "Believing is seeing." If you believe first, you will see that thing that you believe in manifest itself in front of your very eyes. That's a testament to the awesome power of belief. This has led to another saying: "I'll see it when I believe it."
However, for most people, believing is the problem.
That's why most people who lack conviction when they recite affirmations, for instance, are missing the secret ingredient that's necessary to materialize their dreams.
If you've ever encountered some internal resistance when you first read or speak a positive affirmation, that's an indication that you do not really believe what you're saying.
For example, how can you really believe the affirmation, "I am perfectly healthy in body, mind and spirit" when outer appearances point to the contrary (e.g., you're sick or in pain)?
An important part of believing is to feel "as if it has already happened." I have found that one of the best ways to evoke that feeling is to express gratitude after you recite an affirmation.
Just saying the words, "Thank you" after you state your affirmation reinforces the belief that the universe (or God, or your Creator, or whatever name you call the Supreme Being) has already set about the fulfillment of your desire. You may not see your affirmed desire fully manifested yet at the present time, but expressing thanks makes you believe that what you've asked for is already done. Thereafter, you have a sense of expectancy that what you desire will eventually come to fruition.
If there was ever a "formula" for manifesting desires, this is it. Ancient spiritual manuscripts, including the Bible, emphasize that a single-minded belief is essential in receiving what you ask for. They also warn against double-mindedness. Know with absolute and unwavering certainty that what you are affirming is already yours. "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes." So believe that it's already done by simply saying "Thank you" or assuming an attitude of gratitude after affirming what you want. I once heard a wonderful quotation from an anonymous author that says it profoundly:
"We can start with who we are and what we have today, apply gratitude, then let it work its magic. Say thank you, until you mean it. If you say it long enough, you will believe it. Today will shine the transforming light of gratitude on all the circumstances of my life."
by Jeff Staniforth
When it comes to worldly affairs, the saying, "Seeing is believing" reigns supreme. When you “see” someone accomplish something, you start to “believe” in that person's ability. If a product delivers what it promises, you then believe that it works. When you see a "formula" yield positive results, you begin to believe in it.
Evidence is essential in order for people to believe. This has led to the saying, "I'll believe it when I see it." The proof is in the pudding. But in spiritual affairs, the opposite is true. "Believing is seeing." If you believe first, you will see that thing that you believe in manifest itself in front of your very eyes. That's a testament to the awesome power of belief. This has led to another saying: "I'll see it when I believe it."
However, for most people, believing is the problem.
That's why most people who lack conviction when they recite affirmations, for instance, are missing the secret ingredient that's necessary to materialize their dreams.
If you've ever encountered some internal resistance when you first read or speak a positive affirmation, that's an indication that you do not really believe what you're saying.
For example, how can you really believe the affirmation, "I am perfectly healthy in body, mind and spirit" when outer appearances point to the contrary (e.g., you're sick or in pain)?
An important part of believing is to feel "as if it has already happened." I have found that one of the best ways to evoke that feeling is to express gratitude after you recite an affirmation.
Just saying the words, "Thank you" after you state your affirmation reinforces the belief that the universe (or God, or your Creator, or whatever name you call the Supreme Being) has already set about the fulfillment of your desire. You may not see your affirmed desire fully manifested yet at the present time, but expressing thanks makes you believe that what you've asked for is already done. Thereafter, you have a sense of expectancy that what you desire will eventually come to fruition.
If there was ever a "formula" for manifesting desires, this is it. Ancient spiritual manuscripts, including the Bible, emphasize that a single-minded belief is essential in receiving what you ask for. They also warn against double-mindedness. Know with absolute and unwavering certainty that what you are affirming is already yours. "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes." So believe that it's already done by simply saying "Thank you" or assuming an attitude of gratitude after affirming what you want. I once heard a wonderful quotation from an anonymous author that says it profoundly:
"We can start with who we are and what we have today, apply gratitude, then let it work its magic. Say thank you, until you mean it. If you say it long enough, you will believe it. Today will shine the transforming light of gratitude on all the circumstances of my life."
The Science of a Positive Attitude
by Eva Gregory
A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: “Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights all the time.” When asked which dog wins he reflected for a moment and replied, “The one I feed the most.” – George Bernard Shaw
Quantum physicists have been playing with the notion that our thoughts and feelings have a direct influence on the physical world. Everything, they say, is connected through energy. You know already about the three Laws of Attraction, and how much your thoughts and feelings have to do with what you create in your life. Did you know that scientists are now agreeing with what we call the Laws of Attraction? They are!
Here's a simplified explanation of this scientific phenomena we call the Law of Attraction:
At the sub-atomic level, everything is always in motion. Time and space don’t exist as we know them. A butterfly merrily flapping its wings in Japan can affect the weather in New York. It’s all energy that interacts simultaneously.
Thoughts and feelings are also energy. (They have been measured as such). Because thoughts and feelings are energy, they vibrate (move). Each thought and feeling vibrates at a specific frequency (how fast it vibrates). Negative feelings vibrate at a slower frequency than positive feelings.
The power (amplitude) of the thought or feeling is affected by the strength of the thought or feeling, which in turn is impacted by the number of times that thought / feeling is focused on. That is, if you keep repeating, “money corrupts”, it amplifies the vibration of that thought.
Remember, everything is energy, and all energy vibrates at a specific characteristic frequency.
OK. Now, we get into the scientific Law of Attraction. The scientific Law of Attraction states that an object (physical object, thought, feeling) will naturally attract that with which it is in vibrational harmony. Strike a tuning fork, and the strings that are in tune with that vibrating object will also begin to vibrate. Thoughts, ideas, and emotions must follow this Law of Attraction because they too are "objects" with an energetic vibration.
Now we get to the fun part. I suspect by now you really understand the Law of Attraction – like attracts like. Like thoughts or feelings attract thoughts and feelings that are vibrating at the same or similar frequencies. Likewise, these thoughts and feelings attract PHYSICAL objects (people, events) that are vibrating at a similar frequency.
But, how does our mind actually take all this in and process it?
Your brain is assaulted by thousands of messages each second. Everything you see, hear, smell, feel and touch is a message entering your brain. Part of your brain filters through all these messages and decides which ones will move into your conscious awareness. Have you ever purchased a new car, only to see thousands of that same car and color on the road for the next week? How about when two people can go to a movie and have entirely different experiences? If you've ever experienced that, you know what I mean by the brain’s filtering mechanism.
When you focus your attention on something you don’t want, for example “I don’t want to lose any more money!”, you’re telling your brain to flag anything related to losing money as important. You “see” more evidence to support exactly what you do NOT want to see! It flags it as important because it's what you're focused on.
Scientists say that the brain is plastic: it can and does remodel itself, sometimes within a remarkably short period of time. And with the brain, timing is everything. What this means for you is that as you focus more of your attention on positive thoughts, you are actually shifting the neural pathways of your brain!
This is why it gets easier as you practice shifting your focus and practicing positive thoughts! Your brain is actually “reprogramming” itself to notice more positive things. This is particularly interesting when you think about the impact it can have on our ability to succeed at something. If you're focused on the "bad dog" -that is, why you're failing - you'll strengthen those neural pathways. Conversely, a continual focus on the “good dog” - success, with a positive mental attitude - strengthens the neural pathways for success!
by Eva Gregory
A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: “Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights all the time.” When asked which dog wins he reflected for a moment and replied, “The one I feed the most.” – George Bernard Shaw
Quantum physicists have been playing with the notion that our thoughts and feelings have a direct influence on the physical world. Everything, they say, is connected through energy. You know already about the three Laws of Attraction, and how much your thoughts and feelings have to do with what you create in your life. Did you know that scientists are now agreeing with what we call the Laws of Attraction? They are!
Here's a simplified explanation of this scientific phenomena we call the Law of Attraction:
At the sub-atomic level, everything is always in motion. Time and space don’t exist as we know them. A butterfly merrily flapping its wings in Japan can affect the weather in New York. It’s all energy that interacts simultaneously.
Thoughts and feelings are also energy. (They have been measured as such). Because thoughts and feelings are energy, they vibrate (move). Each thought and feeling vibrates at a specific frequency (how fast it vibrates). Negative feelings vibrate at a slower frequency than positive feelings.
The power (amplitude) of the thought or feeling is affected by the strength of the thought or feeling, which in turn is impacted by the number of times that thought / feeling is focused on. That is, if you keep repeating, “money corrupts”, it amplifies the vibration of that thought.
Remember, everything is energy, and all energy vibrates at a specific characteristic frequency.
OK. Now, we get into the scientific Law of Attraction. The scientific Law of Attraction states that an object (physical object, thought, feeling) will naturally attract that with which it is in vibrational harmony. Strike a tuning fork, and the strings that are in tune with that vibrating object will also begin to vibrate. Thoughts, ideas, and emotions must follow this Law of Attraction because they too are "objects" with an energetic vibration.
Now we get to the fun part. I suspect by now you really understand the Law of Attraction – like attracts like. Like thoughts or feelings attract thoughts and feelings that are vibrating at the same or similar frequencies. Likewise, these thoughts and feelings attract PHYSICAL objects (people, events) that are vibrating at a similar frequency.
But, how does our mind actually take all this in and process it?
Your brain is assaulted by thousands of messages each second. Everything you see, hear, smell, feel and touch is a message entering your brain. Part of your brain filters through all these messages and decides which ones will move into your conscious awareness. Have you ever purchased a new car, only to see thousands of that same car and color on the road for the next week? How about when two people can go to a movie and have entirely different experiences? If you've ever experienced that, you know what I mean by the brain’s filtering mechanism.
When you focus your attention on something you don’t want, for example “I don’t want to lose any more money!”, you’re telling your brain to flag anything related to losing money as important. You “see” more evidence to support exactly what you do NOT want to see! It flags it as important because it's what you're focused on.
Scientists say that the brain is plastic: it can and does remodel itself, sometimes within a remarkably short period of time. And with the brain, timing is everything. What this means for you is that as you focus more of your attention on positive thoughts, you are actually shifting the neural pathways of your brain!
This is why it gets easier as you practice shifting your focus and practicing positive thoughts! Your brain is actually “reprogramming” itself to notice more positive things. This is particularly interesting when you think about the impact it can have on our ability to succeed at something. If you're focused on the "bad dog" -that is, why you're failing - you'll strengthen those neural pathways. Conversely, a continual focus on the “good dog” - success, with a positive mental attitude - strengthens the neural pathways for success!
Monday, July 6, 2009
How to Attract More Money Into Your Life: Two Thing s You Can Do – Right Now
by Michael Losier
One of the most common questions people ask me about the Law of Attraction is how to use it to attract more money. Money is simply the energy of abundance, and the Law of Attraction can therefore be used deliberately to increase abundance in our lives. To understand how to increase the energy of abundance, consider this: The Law of Attraction is all about vibes.
The word vibes comes from the longer word—vibration. All energy is vibration. We commonly use the word vibe to refer to experiences that give off a negative vibe or a positive vibe. So, when we say we get a good vibe or a bad vibe from an experience, we are actually describing positive vibrations or negative vibrations.
Here is an important concept that is vital to understanding how to use the Law of Attraction; vibrations are generated as a result of the thoughts and words we use. A vibration is simply a mood or a feeling. In every moment, we are emitting (sending or offering) a vibration. In the vibrational world, there are only two kinds of vibrations; positive or negative. The Law of Attraction is a powerful, universal law that simply responds to our vibration by giving us more of the same, whether wanted or unwanted -- in every moment, including right now!
Definition of the Law of Attraction: I attract to myself, whatever I give my focus, attention, or energy to; whether wanted or unwanted. The Law of Attraction is an obedient law. Understanding that, we want to become more deliberate offerers of the vibes that we are emitting.
Using the Law of Attraction to Increase Our Abundance
We have learned so far that all feelings give off vibrations, either positive or negative.
Abundance is a feeling and that’s GOOD news. Why? All feelings can be duplicated! Abundance is a feeling, and that feeling has a corresponding vibration that we can duplicate. In many cases, people are duplicating the feeling of lack, sadness, or hopelessness simply by the thoughts and the words they use. Given that we can generate feelings by our words and thoughts, we can learn how to duplicate the feelings of abundance more intentionally, using our words and thoughts.
The best news of all is, the Law of Attraction doesn’t know if we are generating a thought by; remembering, pretending, creating, visualizing, or day-dreaming. It simply responds to our vibration in that moment. And -- we can only hold one vibration at a time! By creating the vibration of abundance more deliberately and more often, we are INCREASING abundance in our lives.
I suggest that you commit to this process of deliberately duplicating the vibration of abundance, by using your thoughts, for the next 7 days. Start today! Here’s the exercise that will help you do that.
Part One:
Build a list of all the sources and resources where money and abundance can come from. Most people when asked: “How could you get more money?” reply that they could work more to earn more money. The belief that the ONLY way to increase your abundance, is to find a way to earn more money, is a limiting belief. There are actually many, many other ways that abundance can increase in your life. Here are 5 sources of abundance. Start with these and build your list to 60 sources or more!
Sources of Abundance:
Someone treats you to lunch (or breakfast or dinner)
Someone gives you free advice or coaching
You receive gifts
You receive free transportation or lodging
You get your 3rd cup of coffee free
Part Two:
Keep a daily log of all the sources from which you are receiving abundance. This will significantly help you to notice abundance in your life. Keeping a daily log shows you concrete evidence that abundance DOES exist and IS increasing in your life. Celebrate! When you notice abundance, celebrate the evidence of it in your life—and while celebrating, know that you are offering the positive vibration of abundance.
Remember, at every moment, including right now, the Law of Attraction is checking to see which vibration you are offering, responding to that vibration, and giving you more of the same.
Here’s a great tip! Two minutes a day of deliberate attention to abundance is better than no minutes. This exercise will have you emitting or offering the vibration of abundance more deliberately and more frequently. Have fun with this! Start doing this exercise for the next 7 days and notice the things you can now start telling yourself: “I’m so abundant! I’ve attracted evidence of abundance every day for the last 7 days.” “I’m so abundant; I’ve attracted 100’s of dollars of free advice in the last 7 days.”
Become a deliberate offerer of your vibration and the Law of Attraction will obediently bring you more of the same.
by Michael Losier
One of the most common questions people ask me about the Law of Attraction is how to use it to attract more money. Money is simply the energy of abundance, and the Law of Attraction can therefore be used deliberately to increase abundance in our lives. To understand how to increase the energy of abundance, consider this: The Law of Attraction is all about vibes.
The word vibes comes from the longer word—vibration. All energy is vibration. We commonly use the word vibe to refer to experiences that give off a negative vibe or a positive vibe. So, when we say we get a good vibe or a bad vibe from an experience, we are actually describing positive vibrations or negative vibrations.
Here is an important concept that is vital to understanding how to use the Law of Attraction; vibrations are generated as a result of the thoughts and words we use. A vibration is simply a mood or a feeling. In every moment, we are emitting (sending or offering) a vibration. In the vibrational world, there are only two kinds of vibrations; positive or negative. The Law of Attraction is a powerful, universal law that simply responds to our vibration by giving us more of the same, whether wanted or unwanted -- in every moment, including right now!
Definition of the Law of Attraction: I attract to myself, whatever I give my focus, attention, or energy to; whether wanted or unwanted. The Law of Attraction is an obedient law. Understanding that, we want to become more deliberate offerers of the vibes that we are emitting.
Using the Law of Attraction to Increase Our Abundance
We have learned so far that all feelings give off vibrations, either positive or negative.
Abundance is a feeling and that’s GOOD news. Why? All feelings can be duplicated! Abundance is a feeling, and that feeling has a corresponding vibration that we can duplicate. In many cases, people are duplicating the feeling of lack, sadness, or hopelessness simply by the thoughts and the words they use. Given that we can generate feelings by our words and thoughts, we can learn how to duplicate the feelings of abundance more intentionally, using our words and thoughts.
The best news of all is, the Law of Attraction doesn’t know if we are generating a thought by; remembering, pretending, creating, visualizing, or day-dreaming. It simply responds to our vibration in that moment. And -- we can only hold one vibration at a time! By creating the vibration of abundance more deliberately and more often, we are INCREASING abundance in our lives.
I suggest that you commit to this process of deliberately duplicating the vibration of abundance, by using your thoughts, for the next 7 days. Start today! Here’s the exercise that will help you do that.
Part One:
Build a list of all the sources and resources where money and abundance can come from. Most people when asked: “How could you get more money?” reply that they could work more to earn more money. The belief that the ONLY way to increase your abundance, is to find a way to earn more money, is a limiting belief. There are actually many, many other ways that abundance can increase in your life. Here are 5 sources of abundance. Start with these and build your list to 60 sources or more!
Sources of Abundance:
Someone treats you to lunch (or breakfast or dinner)
Someone gives you free advice or coaching
You receive gifts
You receive free transportation or lodging
You get your 3rd cup of coffee free
Part Two:
Keep a daily log of all the sources from which you are receiving abundance. This will significantly help you to notice abundance in your life. Keeping a daily log shows you concrete evidence that abundance DOES exist and IS increasing in your life. Celebrate! When you notice abundance, celebrate the evidence of it in your life—and while celebrating, know that you are offering the positive vibration of abundance.
Remember, at every moment, including right now, the Law of Attraction is checking to see which vibration you are offering, responding to that vibration, and giving you more of the same.
Here’s a great tip! Two minutes a day of deliberate attention to abundance is better than no minutes. This exercise will have you emitting or offering the vibration of abundance more deliberately and more frequently. Have fun with this! Start doing this exercise for the next 7 days and notice the things you can now start telling yourself: “I’m so abundant! I’ve attracted evidence of abundance every day for the last 7 days.” “I’m so abundant; I’ve attracted 100’s of dollars of free advice in the last 7 days.”
Become a deliberate offerer of your vibration and the Law of Attraction will obediently bring you more of the same.
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